Friday, November 28, 2014

Lu Xun ❤

Here's some pictures of DW 8 Lu Xun in his DW 7 clothes...

Well, Xu Zhu, you're too big, ne... ^^;

And he still gives me gifts regularly - good boy! *pats, pats, squeezes, squeezes* <333 Master Guo Jia shall reward you with lots of love later... *big hentai smile* Hehehe... xp 

On serious note though, when I swapped their roles - I controlled Lu Xun and assigned Guo Jia to the farmer facility, I never get any gift... (Guo Jia, you stingy! x_x;) When I assigned other officer there, I didn't get any gift either. So, I guess maybe it depends on the character's personality... rather than relationship level? I mean, I always talk to other officers that I assigned to my other facilities, not just Lu Xun, and if the relationship/bond level can be increased by talking, then theoretically I should receive gifts from other officers too, right? But no ne, I keep only receive gifts from Lu Xun... Hmm... I wonder, if say, I assign Lu Xun to another facility, will he still give me gift...? Worth experimenting, because I'm curious to know what triggers a character to give gift... or not give... xp