Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Spraying For Bugs

(I forgot that I can't post pictures in their original size on blogger if I want the overall look of my blog kept intact... :@/ Oh well, at least clicking on the picture will let me view it in original size...)

I can sum up my opinion of Sims 4 in 3 words: Buggy. Buggier. Buggiest. And how unfortunate that EA is - as usual - more interested in creating and adding new bugs with every patch, instead of squashing and exterminating the existed ones... merely because these bugs are supposed to be able to be fixed temporarily by resetting Sims and/or send them to travel, so they are not worth looking into. Well, if you don't mind resetting your Sims every Sims minute or so, or sending your Sims back and forth between their home and community lots just to (desperately!) try to get rid the stuck skill bar or fork or whatever else that gets stuck nonsensically, then I guess you're one happy Simmer. Me, on the other hand, want to play the real game, instead of doing the resetting game all the time, so I'm not a happy Simmer. :@/

Continuing my cursed fate of not being able to use CCs and/or mods in my Sims 4 game... So, two months after this game was released, I finally managed to properly assign my NVIDIA for my Sims 4... And whaddya know; those CCs which caused crashing previously, now they can be safely used... for a price, though. Yes, it's true that they no longer crash the game... But it's also true that using those CCs make the annoying stuck skill bar bug shows up again! x_x; The most nonsensical part of the whole thing is now the stuck skill bar showed up (and then got stuck!) while my Sims 4 Hajime Sim were sleeping, and not while he was doing some skilling up! o.O *snorts* HAH! Annoyed, I took out the CCs and everything was back to normal again - no more stuck bugs! So much for saying that Sims 4 is (easily) customizable... Well, it maybe true for most general lucky people out there, not for me, though! (>.<)

I really don't hate vanilla, but I'd like some chocolate and strawberry as well... *sighs*