Saturday, July 11, 2015

So Pissed Off With Story of Seasons! x_x

Been playing this game for a while now and I can say that for me, personally, I think A New Beginning is so much far better! While there are some improvements that come with Story of Seasons, personally I find that most of the changes in this game is more troublesome and annoying rather than fun and convenient! :@/

What I'm going to rant now, in particular, is about the birthday celebration when dating... This system has also changed a bit compared to A New Beginning, but unfortunately nobody bothers to share the valuable information with others! Not even those who make guide/walkthrough of the game - thanks so much, guys, for doing such a half-ass job! (>.<) 

Anyway, let me explain the problem in detail... The thing is, in A New Beginning, when it's your boyfriend/girlfriend's birthday, you can give him/her birthday present earlier on the day and then at evening you'll celebrate their birthday together... And so, since no information saying otherwise for Story of Seasons, a lot of players, including me myself, assume that the rule is still the same. HOWEVER! To my surprise and annoyance, on Spring 24, which is Klaus' birthday, I gave him gift in the morning and then later in the evening when I tried to trigger the birthday celebration event, I got NOTHING! No matter what I did, no matter how many times I walked into my house at different times between 5-11 pm, I got NOTHING! I tried walking into his house instead, still NOTHING! Since nothing works, I then dreaded that perhaps it's because I gave him gift earlier... And too bad I've saved after I gifted him, so I can't experiment with my hypothesis... But just now I looked around online and someone at Game FAQ forum mentioned exactly what I thought! And so, I guess it's safe - and official - to say that in Story of Seasons, you can't give birthday gift and do celebration as well; you gotta choose one or another... TALKING ABOUT BEING LAME! :@/

I was so pissed off - well, I still am, actually - that I felt like punching Klaus in the face! (>.<) Yeah, well, I know that it's not his fault, but still...! :@/ 

Another troublesome thing that I haven't really experienced myself yet, but I've known that it's bound to happen whether I like it or not; the fact that in Story of Seasons I gotta train the dog(s) first in order for them to be able to herd the livestocks... TALKING ABOUT ANNOYING, TROUBLESOME AND WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! I really can't understand why they don't make it simple like in A New Beginning; buy dog(s) and then assign them to herd the animals - DONE! I already waste so much time in a day running from field to field just to tend the crops and I still need to TRAIN dogs or they won't want to work - just being fat and useless and waste pet food!!? Whoever came up with this lousy idea needs to be KICKED hard in the ass! Same with whoever came up with idea of doing the separate public fields! What a waste of time!

And so, in conclusion, I can only say that this game is a big disappointment... AND A BIG WASTE OF TIME! (>.<) I've never feel so annoyed with harvest moon games before, until this fucked-up Story of Seasons!