Monday, January 23, 2017

Sims 4 Sex Animations

So I finally got myself the sex mod and animations for Sims 4... Because I'm so fed up with EA's dubious bed woohoo that now has become annoyingly glitchy! (for me, at least). In some ways, I think this Sims 4 sex mod is better compared to the Sims 3 version... And so far, at the moment, I still haven't encountered any issue using it yet...

However, I actually still hope that they can make it like Sims 2 version where the Sims will do some little romantic interaction before and after the sex, instead of just abruptly ending the session by teleporting away from each other. Still, I guess it's just a minor lacking that I can't be bothered to make a fuss of. 

I wonder if I'll go back blogging now... Maybe, if I'm not lazy to upload some other of my newest junks later... In the meantime, I think I'll go download some more sex animations... xp