Friday, November 21, 2014


OK, continuing from the last post... Because that time I somehow couldn't post more than 7 pictures in one post... And what a luck that yesterday - and up until earlier today - my crappy connection was dead... again... as usual... :@/

I guess it doesn't really make any difference to anyone - except to me myself - whether I continue posting or not. Even on tumblr, with the supposedly 275 followers, I've always been basically alone rambling to myself... So nothing's different. 

Anyway, I'd better do some necessary browsing while my crappy connection is alive... Never know when it will decide to die again... x_x;

Oh yeah, my copy of Samurai Warriors 4 came yesterday! YAY! :@) Now I just need to get myself the PS 4... Yeah, I bought the game first, even though I haven't got the machine yet. xp