Saturday, December 27, 2014

Samurai Warriors 2 Mitsunari Ishida

For Better Viewing of The Video

Ahh, how nostalgic... Mitsunari was made playable for the first time in Samurai Warriors 2... Back then I think most fangirls were in love with Nagamasa Azai, for whatever reason that I can't really comprehend (Well, I guess Nagamasa's character design is quite good-looking, but personality-wise, I find him quite boring ^^;)... While for me, Mitsunari has always been so sexy - regardless how they always change his appearance in every SW series - and interesting since his debut. <333

And gameplay-wise, I've always thought that the story for Mitsunari in Samurai Warriors 2 is the best so far. In Samurai Warriors 3, he also has good ending - as in not die if you win in Sekigahara - but somehow I don't find it as good and memorable as the Samurai Warriors 2 one... Probably because in number 3 they made Kiyomasa and Masanori as Mitsunari's close friends, instead of Kanetsugu and Yukimura. As for number 4, I need not to say furthermore; it's the worst so far, in my opinion, because I'm forced to see Mitsunari dies, even though I won in Sekigahara. x_x

My apologies that I don't have the English version for this video. m(_ _)m While Mitsunari's English voice is not that bad, I myself always prefer his original Japanese voice better. KOEI's decision to make the US and EU release of Samurai Warriors 4 (and the upcoming Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires for US and EU) while maintaining Japanese voices and just give English subtitles is very much welcomed for me, but I guess maybe some people would prefer fully English dubbing better. 

That being said, I hope even though you may not understand the dialogue in this video, you can still somehow enjoy it... :@)