Thursday, December 4, 2014

PlayStation 4... T_T

So, I've got myself a brand new PS 4... And I've started playing my brand new copy of Samurai Warriors 4... And I tried to use the in-game record video feature... Only to find out that even though the gameplay video is captured just fine, no audio is recorded. x_x;

I looked around the net trying to find enlightenment on the matter; maybe there's some hidden setting that I don't know of, that can make the gameplay recording includes the audio as well. However, from what I read at some forums; it seems that the no audio issue is common - if not official - issue. Or perhaps I shouldn't call it an issue, because it seems that the developers - either the Sony ones or KOEI ones or both of them - decide that no audio is allowed in gameplay recording. :@/

Like, seriously, what the use of being able to record your gameplay but no audio for it!!? When now I can finally enjoy the original Japanese voices in the game too...! Might as well no need to give us the players such feature in the first place! I don't know about other people, but for me, I hate such half-half practice - either you give all or nothing at all! 

Well, of course if you use third party video capture - maybe like Elgato or something - you can get audio in your gameplay video... But since I don't want to buy - and/or download - any additional software or device just to be able to have audio in my lame gameplay video, I guess I'll just have to be content with my lame gameplay video only... minus audio... :@/ I'll see if I'm in the mood to upload my lame and MUTE gameplay video later.. I figure there's no harm in doing so, since I don't think anybody will be interested to see it... and thus, nobody will complain if there's no audio... 

*sighs* These people with their obsession for copyrights...! *shakes head* They will never be able to enjoy free advertisement like what EA enjoys with Sims games... Not even if they die trying... Not as long as they're still so stuck in their narrow copyright-obsessed mind! 

And now, a little rants regarding Samurai Warriors 4... So, it seems that the next chapter of Legend of Oda; the Honnouji incident, I have no choice but playing as Mitsuhide - or any others that are included as his followers... Tsk! Even with the fact that he has Midorikawa Hikaru as his seiyuu, it doesn't enough to make me want to play him ne...! x_x  And it seems that in this number 4 they still want to pair Ranmaru with Gracia - that annoying girl... (She's even more annoying now, in my eyes!) After unjustly pairing Ranmaru with Mitsuhide in number 1, they pair him with the daughter in number 3 and 4... Go figure! :@/