Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Toukiden Kiwami: One More Try

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Did the mission again in the full game version... Still not impressive, but at least I improved a bit... Well, I did still manage to get dying, but at least not often like in the demo... And I think in this video I managed to land some significant blows... Also, I finally succeeded in doing the united destroyer... The PS4 machine captured quite a good screenshot when I obtained trophy for doing it, so I might as well use it as my video thumbnail. 

Curious thing about this united destroyer; when I tried to do it while being connected to Hatsuho, for whatever reason, I couldn't do it - pressing both triangle and circle and nothing happened... I even tried it twice - while, I believe, still connected to her - and no luck. However, once I got connected to Ibuki, pressed triangle and circle and there you go - I've got the trophy and the big bad spider went kaput! Wonder why; I thought my bond with Hatsuho is stronger...? *blinks, blinks*

Well, I have nothing against Ibuki, but I think he kinda reminds me of Guo Jia...

Yeahh, quite a flirty ladies man, just like Guo Jia... ^^; (Though yeah, I've known about the story of his past)

Anyway, I also still have no luck in successfully doing the knives throwing attack... It's so easy while in training mode, ne... *frowns* And once again I still can't proceed to chapter 2 because the full game is still not fully downloaded... So slow because of my crappy connection... And because I don't let it on for overnight - maybe if I had done so, by now the game would have been finished downloading 100%. But nah, I don't want my already-quite-wonky PS4 and my modem to explode, so I guess we're going to go slow and steady (and safe too, hopefully ^^;) I believe, if everything goes well, the game should be wholly playable in the next 2 days... Worse, maybe within this week... 

Downloading surely takes days for me, but it's still much, much better than buying the physical disc from Amazon and use the stupid unreliable i-parcel to ship it... It'd take 2 months or more before I can play the game - if it doesn't get stolen or go missing on the way, that is! (>.<) My Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and Story of Seasons (newest harvest moon game) finally arrived in my paws after more than 2 months from the estimated delivery time! While my Japan-import Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 for PS Vita is still nowhere to be seen... I think it's officially lost, or stolen! :@/ Anyway, I'm done with Amazon lah! This time around their customer service is not even as nice as before... Along with the very late delivery... (and one missing!) No way I want to buy from them again! Now that I can grab some PSN cards, I'll just buy my games digitally and download them - much much faster and easier!