Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Romance of The Three Kingdoms XI: Battle At Xia Kou (vs Liu Bei's Army)

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I shall show you my prowess on both land and water! xp Yeah, well, I guess Liu Bei wanted Jiang Xia back - historically, it's his... Still, he's welcome to try many times to take it from me if he could... xp And during the battle, that so-called 'righteous man' Liu Bei spread rumor in my Jiang Xia; trying to lower my officers' loyalty , hoping that I'd get weaken from within... Unfortunately for him, my strategist - Xun Yu's intelligence is high... And not to mention that my officers all have strong bond to each other - they are either family or spouses or sworn siblings... And all of them like me... xp And as long as Xun Lin with Benevolent Rule skill is around, there won't be any diminishing loyalty... Better luck next time, Liu Bei! xp

Anyway, playing in Rise of Heroes scenario, I keep getting attacked from every direction... and continuously too... No time to breathe, really! x_x I doubt I can ever expand my kingdom in this scenario... I think most probably I'll keep on defending this one territory of mine for 99 years! T_T

Maybe I'll have better luck in expanding my territory in my other save - The Rival Warlords scenario... Yeah, well, that scenario is balanced, indeed... So balanced that I get sleepy playing it... I've already got 2 territories there and nobody attack me yet... Maybe I should attack Cao Cao... if I feel so bored that I want to be suicidal... ^^;

Monday, June 29, 2015

Romance of The Three Kingdoms XI: Debate

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Xun Yun won the debate quite impressively, just like his father... Though if it's Xun Yu, I think he will win the debate much faster and won't let his platform gets crumbled even once... Yeah, I've seen Xun Yu doing debate before. xp Still, good job, son! d(^__^) One thing that I like from debate is; the angry animation... It's so childish that it's funny ^^; 

Anyway, this Cheng Bing fellow turns out to be quite useless; average aptitude stats and also has no skill whatsoever... Just wasting my precious gold and food on him... :@/ Think I'll need to get rid of him ASAP!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Romance of The Three Kingdoms XI: Council and Duel Videos

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Something that you can't do in Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires; listening to your strategist and officers' opinions... And I'm pleased that at least in this game, the family ties is intact no matter how many campaigns you start, as long as you don't erase it from the characters' profile... Also, it quite amuses me that the game can correctly recognize who's the eldest and who's the youngest of our children... See the order of them taking turn to speak: Xun Lin, Xun Yun, Xun Yi, Xun Shen, Xun Can... Exactly the order of how they were born in my DW8 Empires game... ^^

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Attempting to recruit someone sometimes can trigger a duel or debate before the other party agrees to join you... As the result of me winning in the duel, Li Tong joins me with his loyalty is automatically already 100 points! I'm quite pleased, because I really can't afford to reward him with my so-little-gold, just to buy his loyalty. And since Xun Lin has Benevolent Ruler skill, none of my officers' loyalty will ever diminish. V(^___^)V

Friday, June 26, 2015

Romance of The Three Kingdoms XI: What A Messy Start!

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Yeah, it's an old game... I play it now because, well, I have nothing else better to do... ^^; I've finished Toukiden Kiwami long time ago and feel lazy to do all the chapter 13 (epilogue) missions, so yeah... 

I actually never really play any of RTK games before, because I'm not very good at strategizing/planning... I prefer playing Dynasty Warriors games which are more combat-oriented... Though, I also suck at combat - guess I suck at everything... x_x; 

Anyway, even in this game I still steal from Cao Cao - stealing Xun Yu, of course xp (Though I do wish Xun Yu here looked like Xun Yu in DW8 Empires!)... But this time Cao Cao determined to make me pay for daring to steal from him; he's more forgiving in DW8 Empires, ne... And it's still quite early  in game (roughly 6 months) but it seems I somehow had managed to piss off a lot of people... when all I did was just diligently and innocently developing my own cities... The only crime I did is only retrieving my husband, ne... xp This game has quite a weird hate system...! 

And so, long story short; I had prepared to fight until death, because the chance of winning was really slim, considering I didn't have a lot of officers and soldiers yet... And then suddenly the game decided to freeze...! O.O How convenient - I didn't know whether to feel glad or disappointed, to be honest... ^^;

(Hmm, all this makes me think up a sappy soap opera scene in my mind... With Cao Cao as the villain; trying to separate me and Xun Yu... Hehehe... *restrains myself from posting those sappy corny dialogues, because nobody wants to read them!*)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Still Soma ❤❤❤

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I think this will be my last video of Soma's story... He has quite a lot of events actually, but I'm lazy to upload all of them... And it's not like many people are interested to know his story anyway... But if you are, then you can just play the game yourself. ^^

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Bathing with Soma <333 He looks so short in the hot spring, ne... Well, he's only 174 cm...  ^^; But I think it's more because of my character in this game is quite big-sized - can't customize the height and body type etc, unlike in Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series.

As ultimate soulmate, he still doesn't sparkle at the sight of me in the hot spring; only musical note... It's at least better than dot dot dot (...) I guess... ^^; Or squiggly... Oh well, I bet he will only sparkle at Yuu; just like Hayatori will only sparkle at my tenko - and any other tenkos... :@/

Friday, June 19, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4 Empires: Sneak Peek

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I think there's no audio by default, for this video.... Well, I guess since it's still under development... Still, it already looks pretty good, ne! :@) Can hardly wait until September 3rd...! o(>.<)o *already thinking of my next harem*

Toukiden Kiwami: Slaying Snowflame

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Snowflame is a white fox demon which is on the cover of the game, and also in the opening movie of the game. Personally, I think it's quite cute, actually - compared to the game's other ugly demons. I won't mind having a Snowflame as a pet, in addition to the tenko. xp 

And the Snowflame was quite generous to give me its body parts so that I could make the white fox armor... Still no luck in making the weapon, though. Here's the picture of the white fox armor:

Ah yeah, I'm still wearing my cat ears because the white fox headgear is not that nice - it's not fox ears, ne... :@/

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Even More Soma ❤❤❤

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Yeahh, even more Soma <333 And yeah, spending a night in that cave with him is certainly much better than when I had to spend a few days there with Reki... ^^; Seriously, when I had to be trapped in the cave with her in chapter 9, I grumbled at the game; how come I didn't get stranded there together with Soma alone, instead!? xp

Anyway, I've ended the Kiwami story (aka chapter 12) last night actually... And, well, I guess I'll save my opinion about the ending later when I post its video... (if I'll ever upload it someday, that is ^^;) So yeah, I'm currently at chapter 13... The ultimate difficulty... But seems so far I still can somehow manage to do the missions... Maybe ultimate is really not that difficult... Even expert difficulty, after some time, feels not so difficult anymore... Guess I'm already used to it... But of course, I won't be as big-headed as daring to go on solo mission - I'd surely struggle a lot, die hundred times and fail the mission...! x_x So, if it's not a red - compulsory - mission, no way I want to do a solo mission... I'm not sure whether the final mission for chapter 13 will be solo mission against 4 oni or not... But if it is, well, I won't do it! (>.<) Chapter 13 is just an epilogue, anyway... :@/

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: More Soma ❤❤❤

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More Soma... Because I like him. <333 And I found out that Soma's seiyuu is Midorikawa Hikaru; no wonder he sounds so sexy...! xp (His talking animation is quite weird, though... But then again, Rinne's talking animation is like that too - weird ^^;)

I'm currently already at chapter 12... It's almost ending, ne... I don't know whether I'll play chapter 13, which has ultimate difficulty... For what I read at a forum, chapter 13 - the epilogue - is just all about those twin journalists... So, I don't know... I guess I'll see how; if I still can't make Soma as my soulmate by the end of chapter 12, then maybe I'll play chapter 13... His friendship level really increases in very slow rate - just like Hayatori! x_xm Even though I already got his mitama in chapter 10, he was still in confidant level... (>.<) Well, at least now, at the moment, he's already in kindred spirit level... No idea how many more battles I must drag him with me before he wants to become my soulmate... x_x;

Of course there are also the phases; which I've never done yet... At first I thought phases can only be played online in multiplayer mode, but then I found out that I can play it offline in singleplayer mode. But I still haven't done any of it. And also there's still the infinite mission; I've done the basic investigation and the special investigation level 1 so far... Shuusui said that when I reached level 5 he'd give me something nice... Wonder what it will be... Hmm... I guess if I want to prolong things, I can just do the infinite missions first and put the story progress on hold for a while... 

(I haven't even seen Soma at hotspring yet - not even once! T_T Let me see, let me see...! xp Instead, I've seen that annoying disgusting Kuyo three times already - UGH! Who wants to see him!? I don't even wish to see him in full clothes if I don't have to, let alone without clothes... *cringes* x_x Oh wait, they all still wear clothes while in hotspring, actually...)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Soma ❤❤❤

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Meet Soma and his Hundred Demon Corps. :@) Yeah, I'm at chapter 8 now; where the Kiwami story starts. 

Got myself a new costume - armor - because I don't feel like being a twin with Horo... It's really too bad that I didn't manage to get the Mynx tail, therefore I can't make the cat armor... Just managed the greaves and the headgear - the cat ears. So had to do some mix-and-match. The gloves are tenko gloves - it's a DLC. Must change my hairstyle too in order to fit the cat ears a bit better... Here's the close-up picture of my character's new look:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Forbidden Pleasure

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Well, forbidden pleasure in Toukiden Kiwami means bathing together with opposite sex. ^^; Even as ultimate soulmate, Hayatori still asks me to turn away... T_T And after he said he will accompany me anywhere... 

I'm currently lazy to upload any fighting video, because it's too much effort and it's not like many people going to watch, anyway. I actually have recording for major battles until the end of chapter 5 (end of the story for the original Toukiden)... I'll upload them someday; when I feel like doing it...

 I don't think I'll record/upload any battle from chapter 6-12, because starting chapter 6 (now I'm at chapter 7) the difficulty has changed to expert and honestly, I struggle quite a lot - that's how lame I am! x_x If I somehow still manage to smoke through the missions, it's because of those three supporting me - I really feel sorry for them for having such a lousy incompetent unit leader like me! x_xm

Even though I most probably won't be able to finish this game - I do know my own limit - I still want to hang on a little longer, at least until chapter 8, because I'd like to meet Soma... If he doesn't appear in chapter 8, well, I'll try to survive until I can meet him... xp

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Ibuki's Revenge - Slaying Harrowhalf

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After that mission, I received Ibuki's mitama and...

Yeahh, we bathed together... xp He's not (yet) my soulmate, though... According to the game, so far, my soulmate is Fugaku and my true soulmate is Kikka... ^^; I don't even know how I managed to raise my friendship level with Kikka to that high level so fast; she doesn't join in battles and I only talk to her sometimes.

I'm currently already in Chapter 5... Still no luck in getting Hajime mitama... The guide that I read is wrong, ne... I slayed Edax and didn't get Hajime, instead I got some other guy... :@/ Oh well, maybe the guide is not wrong; it's just that as usual, game guides never really work for my games, for whatever reason... *frowns* I've got Hijikata, though... Maybe I'll equip him and then maybe that way I can lure Hajime to come to me... 

Toukiden Kiwami: Slaying Pyropteryx

Monday, June 8, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Mitsunari in Action

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Because it's been a while since I last played Mitsunari... Also because I have DLC weapon for him... And because Samurai Warriors 4 Empires is coming this September 3rd! \(^O^)/ *can hardly wait*

As expected from Mitsunari-sama; S result - nothing less! d(^__^) His record actually overwrites my Pippi character's record... And I got 16th in the online ranking for the gold-raiding. Not bad for someone as lousy as me, I suppose... ^^;

Toukiden Kiwami: Slaying Jollux

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I really like fighting with these three; especially Fugaku and Hayatori... They make things easier - I don't struggle much - and together we always manage to slay big Oni relatively fast... within 5 minutes or even less. 

I also like PLN-category mitama, that specializes in cutting Oni's body parts... That's why I've been using Maeda Toshiie as my primary mitama... (too bad his character design here is an old man, ne... in SW series, he's still a young man ^^;) At least until I manage to get some more other PLN mitama... I think Saitou Hajime is included as a mitama in this game... Wonder how he'd look like here... I'd like it if he looks like the way he is in Hakuouki, of course... hehehe <333 Too bad that he's not a PLN mitama, though... I think I read that he's a SPD (speed) instead... 

Speaking about Hajime, Hayatori actually kinda reminds me of him... Yeah, him being quite taciturn, reliable and serious (except when it comes to my tenko xp) really resembles Hajime's personality... In fact, Hayatori's hairstyle is also similar to Hajime's short hairstyle... Only that the fringe is reversed... Here's picture of Hayatori without his ninja clothes...

And, nah, I still haven't managed to bathe together with him... He's too shy - just like Hajime, I reckon... xp Well, someday... Soon... Hehehe... xp

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4 Empires Coming This September 3rd!

Just saw the news on twitter and decided to take a look at the official site...

Hehehe, the new concept looks great, ne... Like a doll house... :@) I'm sure I'll have so much fun playing it... *purposely forgetting about all the kanji* 

And the ability to switch up to 8 people during battle?! O.O Woah... I know that in Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 - which I bought from Amazon and got lost/stolen, because up until now I still haven't received it - you can switch to 4 people during battle... And now for the Empires, it will be up to 8 people, ah... Wonder if it will be better or worse... *blinks, blinks* 

Hmm... So far there's still no mention whether they will include Hideyori Toyotomi with Empires or not... They should, ne... I mean, they even included that stupid Hidetada - the ugly good-for-nothing son of Tokugawa - in SW4-II as an NPC; I fought him on one of Mugenjou's floors...

Anyway, Takakage with dirt - or is it supposed to be blood? - on his cheek still looks great, ne... <333 Wonder why Mitsunari-sama isn't shown anywhere so far... Masaka, he's no longer the number 1!?? O.o

*sighs* September, ah... 3 more months ah.... Wonder if I'll still be alive... Hopefully I will, so that I can grab this game... Of course I think I'll buy it digitally from PSN; it's less hassles and headache that way, compared to having to be under the mercy of the ass post office...! x_x

Toukiden Kiwami: Duel with Manhunter

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The (painful) solo mission against the big bad spider... It took me 20 minutes, got revived twice by my tenko and retreat once before I could finally manage to bring an anti-climatic end to it... x_x; Since I edited the video, I guess if you choose to watch my lousy struggle, you'll only have to suffer for 5 minutes. 

Oh well, at least I somehow successfully cleared the mission on my first attempt... That's already pretty good for a lousy fighter/gamer like me... :@/

Anyway, yeah, I've got a trophy for being revived by my tenko...

And here's another cute picture of the tenko...

Yeahh, I gave her the happiness dumplings - or is it candy? - so that's why she has pink-colored fur... :@)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: Slaying Windshredder

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One of the missions in chapter 2... Still quite a lousy video... Since I fought so lousily, I tried using a defense-based mitama, so that I wouldn't die too quickly and too often... ^^; Oh well, at least I finally succeeded in doing the knives-throwing attack... Not that it looks amazing in this video, though... x_xm

Anyway, I do like and enjoy this game, even though I fight very lousily - so I guess there will be some more Toukiden videos from me these days... Although yeah, I know, nobody will watch them... :@/ Doesn't matter; I'll watch my own videos myself...!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: One More Try

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Did the mission again in the full game version... Still not impressive, but at least I improved a bit... Well, I did still manage to get dying, but at least not often like in the demo... And I think in this video I managed to land some significant blows... Also, I finally succeeded in doing the united destroyer... The PS4 machine captured quite a good screenshot when I obtained trophy for doing it, so I might as well use it as my video thumbnail. 

Curious thing about this united destroyer; when I tried to do it while being connected to Hatsuho, for whatever reason, I couldn't do it - pressing both triangle and circle and nothing happened... I even tried it twice - while, I believe, still connected to her - and no luck. However, once I got connected to Ibuki, pressed triangle and circle and there you go - I've got the trophy and the big bad spider went kaput! Wonder why; I thought my bond with Hatsuho is stronger...? *blinks, blinks*

Well, I have nothing against Ibuki, but I think he kinda reminds me of Guo Jia...

Yeahh, quite a flirty ladies man, just like Guo Jia... ^^; (Though yeah, I've known about the story of his past)

Anyway, I also still have no luck in successfully doing the knives throwing attack... It's so easy while in training mode, ne... *frowns* And once again I still can't proceed to chapter 2 because the full game is still not fully downloaded... So slow because of my crappy connection... And because I don't let it on for overnight - maybe if I had done so, by now the game would have been finished downloading 100%. But nah, I don't want my already-quite-wonky PS4 and my modem to explode, so I guess we're going to go slow and steady (and safe too, hopefully ^^;) I believe, if everything goes well, the game should be wholly playable in the next 2 days... Worse, maybe within this week... 

Downloading surely takes days for me, but it's still much, much better than buying the physical disc from Amazon and use the stupid unreliable i-parcel to ship it... It'd take 2 months or more before I can play the game - if it doesn't get stolen or go missing on the way, that is! (>.<) My Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and Story of Seasons (newest harvest moon game) finally arrived in my paws after more than 2 months from the estimated delivery time! While my Japan-import Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 for PS Vita is still nowhere to be seen... I think it's officially lost, or stolen! :@/ Anyway, I'm done with Amazon lah! This time around their customer service is not even as nice as before... Along with the very late delivery... (and one missing!) No way I want to buy from them again! Now that I can grab some PSN cards, I'll just buy my games digitally and download them - much much faster and easier!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami Demo

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Played Toukiden Kiwami demo... My first time slaying a big oni (=demon)... and what a poor performance! x_x; I was quite reckless; got whacked too often, used up my recovery too fast, dying all the time... To say that it's my first time and that I still haven't really mastered/remembered all the controls is just a lame excuse... These days I think I fight even lousier than before...! :@/ 

*sighs* Oh well, at least I managed to get Abe no Seimei from slaying that big bad spider... Though to be able to play with him, I'll need the full game... which I'm still downloading at the moment... I hope I can fight better later in the full game... (Scully, not! x_x;)

And create character in Toukiden Kiwami is not as advance as in Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors series... There's no body types to choose... Can't adjust height either... That's why my Pippi character in Toukiden is so big-sized... x_x; Here's the close-up picture of her face:

Yea, yea, I know; she looks so weird! x_x; Can't even change the color of the eyebrows... Or even choose the shape.... Oh well, whatever... I just hope that the full game's download can finish ASAP so that I can continue playing the game... Guess I can't wait to get myself whacked around again by giant demons...! x_xm