Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Own Hybrid Child ❤

Here's the new addition to the array of my weird-looking Sims... Based on the cute Yuzu from Hybrid Child OVA... My own Yuzu! xp Of course my creation is not as cute as the one in the anime... ^^;

And here's the real cute Yuzu...! *shotacon mode on* <333 Even though there's a bit of shota element, Hybrid Child is Shounen-ai, not Yaoi, so it's quite harmless... But I guess my definition of harmless is not what people have in general... Oh, who cares, I AM a pervert so yeah, I wish it wasn't just shounen-ai... They shouldn't have stopped at just a bit of kissing...! And I'd like it better if Yuzu didn't grow up big at the end of the anime... But oh well, if it's up to me then the story would become entirely porn, I guess... ^^;

Japanese Sim

Since there's a talking about Japanese Sims at NRaas... Here are some Japanese-y Sim pictures... I've ever posted them on my already-gone tumblr, so if you happen to have ever seen them, well, perhaps you want to see again... ^^;

Yeahh... Doesn't Pippichan Sim look even weirder in those pictures... I think I should go auditioning for kaidan (=ghost story) movie... x_x;

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sims 3 Mitsunari

Yeah, well, I did ever try to make Sims version of Mitsunari... But as you can see, the result is not nice... x_x; That's the reason why I'm now very lazy to try and make new Sims based on anime/manga/game characters that I like... Because even though, say, I have CC outfits and hairs that are made especially for the characters, I can never make Sims version of them look as good as the original ones. If there's no CC outfits and hairs specific for the characters, it's even worse! Having to look for hairs and clothes that somehow a bit similar and suitable... In the end, the result is also the same; NOT NICE. 

I know that it's mostly because I'm too perfectionist and have poor skill in Sims-making... I bet other people can fare better in making Sims based on their favorite anime/manga/game characters. Therefore, to save myself, and others who happen to stumble into my blog and see these ugly pictures, from any further misery, I'll just be content to take picture with Mitsunari-sama's dakimakura, instead of attempting to make another Sims version of him...

(P.S. That's how Mitsunari looks in Samurai Warriors 3... Minus the... um... rug... on his head... ^^; Honestly, I always prefer him without any head gear better... Oh, OK, maybe just the foxy-ear shaped head gear, no need the rug, like the way he looks in Samurai Warriors 2... In Samurai Warriors 4 he wears that long red wig, but I can see the reason why; that wig - not really sure what its official name is - is worn by officers of Imperial Army when they fought in Boshin War that ends Tokugawa shogunate and brings in the Meiji Restoration. Those included in Imperial Army are from the clans in the west that are defeated in Sekigahara. So, I guess it's quite makes sense that KOEI gives Mitsunari that red long wig since he's the leader of the Western Army in Battle of Sekigahara... However, in Samurai Warriors 3, what he has on his head is really a rug, if you ask me... ^^;)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Samurai Warriors 2 Mitsunari Ishida

For Better Viewing of The Video

Ahh, how nostalgic... Mitsunari was made playable for the first time in Samurai Warriors 2... Back then I think most fangirls were in love with Nagamasa Azai, for whatever reason that I can't really comprehend (Well, I guess Nagamasa's character design is quite good-looking, but personality-wise, I find him quite boring ^^;)... While for me, Mitsunari has always been so sexy - regardless how they always change his appearance in every SW series - and interesting since his debut. <333

And gameplay-wise, I've always thought that the story for Mitsunari in Samurai Warriors 2 is the best so far. In Samurai Warriors 3, he also has good ending - as in not die if you win in Sekigahara - but somehow I don't find it as good and memorable as the Samurai Warriors 2 one... Probably because in number 3 they made Kiyomasa and Masanori as Mitsunari's close friends, instead of Kanetsugu and Yukimura. As for number 4, I need not to say furthermore; it's the worst so far, in my opinion, because I'm forced to see Mitsunari dies, even though I won in Sekigahara. x_x

My apologies that I don't have the English version for this video. m(_ _)m While Mitsunari's English voice is not that bad, I myself always prefer his original Japanese voice better. KOEI's decision to make the US and EU release of Samurai Warriors 4 (and the upcoming Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires for US and EU) while maintaining Japanese voices and just give English subtitles is very much welcomed for me, but I guess maybe some people would prefer fully English dubbing better. 

That being said, I hope even though you may not understand the dialogue in this video, you can still somehow enjoy it... :@)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Another Mitsunari x Takakage Video

Yeah, I made another video of Mitsunari and Takakage in action... This time featuring them doing their Rage Musou... Because it's only yesterday that I finally figured out where the heck the so-called R3 button is on my PS4 controller... Yeah, I feel so stupid... ^^;

The stage I played - or should I say replayed - for the video is Battle of Sekigahara; I played as Western Army, of course. However, the last screenshot wasn't from that battle. 

I had to use the same BGM with the one I used for their previous video because... Well, I actually, initially made this video using another song by SID, entitled One Way, which I thought was suitable... However the damned YouTube muted the song due to copyright crap whatever...! x_x I was too sian to look for another song, so I just used the same song again - Itsuka. 

And I thought I had made this video in HD quality, and yet, YouTube turned it into another garbage quality one! *strangles YouTube*

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Amagiri x Saitou X'Mas

For Better Viewing of The Video

Made this... Kind of X-Mas-sy themed video... Well, not really in X'mas spirit or something... Just because... ^^; 

Used old screenshots of old version of my Amagiri and Hajime Sims... Because yeah, I'm still lazy to open my Sims 3 game to take new screenshots.

BGM: Present by Aqua Timez. Nice melody, nice lyrics; totally romantic - and corny - love song. xp While the unique voice of the vocalist may not what general people consider as good singing or something, for me it's quite OK - I've heard much worse, and at least he didn't sing off-key. In fact, for me because of that unique vocal, their songs tend to get stuck in my head... ^^;

Monday, December 22, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4 My Mitsunari ❤❤❤

Yesh! I finally managed to get the rest of Mitsunari's events! :@)

As a quite tsundere character, it is very much expected that he'd be acting cold in first event... But afterwards... Hehehe... KYAA...!! *hugs Mitsunari back tightly* <333

His is indeed the best confession by far...! *nods, nods with dreamy eyes* Ahh, if only I could include his voice in the video... Especially when he's saying the last sentence... while supposedly hugging me... His words and breath caress my ear... 

*dies and goes to heaven*

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4 Mitsunari x Takakage

I happened to watch an MMD video of Mitsunari and Takakage... And somehow it then crossed my mind... Masaka... Make them yaoi together...?! xp Yeah, well, I always have a knack of thinking up weird yaoi pairings that nobody else think of... Hehehe... Thus, the pairings will be all mine and only mine! xp I know that in the past I paired Mitsunari and Ranmaru... But somehow I think now I'm no longer passionate about their pairing... So, maybe it's time to make a new one...^^;

Anyway, yaoi or not yaoi, actually I've ever paired Mitsunari and Takakage in battle before... It was when I was playing Legend of United Land in Story Mode. I replayed it earlier and decided to record it and made it into another lame video with garbage quality courtesy of YouTube. 

More Mitsunari in Robe ❤

Yeah... xp And I still have no luck in unlocking the rest of his events in Chronicle Mode... 

As expected from the most popular Samurai Warriors character; he's playing hard to catch, ne! ^^; Nah, at most it's just me... I bet other people can get his events quite easily. T_T

Friday, December 19, 2014

Samurai Warrior 4 - 2

I see... Samurai Warriors 4-2 is coming in Japan, ah... Hopefully it will be released for US and Europe too... :@ I couldn't care less about the new playable character; Ii Naomasa - since he's one of Tokugawa's loyal servants, but more Mitsunari and Takakage is always welcomed! xp

And perhaps, in this version, Mitsunari will have his hypothetical stage,,, winning Sekigahara and not die... 

Santa Mitsunari... ^^;

Oh my goodness...! Santa robe (and slippers) for Mitsunari...!? ^^; 

While I think I still like the DLC Santa outfit for Samurai Warriors 3 better, I guess with this... robe, it makes it easier to strip it off of him... Hehehe xp Anyway, on serious note, I can never get any DLC costume for SW or DW because my consoles aren't connected to internet, so yeah... :@/

BTW, Mitsunari-sama, when can I get the rest of your events in Chronicle Mode?? I believe our friendship level is already more than maximum, but you never grant me permission to trigger your 2nd, 3rd and 4th events, ne...! T_T

Creatures Pool Madness

Just playing around with MOO (Move Objects On) cheat in Sims 4. Because I have nothing else better to do and I'm bored, and that must be the best pool party in the Sims universe...! If I do say so myself. xp

P.S. The cow plant is actually biting a rose while taking a dip. 3;8p

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Very Hot and Dry X'mas...

So, EA has blessed us - the Sims 4 players - with another freebie; some X'mas stuff... No snow included, though.

Well, at least the X'mas trees, the snowman and the hanging snowflakes thingy can lit up... *wondering if the trees can catch on fire if they're constantly turned on* Anyway, can't ask much from freebies, I guess... There's also winter holiday music for the stereo, but I don't find it nice at all... x_x;

Also, I decided to change my blog look to somewhat a wintery theme... Because, why not; maybe I won't be around anymore on Dec 25th - who knows... So, might as well change the look now. Used an old picture of my Amagiri and Hajime Sims as the background image, because I'm lazy to open my Sims 3 game to take a new picture. I actually gave falling snow effect too just now, but the damn thing somehow makes the scrolling impossible - might only happen to me with my crappy connection, but it really pisses me off so I removed it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4 Yoshitsugu Ōtani

For better viewing experience

Finally...! Someone said the word 好き suki loud and clear! xp 

Yoshitsugu may seem like a weirdo - with such appearance - but he's actually one of a few who stays loyal to Mitsunari in Sekigahara... If I remember my history correctly; he's one of two officers who got executed with Mitsunari... But in Samurai Warriors 4, in Story Mode event, he did seppuku - even though I won the Battle of Sekigahara fighting as Western army! x_x

OK, not talking about tragedy anymore... Oddly enough, though, I can somehow relate to his events in Chronicle Mode... It is always my belief - like I've ever mentioned in my long gone tumblr post - that you ought to speak up for people to know what you're thinking of; what you're feeling... Because we're not living in one of Kino's worlds where people can hear/read other people's mind. While action may speak louder than words, it doesn't mean that it is OK to never speak at all... From time to time you'll still need to put your thoughts and feelings into words and communicate them to your beloved one(s).

Another odd surprise is; after I got Yoshitsugu's confession, when I reached new milestone in my life goal (currently Strategist), it's Takakage who gave me congratulatory remark... It's been quite a while since he last congratulated me, ne! ^^; Yeah, I know that it's just random; a coincidence... Still, it's a very nice coincidence... Hehehe... The thought of Takakage might be jealous really makes me grinning from ear to ear! xp I've been not healthy since the beginning of this month, so this is another great distraction... *indulges myself in the self-delusion and forgets about today's pain and miseries*

*pats, pats Takakage's head* Don't worry. You're still the one whom I bring to the battles with me, Takakage-sama. <333

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4 Art Motonari and (Small) Takakage ❤

Little Takakage looks so cute, ne...! <333 *squeezes, squeezes*

Cow Breakdance

Ushi is back! 3:8) And he's breakdancing to Jay Chou's new song...

唉呦,不錯哦 Aiyo, Not Bad!

Jay Chou's new album will be released this December 28th...! :@) It's been 2 years since his last album in 2012... Before, he always released one album per year, but since Opus 12 in 2012 there's nothing for 2013... Well, I'm glad that he's back (was thinking that maybe he had retired or something xp)

This is the first MV for his 13th album; quite a funny and interesting song entitled Extra Large Shoes (Xie Zi Te Da Hao)... He's becoming Charlie Chaplin, ah... ^^;

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4 Pippi in Action

For better viewing of the garbage quality video courtesy of YouTube!

I've got nothing much to say here, except please enjoy this video of my weird-looking alter ego doing lousy fighting... For I'll never bother to upload another gameplay video again to YouTube...! x_x 

Not only that with my crappy connection it takes forever to upload video whose size is greater than 100 MB, it's also hung from time to time... Plus the damned YouTube dares to make my video into such GARBAGE quality! GRR! *shakes paw fists at YouTube*

What a waste of time! It's not like anyone bothers to see anyway!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4 Takakage Kobayakawa

Yeah, so I've started playing Chronicle Mode in Samurai Warriors 4... Because Story Mode has too much tragedy for me... ^^; In video above you can see the SW 4 version of Pippi - yeah, still as weird -looking as ever! xp 

Chronicle Mode has happier events; some maybe quite silly, a few flirty, and if you're lucky you can get love confession... Well, not really... Some sort of, I guess... Since there's no marriage or spouse oath in Samurai Warriors series; only friendship... And some sort of vague, romantic-implied sentence(s)... Well, I guess it's a bit entertaining in a way, compared if all events are just about normal or silly things, considering that Chronicle Mode is very repetitious - like Ambition Mode in Dynasty Warriors 8. Earlier today I maxed Kiyomasa Katou's friendship level and unlocked all his events, and yeah, I've got another vague love confession - though his maybe a bit more obvious than Takakage's... I'll see later if I'm not lazy to record and upload his events... (I'm not really fond of him, to be honest, since he fought on Tokugawa's side in Sekigahara against Mitsunari).

So far I've unlocked 3 regions for me to travel around.... I've also had various friendship levels with some characters already... Though so far I have only 4 of them whose friendship level has reached maximum; Takakage Kobayakawa, Kiyomasa Katou, Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki (it's all thanks because he's always stalking me on the map, hence, most of the time I can't avoid fighting him... ^^;) I don't know why; it can be quite easy to befriend some characters while for some others it seems to be quite difficult. For instance, with Mitsunari I still only have level 2 friendship and have only unlocked his first event, even though I think I've fought him quite a number of times... Maybe there's another additional requirement for friendship besides just defeating/rescuing those characters in battles... Maybe it needs to be in a correct region for the friendship to blossom... 

Anyway, thankfully, it's not Sims, so I don't have to worry about friendship decay... Though I think if you choose the negative answer during events, it can reduce the friendship...? Most of the time, by common sense and intuition, I always seem to choose the correct answer... The only time I chose the negative one - by accident? xp - so far is during Hanzo Hattori event... which I don't really care if it really reduces the friendship level or not - I don't seem to see any sign of it in his friendship meter - since he's one of Tokugawa's men. And I thought that the choices were always one positive and one negative, but apparently it's not always true... I found it out when I've got Gracia's first event... I never like her; not just because she's the daughter of Mitsuhide Akechi... It's more like she's annoying in my eyes - even more so in SW 4... And so, I thought I'd purposely choose the negative answer... But scully, both choices in her first event are all positive! x_x;

There's also life goals that you can choose and change anytime - just like in Sims... Though I don't think it works like in Sims 4 where you can switch aspirations freely without losing progress... So, I guess I should only change life goals when I've completed my current one. I've completed my first life goal, which is warrior, and then I changed to swordman, which is my current life goal... So far I'm already more than halfway completing my second life goal... Dunno what will I choose for my third life goal... Maybe a scholar...? Or a bandit...? ^^; There are some life goals that I've yet to  unlock... I wonder if there's harem life goal... That'd be so my taste! xp

(I'll need to play Chronicle Mode using male custom character... See if there's a glimmer chance of yaoi... I doubt it, though!)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Samurai Warriors 4... My Mitsunari...! T_T

So... After a nasty day yesterday, with nasty diarrhea, I guess today I've got another nasty experience playing Samurai Warriors 4... x_x

Even though I won in the Battle of Sekigahara, I still got this... dreadful event of Mitsunari's End in the end... NOOOOoooo...!! T_T I thought it'd be like in Samurai Warriors 2 and 3, where there'd be hypothetical scenario after winning in Sekigahara... Scully not! x_x So cruel! Not nice, I'd say ! Not nice at all! x_x If you ask me, Samurai Warriors 4 scenario is all tragedy! (Well, I guess it's because all the characters I like are all tragic heroes... If say, I like and play the winner-in-history characters; for instance, Tokugawa, then I guess it wouldn't be a tragedy... However! Like Yoshitsugu said before he did seppuku; I will never surrender to Ieyasu...!)

And also like I've mentioned before in my previous post, the audio for the video is being muted... (I've done whining about it, so let's move on)... So, I used Reverb by Kuroyume as the BGM... The song is actually the theme song for Samurai Warriors 4. 

Well, at least in this video clip Mitsunari still looks a cool guy until the end... Compared to what the real Mitsunari Ishida had to undergo as his execution in history, this ending is much better, I guess... Though I prefer happy ending... Doesn't matter if it's only hypothetical or fake or a dream...

For better viewing experience, you can go watch here: Samurai Warriors 4 Mitsunari's End

Thursday, December 4, 2014

PlayStation 4... T_T

So, I've got myself a brand new PS 4... And I've started playing my brand new copy of Samurai Warriors 4... And I tried to use the in-game record video feature... Only to find out that even though the gameplay video is captured just fine, no audio is recorded. x_x;

I looked around the net trying to find enlightenment on the matter; maybe there's some hidden setting that I don't know of, that can make the gameplay recording includes the audio as well. However, from what I read at some forums; it seems that the no audio issue is common - if not official - issue. Or perhaps I shouldn't call it an issue, because it seems that the developers - either the Sony ones or KOEI ones or both of them - decide that no audio is allowed in gameplay recording. :@/

Like, seriously, what the use of being able to record your gameplay but no audio for it!!? When now I can finally enjoy the original Japanese voices in the game too...! Might as well no need to give us the players such feature in the first place! I don't know about other people, but for me, I hate such half-half practice - either you give all or nothing at all! 

Well, of course if you use third party video capture - maybe like Elgato or something - you can get audio in your gameplay video... But since I don't want to buy - and/or download - any additional software or device just to be able to have audio in my lame gameplay video, I guess I'll just have to be content with my lame gameplay video only... minus audio... :@/ I'll see if I'm in the mood to upload my lame and MUTE gameplay video later.. I figure there's no harm in doing so, since I don't think anybody will be interested to see it... and thus, nobody will complain if there's no audio... 

*sighs* These people with their obsession for copyrights...! *shakes head* They will never be able to enjoy free advertisement like what EA enjoys with Sims games... Not even if they die trying... Not as long as they're still so stuck in their narrow copyright-obsessed mind! 

And now, a little rants regarding Samurai Warriors 4... So, it seems that the next chapter of Legend of Oda; the Honnouji incident, I have no choice but playing as Mitsuhide - or any others that are included as his followers... Tsk! Even with the fact that he has Midorikawa Hikaru as his seiyuu, it doesn't enough to make me want to play him ne...! x_x  And it seems that in this number 4 they still want to pair Ranmaru with Gracia - that annoying girl... (She's even more annoying now, in my eyes!) After unjustly pairing Ranmaru with Mitsuhide in number 1, they pair him with the daughter in number 3 and 4... Go figure! :@/

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Another Guo Jia x Lu Xun ❤

Of course the clipping issue is still there - it will always be there... It's the same with posing Sims in Sims 3; clipping issue is inevitable in some poses... x_x; And I still haven't figured out yet how to pose the legs better... more dynamically... more natural... So, yeah, it's still pretty much stiff and weird... See how Guo Jia looks like he's somewhat hovering above the grass instead of looking as if he's lying on the grass... orz If I try to lower the Y position, he will only sink halfway to the ground... So between hovering and sinking, I guess I'll choose hovering... x_x;

Oh well, since it's the best I can do so far, then I guess I should value it myself ... After all I did spend some time making these weird-looking pictures. 

Stupid Mistake... T_T

I made a very stupid mistake of updating the Content Manager Assistant while connecting my PS Vita to my laptop... Although the update process - downloading and installing - on the laptop was successful, somehow it made my PS Vita forever hung; can't be turned off, can't do anything with it. In other words, my PS Vita is now DEAD! x_x

*sighs* I should have known better than updating... I've always known that such updates never do me any good - I really dread my stupidity in clicking that cursed YES button! Wish I could turn back time and undo my stupid action... But of course I can't... :@/ I guess my yesterday intuition was somewhat right... Something would be dead... However, instead of the crappy internet connection - like I predicted - it's my PS Vita that died!

Oh fine! I'll buy a new one tomorrow, together with PS 4... I've been planning to go and get PS 4 within these days anyway. Who knows, maybe I'd be lucky tomorrow and could meet my end on the road, and thus, put an end to this misfortune in form of me...

Monday, December 1, 2014

Dying again... I guess. :@/

Well, I don't really need to post anything today, actually... For I don't have anything to post. However, since I'm very annoyed and in major bad mood again; and the stupid crappy connection is starting to get crappier again - meaning anytime soon later or tomorrow it will likely to die again, I might as well post my rants now! :@/

I said my rants - in plural form - but actually I don't really have anything new to whine and complain about... It's the same old brand new annoying things that keep happening in this wretched existence of mine... Therefore, to describe them one by one in details would be like playing the old broken record over and over again - don't think I have even slightest energy left for that! x_x 

*sighs* Time like this, I really wish everything could be over quickly already... I have nothing. I am nothing. It'd be nice if I could say that I'm finished as well... In mental sense, I AM finished long time ago, but not yet in physical sense... How annoying! :@(

Sunday, November 30, 2014

More Guo Jia x Lu Xun ❤

So, I tried to make another yaoi picture of Guo Jia x Lu Xun using MMD...

... Not really what I'd call a hot kissing picture... x_x;  And I realized too late after I made this picture my desktop wallpaper that I should have positioned them a bit lower for the close-up version. orz

Ugh... Face clipping... And feet clipping... x_x;

Oh well, I guess compared to my yesterday weird masterpiece, this one is a bit... less weird... ^^;

*pats my own head* Good job, me... Just practice more on positioning Guo Jia's fingers, will you... x_x

Somewhat Guo Jia x Lu Xun... ^^;

So, I finally got enough Leadership Exp that enables me to employ Lu Xun as my bodyguard... :@)

And really! In Dynasty Warriors NEXT when my DW Pippi character got Guo Jia as her spouse, I never got chance to do spouse or any special musou together with him even when we were fighting side by side... But look here; it doesn't take much effort to do special musou with Lu Xun, even when the bond level isn't that high yet. *wags wags paw* xp

Yesh, strengthen that bond, strengthen it more and even more! Hehehe... xp Oh well, I don't think there's any kind of oath in this game version - not even siblings oath. But I could be wrong... *imitates Guo Jia's rage musou motion* I dare you to surprise me... xp

And speaking about gifts; I think I can safely conclude that the reason Lu Xun gave me gifts before is indeed because I assign him to the farmer facility. When I moved him to the Academy, he didn't give me anything. So, I assigned him back to the farmer facility because more materials are always welcomed. xp It seems that the farmer facility is one of the facilities that will likely to give you bonus materials, in addition to the barrack and stable... I read in a walkthrough that the training ground is supposed to give you gifts too from time to time, but so far I never get any from Cao Pi there! *shakes paw fist at Cao Pi*

Also yeah, I still keep Lu Xun in his DW 7 outfit... Because I like it better than his DW 8 one... xp