Sunday, November 30, 2014

Somewhat Guo Jia x Lu Xun... ^^;

So, I finally got enough Leadership Exp that enables me to employ Lu Xun as my bodyguard... :@)

And really! In Dynasty Warriors NEXT when my DW Pippi character got Guo Jia as her spouse, I never got chance to do spouse or any special musou together with him even when we were fighting side by side... But look here; it doesn't take much effort to do special musou with Lu Xun, even when the bond level isn't that high yet. *wags wags paw* xp

Yesh, strengthen that bond, strengthen it more and even more! Hehehe... xp Oh well, I don't think there's any kind of oath in this game version - not even siblings oath. But I could be wrong... *imitates Guo Jia's rage musou motion* I dare you to surprise me... xp

And speaking about gifts; I think I can safely conclude that the reason Lu Xun gave me gifts before is indeed because I assign him to the farmer facility. When I moved him to the Academy, he didn't give me anything. So, I assigned him back to the farmer facility because more materials are always welcomed. xp It seems that the farmer facility is one of the facilities that will likely to give you bonus materials, in addition to the barrack and stable... I read in a walkthrough that the training ground is supposed to give you gifts too from time to time, but so far I never get any from Cao Pi there! *shakes paw fist at Cao Pi*

Also yeah, I still keep Lu Xun in his DW 7 outfit... Because I like it better than his DW 8 one... xp