Thursday, August 9, 2018

Karma ~ To Whom It May Concern

So, today another nasty thing happened to me - yeah, like I haven't got enough of bad things in this shitty existence of mine. As usual as always, all of a sudden out of the blue, here I got another copyright strikes from youtube.

While I do agree that people deserve and have all the right to be recognized and appreciated and respected for their hard works, but I beg to differ when it comes to fan videos! All the game videos I uploaded is simply because I like them and feel like sharing the joy with other people. I don't even monetize it or get any other advantage from the videos! Instead, I lose money for buying the games and paying for my crappy internet connection by uploading them! And not to mention, the time I spend for playing the games!

So why the hell do I deserve to get those damn f****** strikes?!

Those game companies and other copyright-righteous ones may argue that hey, it's the law; if you upload something without permission from the creator, even if it's a fan stuff and you don't get any financial advantage from it, you're the wrong bad one! You're a criminal just for being a fan!

Hmph from what I see from the practice of 'preserve copyrights' nowadays, I can say that the sole reason why those companies are so wary throwing copyright claims here and there is NOT because they concern about their original ideas and creativity get stolen and cheated, but more about afraid of their SALES FIGURES!

Hmph I'd say, if you have enough confidence in the games that you make; believe that they're good games, then you won't have to be afraid of them not get sold just because there's someone uploading videos of them! And instead, you'll feel proud - if not grateful - that there's someone who like the games you make enough to wanna share and spread the words to others! Talking about free advertising!

You may say that I'm just being too naive and idealistic and that I'm a sore loser and that I don't have a business mind. Well, I do have a business of my own in real life, and believe it or not, I'm doing perfectly fine by doing my business based on my ideals. I never feel afraid of my products being stolen or cheated because I have confidence in them. I never feel afraid of my sales figures either  because I believe my customers know the good quality of my products. As long as my conscience is clear then I don't have to be afraid of anything!

But yeah, I've already been living in this stinky world for too long so I do know that being an idealist never pays. People like to be mean toward others for their own gain, or simply just because they can. Well, they can hit me, punch me, kick me as much as they want, but I will still believe in the existence of karma; what goes around comes around and you reap what you sow. Maybe not today or tomorrow or in near future, but someday... For sure!