Sunday, August 2, 2015


Ah, it seems that now I can't even view my blog in incognito mode anymore! WTF! Just a moment ago, I could! (>.<) Oh, fine! I guess today is the end of my blogging here with stupid Blogger! So long, then! *refrains myself from giving a finger*

Yeah, that picture is very appropriate for describing what I'm feeling for Blogger at the moment! :@/

And so...

For a few of you who take time to visit and read my blog up until now, thank you very much for your support! m(_ _)m If you ever want to still see my lousy videos in the future (if I'm still alive, I'll still upload something, I think), please kindly visit my YouTube channel. I believe I posted the link somewhere here. ^^ Once again, THANK YOU! 

Pippi, signing out! x_x

Considering Moving...

For this past few weeks, Blogger has been very PITA for me... Well, it's not the Blogger dashboard that I'm talking about; but it's the blogspot itself - my blog. Lately, it has been very difficult for me just to view my own blog... You see, I have this habit of needing to view my blog after I publish a post; to see if things posted alright etc. However, nowadays the stupid Blogger - I mean, blogspot - takes very long time to load, if not refuse to load at all! x_x

Several days ago, I still could load my blog using Firefox - Chrome always said no response whatever BS! (>.<) But now, even using Firefox, it refuses to load as well. The only way I can force this stupid Chrome to show my blog is if I use the incognito mode. So lame and troublesome! :@/

Just yesterday, for whatever reason, suddenly Blogger - I mean, blogspot - behaved and I could load my blog very fast in  both Chrome and Firefox. So I thought; Oh great, it's August now and they fix the damned thing at last! SCULLY! Today, just now I tried to view my own blog again after posting, it went back to being so annoying and troublesome - REFUSED TO LOAD AGAIN! (>,<) So, back to incognito mode again just to view it... :@/

No idea what causes it, really... It could be the stupid Google/Blogger server(s) getting cranky and overloaded... It could be my lousy internet connection... It could also be because for a while now I can't clean up my registry; ever since the stupid damned dysfunctional new version of Trend Micro Internet Security which for whatever fuck reason left behind the function for cleaning up registry in its system clean up feature! Heck, the idiotic new version doesn't even clean up my recycle bin even though it's supposed to do so, let alone cleaning up registry, which is not included in the new version! And not to mention the new stupid looking interface... with blur shadowy font makes it hard to read... Whoever design that new version deserves some hard kicks in the ass, indeed! :@/ Of course I've mentioned all of these in their feedback immediately after they launched the new moronic dysfunctional version... But as expected from a bunch of stinky asses, they don't even bother to respond in any way! Hmph, see if I still want to renew my subscription next year! *shaking paw fists*

Anyway, yeah, I know that I can always get some other registry cleaner program, like CCleaner... However, as praised as it is, I also read a number of problems caused by it. Do I want another potential additional headache just because I want to view my own damned blog?! Nope, I don't! I've had already more than enough headaches in my life - thank you very much! (>.<)

So yeah, I've been thinking about moving to another blog host... Wondering if I should get back to tumblr again... :@/ But then again, I feel quite stupid for even bother myself to consider this matter... Because, what for!? It's not like a lot of people coming to read my blog anyway! So, why must I care so much whether my stupid blog can load or not?? If I really finally get fed up with this nonsense these days, I can always just forsake it and just never come back to post anything anymore - EASY! I'll just use my YouTube channel to share my lousy junks, despite the same fact that nobody wants to see! :@/

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Takakage Kobayakawa

YouTube Link

Because I'm looking forward to the upcoming Samurai Warriors 4 Empires... And because Takakage looks so delicious in yukata...! xp He also looks gorgeous dressing up in his father's outfit. :@)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Slaying Cacarion (Ultimate Difficulty)

YouTube Link

YouTube Link

Today is really not a good day for me, so I'm really not in the mood to say a lot of things. If you're interest to know something about the videos, please just read the video description on my YouTube. Thank you.