Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Love Love ❤❤❤

YouTube Link

Nothing impressive or spectacular about this video; it's just that I missed Xun Yu, so I returned to China for a bit. xp He remembered to gift me again - with his sweet gentle love words, too, this time... <333 And in this video, if you can spot it, he actually helped me when I was being pathetically whacked around by that stinky Liu Shan and his stinky bench, along with Zhuge Dan and a generic (1.22). Thanks to Xun Yu's help - attacking and stunning both Zhuge Dan and the generic - I managed to do my counter attack. V(^__^)V

Aww, Xun Yu... I LOVE YOU...! *pounces on Xun Yu, kissing him all over* <333

Friday, May 29, 2015

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate: Abe no Seimei - Unlimited Mode

YouTube Link

If you can see beyond the mist and YouTube's garbage quality video... I can't even see clearly when I got slain pathetically... x_x; 

Unlimited Mode is... too ridiculously hard... I can't even survive long enough to finish all the missions and find the escape point... :@/ Logically, with a team of 5 members, you shouldn't struggle so much... But it seems that I can do much better fighting by myself in SW4-II Mugenjou... 

Oh well, I never really like Orochi series, anyway, though I did play number 1 and 2... Too bad I can only play Seimei in this game... I guess if I still want to play him, I'll have to continue playing the story mode... *groans* There's no way to wish him to suddenly appear in SW series - wrong timeline...!

Yes, there's Seimei in Toukiden also, but he's only a mitama there; not playable... Even so, I think I'll still get Toukiden... I'm thinking about buying it digitally... I'm sick of buying from Amazon and its slow unreliable international shipping! (>.<) Wonder how many days - or even weeks - for me to finish the download... x_xm

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Pippi in Infinite Castle Part 4

YouTube Link

Battle on floor 26-41. I only included those which have musou officers as my opponents. No point in watching me lousily fighting a bunch of generics and/or grunts. Besides, my PS4 didn't record properly again, so there are no recording for some floors. And I still have issue of can't claim my reward weapons for whatever reason... I don't think there's any special condition... Maybe I need to defeat them in specific sequence - though I wonder what the 'correct' order would be... It's not like the game clearly tells me which one that I need to deal with first. So picky and troublesome! :@/ *sighs* All those golden boxes... so wasted... And the stupid Takatora - even as a golden box weapon, still dares to refuse to be taken by me! Hmph, he needs to be punished with lots of bunny steamed buns! I actually whacked him twice - though it's only 1 time in the video above, because my stupid PS4 didn't record the second time, even though it should have! - and twice he became golden box weapons... and twice I couldn't claim it! (>.<) Also, this time, I think I could handle Yukimura quite well... I mean, yeah, I still got some whacks from him, but not as bad as on 20th floor... But instead, now it's his older brother, Nobuyuki's turn... Though I managed to defeat him as well at last... But yeah, both of them as reward weapons are also unclaimable...! :@/

(Since I can't claim them as reward weapons, how about let me claim them as my conquered love slaves then! xp)

Oh well, at least I've got trophy for reaching 50th floor... Though my stupid wonky PS4 failed to record that far... :@/ I guess I'll re-do it again later... someday... if I'm still alive and feel like doing it again...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Pippi The Gold Raider

YouTube Link

Well, even though I didn't manage to get ALL the gold, at least I know that I'm still far more superior than Takatora in gold-raiding matter! xp *proudly showing off my S badge*

Gold-raiding is really the easiest and fastest way to get plenty of gold to top up my depleting money pouch... Because I tend to spend lots of gold for upgrading/fusing weapons and buying skill books. As as matter of fact, I may need to go gold-raiding again soon, because yeah... most of the result from this raiding has been well-spent... ^^;

And I think I'm quite enjoying using this Magoichi's gun... Maybe I'll make it my permanent weapon... Actually, I'd like to be able to get the DLC weapons, ne... But since the stupid PSN is being stupid all the time, I guess it's impossible... Unless I manage to grab some PSN prepaid cards... *sighs* It's not enough that the so-called my life is already wretched as it is; every thing in it must be difficult as well! :@/

(And nope, I don't agree with Guo Jia saying that it what makes life fun!)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Worst Couple Contest

YouTube Link

The actual title for this DLC stage is Best Couple Contest... But I call this video of mine Worst Couple Contest because I did it with Takatora... xp 

(Takatora: "Hmph, I couldn't agree more!"

See, he didn't even help me when I was being ganged-up, ne... I think he's angry at me because I made him whack his beloved Lady Oichi in this stage. ^^;  

Speaking about couple... I miss Xun Yu...! T_T I haven't continued my DW8 Empires game yet... Oh well, no need to rush; it's not like he's missing me too, anyway... :@/ Let me stay in Japan for a little longer and bully Takatora (again!) to my heart's content... Hehehe... xp

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Pippi in Infinite Castle Part 3

YouTube Link

Infinite Castle 20th -25th floor. I've mentioned that my PS4 got wonky again... Besides losing the recording for battle on 14th-19th floor, it also lost the beginning part of battle on 20th floor and ending part of battle in 25th floor. 

Didn't expect I could survive past fighting Yukimura on 20th floor, actually... Was lucky, I guess. ^^; He actually gave me 2 weapons, ne, for defeating him... One of them is in golden box - meaning it may be a 4 or 5 stars weapon... Unfortunately, I couldn't claim them for whatever reason...! x_x; Must be because I didn't meet some condition... SW4-II is really picky when it comes to battle conditions, ne... Oh well, it's my own fault for not paying attention to the condition closely... :@/ 

Had to kick Takakage too... Sorry, Takakage... x_xm 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Pippi in Infinite Castle Part 2

YouTube Link

Continuing where I left off... The survival mode; Infinite Castle 7th-13th floor. No choice of difficulty, all default to crazy... The higher floor you go, the harder things are. No way to get life except by leveling up... Or if there happens to be a supply soldier around that needs help and you rescue him, you may get life as a thank-you. 

Unfortunately, my PS4 got wonky again; couldn't record properly again! I lost the recording for battle on 14th-19th floor! :@/ Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter... It's not like I've got many people who like to watch my videos, anyway.

And the stupid YouTube and their stupid copyright crap...! Makes me have to upload this video twice because the first time my video's BGM got muted... What a waste of time, really! If I had a super broadband connection, then it wouldn't matter how many times I must re-upload because it wouldn't take so much time... But my connection is crappy, so yeah, it's indeed a waste of time! Wonder why I even bother... Also, since I'm ranting about YouTube, might as well I mention about this other prank by YouTube, just to spite me; lately whenever I upload and publish a video, YouTube always automatically make my video private, even though it says Public in the upload page! I know that all I need to do just change it back to Public... But it's so annoying that I have to do it every time I upload and publish! I'd say, now YouTube is not only crappy and stupid, but also crazy! :@/

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Final Battle At Sekigahara

YouTube Link

One of additional stage DLCs for SW 4-II. This hypothetical scenario is about Yukimura and Kanetsugu came to rescue Mitsunari who's on the verge of defeat in Sekigahara. In the beginning of the battle, we got impression that Sakon and Yoshitsugu were already dead... But actually they weren't; later on they'd appear and join the battle. I really approve this scenario because Kanetsugu doesn't become a traitor and in the end all 5 of them live happily ever after... xp Though, still can't really slay Tokugawa, even in this scenario, because near ending of the battle, the condition for victory changed; defeat Tadakatsu Honda and Naomasa Ii, instead. Oh well... :@/

I purposely didn't include the event before and after the battle - I'm lazy to translate the dialogues... And I also edited the battle itself so that the video's size isn't too big - it'd take forever for me to upload big-sized video. So, if you'd like to see the complete battle with the events as well, you can try searching for other people who may do the video on SW 4-II and this stage... Or you can buy and play the stage yourself.

Speaking of the stupid PSN... I'm quite regretting using my minimum funds to buy the other SW4-II additional stage... called Best Couple Contest... It's not really what I thought it'd be... Even if playing it with free mode, it's all just about that Nobuyuki and Ina being lovey-dovey... Hmph, so annoying! :@/ I shouldn't have buy it... I should've used the money to buy something else that's more worthwhile...! Now, my minimum funds have gone... And I can't top it up because of the stupid picky PSN... Unless, there's another one-time miracle again that'd let me top up my wallet using my credit card... I doubt it, though... Miracle(s) may happen to other people, but unlikely to me... Let alone repeated miracle... :@/

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

PSN... PSN... I KNEW IT! :@/

Seems what I dreaded happens for real... Yeah, that stupid PSN now doesn't want to accept my credit card again - I can't add anymore funds to my wallet... Though yesterday night I could, ne... Tsk! I should've added plenty yesterday, ne...! x_x;

*sighs* Sometimes, I really hate when I'm right! :@/ I hate having intuition that's correct most of the times... Oh well... I guess until there's another miracle that will make the stupid PSN somehow accept my card again, I'll just try using the available minimum fund that I have to buy something lah... Hmm... I think maybe I can buy 2 additional stages for SW4-II... *cursing my own stupidity for funding so little*

(... Or maybe I can use the little fund to buy Xun Yu's love... Yeah, he's back to forgetting to gift me again... After gifting me often in such unromatically way in the last campaign... :@/ Maybe even until I finish this current campaign, he won't give me anything at all...! T_T Oh well, whatever lah, I know that I'm so unloveable; don't even deserve to hear some fake love words...! )

*goes to kick PSN's stupid ass to vent myself*

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Our Children in Action

YouTube Link

I know that nobody cares.... But here's a video of our children - Xun Lin, Xun Yun, Xun Yi and Xun Sen in battles. I didn't include Xun Can because I can't edit his look before the current campaign ends. Come to think, maybe I need to do some more editing on Xun Sen's face... He looks quite ugly when doing Xun Yu's musou... x_x;

Anyway, yeah, it's not a spectacular fighting video - as usual. And it seems that I forgot to turn up the volume for the second part of the BGM... Oh well, it doesn't matter, I guess, since it's not like many people will watch this video anyway. :@/

Initially, I had a lot of things to whine about today... But then my body started to feel unwell again just now, that I feel so fed up to even just make a small rant. So, whatever lah. I also won't complain about my lame boring videos not getting enough appreciation etc... I uploaded what I wanted to upload; that's enough for my own satisfaction. Whether you want to watch or not, that's your right.

And last night, I made a breakthrough with the stupid PSN... I finally managed to make it accept my credit card! Well, I haven't tried purchasing anything yet; just tried adding minimum amount of funds to my wallet... Was thinking that it'd surely fail again... Scully, then the stupid PSN said that hey, it's successful! *rolls eyes* Logically, if I can top up my wallet, I should be able to do purchase as well, but who knows, right... And today is another day, so who knows maybe between last night and now today, the stupid PSN may change its mind and doesn't want to accept my credit card again... There's always this possibility; so it's better to not hope too much too soon. Though, if I can continue to shop there from now on, I guess I'll just buy my future PS4 games digitally... That way, I can finally give my farewell - and my middle fingers - to the slow unreliable i-parcel and the ass customs and post office! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Family Musou

Since I've updated my game, I can do family musou with Xun Yu now. <333

YouTube Link

While I do agree that family musou makes the marriage feels more worthwhile - it certainly does more damage than solo musou, I must say that I've got the usual issue with combined musou... That is; it's quite tricky to aim properly in order to get the most result with combined musou... If at the ending of the video, I managed to do our combined musou somewhat properly, it's because of luck, rather than skill... ^^; 

Still, since Xun Yu's musou - both land and air - creates large shockwave, even if our combined musou isn't really aimed properly, the number of victims fall from it is still fairly decent... However, I did try doing combined musou with Guo Jia - he's already become my sworn brother again, so we can combine our musou as well, and the result was quite disappointing, ne... What; only 1 victim?! What a waste of musou! I can get better result doing solo musou on my own! x_x; Yeahh, it's because Guo Jia's land musou is not really effective, ne... That's why whenever I play as him, I always prefer doing air musou which is more effective than the land one... Unfortunately, for combined musou, it uses the characters' land musou... So, I guess if doing combined musou with Guo Jia, I'll have to aim very properly, if I want to get good result from it. (So troublesome... Just do it with Xun Yu lah! xp)

And Xun Yu now has new line for praising me during battle... Well, I guess it's not really a new line; I think it's his other praising line that I haven't heard before. ^^; Still, I think I prefer this new line of his better than his usual line... Because besides praising how impressive I fight, with his new line he also says that he feels happy from the bottom of his heart that we fight together side by side... <333 However, sometimes he does revert to saying his usual line... *frowns*

Anyway, the most obvious thing that I noticed from this latest patch - I think it's patch 1.07? - is that there's no 5 minutes time limit anymore. You automatically win the defensive battle if you reduce half of the enemy's forces (of course if you capture the enemy's main camp, you win too), but you'll get a choice whether you want to continue the battle or not. You can see it in my video above - if you decide to watch it, that is. 

And I think with the latest patch the opponents seem to be even more fierce... Well, at least that how it seems and feels to me... ^^; If you watch the video and you see that I was unscathed when being ganged-up, that's because I used healing tower... It's not because I've become super invincible or something, nor that the game has become easier... And it also happened that in this battle that I made into video, I managed to not give the enemy too many openings, so it gives impression as if it's very easy to defeat them. In some other battles, where I got slightly careless, I did get whacked around by enemy officers. x_x;

Also, with the latest patch, if you execute officers, they will now speak some dying line... Instead of just making GYAAH! or other similar noises. It reminds me of Empires game for Samurai Warriors - if you execute officers there, you'll hear them saying dying lines as well. I don't play any previous Empires game for Dynasty Warriors, so I can't say. Anyway, personally, I don't really care whether the executed officers - usually and mostly, generics - will say dying line or just make some noises... ^^;

Oh yeah, about PSN... I found out that I needed to activate my PS4 first before I could download anything - both free or purchased contents. So yeah, I activated my PS4 last night and grabbed most of the freebies offered for DW8 Empires... Including the Oda Nobunyaga costume... Hehehe, I think I'll make Nobunyaga campaign later... xp Unfortunately, for SW4-II, there's no free content... All must pay... Well, I don't mind paying... I'm very willing to pay... But the stupid PSN doesn't let me! :@/ I'd say; letting go potential income(s), nice sales management, SONY! You should learn something from the successful money-grubbing EA... They know how to accept people's credit cards properly! :@/

And, one more rant... I still haven't received any of my new games purchased from Amazon... Two of them are still being held hostage by the ass post office, for whatever reason... Heavens only know when they will be released... Probably never! Or maybe after I die...! :@/ One that's supposed to be Japan-import, and doesn't have any tracking record; I have no idea where it is at the moment... Maybe also in the same custody of the ass post office... If not being stolen by the ass customs... or lost somewhere in the sea... x_x; I do feel like complaining to Amazon... But what's the use? They can't do anything since it's already being transferred to local post office... Well, of course they can offer refund, maybe, just like when I complained about my Harvest Moon A New Beginning was 2 months late... But then when the game suddenly got delivered, I needed to contact Amazon again so that they could charge me again for the game... So troublesome! :@/ I guess, if the ass post office never wants to deliver my games this time, then just consider it as a hit and miss lah... Next time if I want to buy from Amazon US, I'll choose priority shipping... Expensive, I know, but at least I won't get the stupid unreliable i-parcel to ship my game(s) anymore! Yeah, I've ever complained about i-parcel directly to Amazon, and I read a lot of people complaining about i-parcel too, but somehow Amazon still keeps using it! Dunno why... Nice management too, Amazon! :@/

Monday, May 11, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Another Bit of Boring Gameplay and Some Rants

YouTube Link

Yeah, just another video of another bit of my boring gameplay... This time from my current martial artist/family kingdom campaign... Because I've got nothing else better to do... And because it's only me who think that me playing the game lousily is actually worth recording and uploading... :@/

Anyway, it's just yesterday that I found out that PS4 actually can be connected to internet using LAN cable... All along I thought it can only use Wi-Fi... Hah! Since it can also use LAN cable, I guess I can connect my PS4 to internet now... So, last night I updated my games... But I haven't opened any of them, so I don't know whether they're still alright and playable after being patched last night... Who knows, probably not... :@/

And I thought now that my PS4 can connect to internet, I might as well grab some DLCs... Scully, since I belong to the group of extremely lucky people, PSN acts like a pain in the butt for me, when it comes to registering my credit card. It keeps on saying that my credit card is not valid, while I've been using the same card to shop elsewhere - such as Origin and Amazon. I've checked and made sure that my credit card is fine; it IS still valid and functions - I've even tested it by wasting some money to buy the useless Simpoints from Origin... So, I guess my credit card is acceptable everywhere else other than PSN... Well, if Sony doesn't want my money, then I'll just spend it somewhere else... Like Origin... :@/ Never thought that there'd be a day that I'd think and say that Origin is better... x_x;

I don't really care about additional scenarios for DW8 Empires, actually, but there are some additional stages for SW4-II that I'd like to get, if possible... But since it's not possible, then it's OK lah; doesn't matter - it's not like I can't live without any DLCs from the stupid PSN... If I couldn't, then I'd be dead by now, and that'd be something to rejoice for! *scoffs*

Actually, there's a few of free DLCs for DW8 Empires - including the costume of Oda Nobunyaga - but it seems that even for the free contents, PSN doesn't want to give me, ne... Couldn't download them for whatever reasons... :@/ So, the conclusion is; making a PSN account is really pointless for me... Because there's nothing else I can do with it; besides logging in and out... and cursing it... and wishing I could just delete it... 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Just Another Lame Fighting Video

YouTube Link

I'm feeling so fed up at the moment, that I don't even have any mood to rant - let alone ramble nonsensically... So, I'd just post this... another lame video of mine... If you're interested to watch, then go ahead and watch it - I hope you'll enjoy it somehow... If you're not, then no need to watch.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Our Children Video

YouTube Link

A video of our - me and Xun Yu - children; Xun Lin, Xun Yun, Xun Yi and Xun Sen, starring in some events... Just want to show off their weird - if not ugly - faces... Oh well, they've received some editing so I guess they look a bit less horrible than when they're first generated by the game... But still not good enough for my standard, I guess...:@/

If I'm not lazy - and still alive - maybe I'll make a video of them in battles later... But actually I've decided to leave my campaign of ignorance for now because I'd like to be a martial artist...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Campaign of Ignorance

YouTube Link

*cursing YouTube for either not showing up video thumbnail properly or always changing my video thumbnails without my permission! And of course, the garbage quality, as usual!*

*copy and paste the YouTube description for this video*
A video of a battle from my current campaign of ignorance... Nothing special or spectacular about it, really... Just that I tried to do the battle with Xun Yu alone, and nobody else... However, my game is really fucked-up; for whatever reason, it didn't allow me to finish the battle...So, no choice but re-did the battle and brought some other people... This video, though, is made of the clips from both the initial and the re-do battles.

In this current campaign, I've got citizens who are very easy to please... At the moment I've got 5 territories and all green color - indicating happy and prosperous - very easily and very fast... without I have to do anything special; either building something or donating. On the other hand, in this campaign Xun Yu is quite hard to please - even being brought to battles didn't boost his friendship level much; if none at all. I guess we're still reeling from the previous campaign... Oh well, since I've decided and even called this campaign as a campaign of ignorance - meaning I won't expect anything from anyone; including Xun Yu... Even if he won't want to confess to me ever again, I couldn't care less. It's just a stupid game, anyway... which is also very fucked-up lately. :@/

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Oh Well...

I'm currently feeling quite unwell... It's because last night I let myself get so upset over this stupid game... It's really not worth it; now that I feel pain all over my body... :@/ I guess it's my own fault for expecting so much from a game... I think from now on I shouldn't expect anything from any game - just like I no longer expect anything from real world. It's better that way; then I won't be disappointed anymore - save me the worthless pain physically and mentally. 

Anyway, here's how Xun Sen looks after some editing...

Tsk, I thought the lips should be orange-ish color, but as usual in screenshots, the color will look different... It became blackish... Not nice...! :@/ At least in the video, it will still look orange-ish... not blackish... 

I think Xun Sen looks pretty OK... It's just that somehow with this hairstyle, the more I stare at him, the more I think that he kind of looks like Zhou Yu...?! O.o Maybe I should change his hairstyle? Though dunno why, I feel that this look suits his name actually... *frowns* See how later lah... If I'm not lazy, then I guess I'll try editing him again...

And I did some editing on Xun Yun's face too... Now he looks like this:

I think he looks better now... compared to his previous version... At least he doesn't look so different now... Does he look anything like Xun Yu now? *snorts* No way lah, never! Impossible! :@/ And yeah, I changed his clothing as well...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: End of Heartbreaking Campaign

YouTube Link

Above is the video of Final Battle Event and Ending of my current campaign... Yesh, if you watch the video, you can see that I've got a doppelganger in the Final Battle Event... :@/

This campaign... is really the fastest I've finished so far... Because there are so many upsetting things in this campaign... The heartbreaking thing is; I can't believe that I lost Lu Xun again for the second time! x_x But this time it's not my fault - I'm sure of it... Lu Xun didn't die in battle - I'm sure of it... He just suddenly disappeared... 

Yes, prior to his disappearance, I did a defense battle with him... And yes, he did get defeated once in the battle, but being defeated once doesn't make it possible for him to be slain yet... And I used revive tactic to bring him back to the battle and he then fought beside me - all well, safe and sound until the defense battle ended and was won. And then immediately after the defense battle, it was time to go on invasion battle - which Lu Xun didn't get to participate... Only after I returned from the invasion battle, did I notice that Lu Xun had gone! At first I thought Xun Yu traded Lu Xun for Sun Ce... Because actually at the end of the invasion battle, I wondered how come Sun Ce could get hired when our kingdom already had the maximum 60 officers... Weirder thing is Sun Ce actually stood next to me when the battle ended; which means, we actually didn't capture him, ne... So, it's weird that the game stated that we captured Sun Ce... Even weirder that he got hired when we're supposed to not be able to hire anymore... And then I found out that Lu Xun disappeared... And that's why I thought Xun Yu fired Lu Xun so that he could hire Sun Ce, instead... I was really upset with him because of that, ne... I was thinking; how could Xun Yu do something like that?! Lu Xun is my sworn brother, ne... How could he trade him for Sun Ce...!? How could Xun Yu keep breaking my heart in this campaign when I'm so loyal to him...?!! T_T

If it's not because the campaign was near to end, I'd have just discard it halfway... But since it's near ending anyway, I decided to finish it... And when I read the log of the kingdom, I then found out that Lu Xun was said to be dead...! O.O 

Died from what!!? He was fine when we finished the defense battle together, ne! Or is it that the revive tactic has some kind of side effect that will make whoever it's used on to be dead afterwards?! If so, then state it clearly in the tactic description! (>.<) But I don't think that's the case, ne... Because I also used the revive tactic on Xun Yi and he didn't die afterwards... So, how come Lu Xun died?!! x_x 

The only explanation that I can think of, then, is: THE GAME KILLED LU XUN OFF SCREEN! (>.<) For whatever reason that I can't comprehend... Except that this game is really fucked up... Or should I say that; my copy of this game is really fucked up - for some reason, it really likes to kill Lu Xun! x_x It seems that whenever I wear something that related to cats, Lu Xun dies... When I wore the cat costume, he got slain during battle... Now I wear cat ears, he also got killed unfairly off screen by the game...! I really ought not to wear anything cat-related if I want Lu Xun to stay alive... :@/

And see the game really mocks me by showing the scene of me doing sibling oath with Lu Xun as one of my memories of the campaign... Talking about rubbing salt on my open bleeding wound...! x_x

So, I guess I was wrong when I thought that Xun Yu dismissed Lu Xun behind my back... And he couldn't have anything to do with Lu Xun's death, because he was with me in the invasion battle, ne... The game must have had someone else to kill Lu Xun - one of those who stayed behind in the palace... :@/ Sorry, Xun Yu... for suspecting you... and for being unfairly angry at you... T_T But you do, still, upset me with your indifferent way of gifting throughout this campaign... :@( I hope in the next campaign, we can patch things up between us... 

Anyway, on serious note, I think the only good thing that I got from this campaign is the fact that I managed to get Xun Yu's title. That's it. Everything else about this campaign is just... upsetting! (>.<) I guess I was right when I rambled about bad omen in the beginning of this campaign... Oh well, at least it's over now... And next campaign - yes, of course there will be next campaign; no way I'll leave things not nice between me and Xun Yu like this! - I must do it well, if not better... And Xun Yu, you'd better make it up to me in the next campaign...! :@(

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Xun Yu, Oh Xun Yu... Again... T_T

YouTube Link

Stupid YouTube doesn't want to show the video thumbnail again! Oh well, it's not like there's anybody who's going to watch it, anyway, so, I guess it doesn't matter whether there's video thumbnail or not. :@/

Yes, I'm not very happy at the moment... All that I need to say, I've said it in the video... If you're interested to know/read my newest rants about my current campaign, then go ahead and watch the video... If not, then no need to watch lah. 

In the mean time, I shall go find Xun Yu and tell him that I don't like his aloof, indifferent way of gifting me in front of the court - even if he does remember to gift me often in this campaign, I'm still not happy with the way he does it! *pouts, pouts* And for that, I'm going to make him say that he loves me and only me all night long! 

(BTW, we've got a son again... Like in the previous campaign, the game gave me a son right away, so I didn't need to reload and reload.)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: A Little Bit of Gameplay

Yeahh... I've always recorded and uploaded battle videos, but never a gameplay video... So, here's a short video of a bit of me playing my current campaign...

In the above video, you can see that this time Xun Yu accepted my suggestion to attack Da Qiao's capital - and by doing so, kicking her out of the map for good xp Yesterday when he declined my suggestion, I felt so sad... But now that he accepted, I felt so happy...! <333 *pounces on Xun Yu, kissing him in front of the court* xp

Anyway, on serious note, it seems that whether he will accept or decline my suggestion doesn't entirely depend on our friendship level... Even after he's on S level and already becomes my husband again, he can still decline my suggestion, for whatever reason... It seems that there's 50-50 chance whether to accept or decline... Just like if you offer alliance with someone or ask for tribute; there's always 50-50 chance whether the other party will accept or not - even if you already use the approach that has the highest percentage of success. 

I deliberately didn't include the battle in this video, because what for lah; I've uploaded too many battle videos already... Besides, the battle wasn't anything spectacular... Captured some officers, such as Ma Chao and Zhong Hui... Zhong Hui left shortly after he joined, though, because he's like Guo Jia; has evil smiley icon... I guess those with evil icon can't stand to be in a kingdom with righteous rating. ^^; Oh well, I just let him go lah, because there's nothing I can do about it. As for Guo Jia, like I've predicted, ever since he became my sworn brother, he never wants to leave again... Or should I say; he can never leave again... xp But it's a good thing for him that I make him stay, ne, because now Xun Yu has made him a prefect too. 

And I see that recently Xun Yu always prefers to bring his fellow strategists to our battles; Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Lu Meng and Pang Tong... These four is always included - besides me, the main character, of course. I wonder if he wants to make his own Shitennou - Four Heavenly Kings... ^^; Though if it's his plan, I'd prefer Lu Xun included instead of Pang Tong... Dunno why recently Xun Yu doesn't include Lu Xun in our battles... Well, look at the bright side; at least he doesn't bring Cai Wenji... x_x;

Oh yeah, come to think, now that Guo Jia is also a prefect, meaning I now only have 4 officers under me, ah... Hmm... It could be quite difficult if we must go on defensive battle later on... with difficulty level is already increased... 

And yes, right after we kicked Da Qiao out of the map, Xun Yu confessed to me! <333 So, we got married again, lah... xp This time, I think I still want a son again... Wonder if the game will be so kind to give me a son right away - like in the previous campaign - so I won't need to reload so many times... Though, I bet our son will look horrible again... Then, should I just accept if the game gives me a daughter? But I'm not in the mood to have another daughter... :@/ Oh, and it just crossed my mind that I should try editing Xun Yun's face later... Maybe I can make him look... less different...? I feel that it's really quite unfortunate that being the first son, Xun Yun looks... like that! x_x I actually kinda like Xun Yi's current look; thanks to me did some editing on his face... So, maybe I should do the same thing with Xun Yun...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Xun Yu, Oh Xun Yu...

So, the latest update for my current campaign is; I got promoted to be a prefect... And as a prefect, I can do a few things that a ruler can; such as building blacksmith/item shop/academy... However unlike a ruler, as a prefect, I can only build within the area I'm responsible of. Also, as a prefect, I can try to convince my ruler - Xun Yu - about the better, if not the best, area to attack next. And so, this time, after attacking westward for a few years, Xun Yu wanted to finally attack one of Da Qiao's territories. Logically, I should suggest to attack the capital directly, instead, but you see, I'm still traumatized about the misfortune I had the last time I attacked the capital of Da Qiao's kingdom... Though, actually now it's still quite early in the campaign so the battle should be not too bad... Still, in the end, I tried to suggest how about finishing with the westward-attack campaign; because there's still one area left there that we haven't invaded yet...

... But Xun Yu politely declined my suggestion, ne... T_T (*sniffling* This is what I'd call, hurt me softly, ah...) Maybe because I chose the wrong approach... Or maybe because we're still on B level - maybe if he's already on S level and/or we're already married again, then he will be easier to convince... Oh well, since I've decided to follow him this time, then I'll be very obedient, lah... xp He wants to attack one of Da Qiao's territories, then I'll attack there lah... 

Anyway, I've given some officers to assist me; Lu Xun, Guo Jia, Lu Meng, Xun Yun and Bao Sanniang... I guess Xun Yu knows that I don't like generics, so he doesn't give any of them under me - not Cai Wenji either. ^^; I've made Lu Xun and Guo Jia as my sworn brothers again - that's the reason why I'm still on B level with Xun Yu, because I had been raising these two's friendship level instead. Actually, Guo Jia suddenly remembered that he wanted to leave again, ne... I reloaded the game so many times - even turned my PS4 off and then back on so many times too - but he still insisted on leaving! When I finally decided to let him go, miraculously Guo Jia then forgot his desire to leave again! O.O And so, I hurriedly made him as my sworn brother; because I think once he becomes my brother, he won't be able to leave... v(^__^)v *evil smirk* Or, will he still want to leave again later...? Oh well, we shall see... But I still think that he shouldn't be able to leave, now that he's bound by our sibling oath... xp

A weird thing that I noticed once I become a prefect is; when Lu Xun gifted me a 4 stars weapon, he actually knelt first before me, ne! And his line is also different from what he usually says during gifting scene as my brother. It's as if he's offering a tribute to a ruler or something... ^^; Which makes me wonder; how come when I'm a ruler, he doesn't act like that, but instead towards me as a prefect, he acts as if I'm her majesty...? *blinks, blinks* I think a ruler is higher than a prefect, ne... Ah, dunno lah, this game does have some things that don't really make sense... 

And, shortly after I became a prefect, Jiang Wei attacked my prefecture, ne! Tsk! Fine, I defended with my 5 officers lah... Of course we won, the area was defended, but then I found out that right after that it's time to attack that Da Qiao...! And I couldn't find the option to heal, ne... OH, NO! x_x; Well, I guess I'd have to go on battle while still hurt... At least Lu Xun isn't included in this battle... Guo Jia is, though, and he's also injured... :@/ Oh well, I saved the battle for later... 

(At least Xun Yu as the ruler always join in our battles so far... Though there's not many chances for us to fight side by side so far... I feel quite lonely in the recent battles, ne... Why must I keep hearing Lu Meng praising me?! *growls*)

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Aiyo, Not Bad! xp

So, yesterday I posted about starting new campaign with Xun Yu as the ruler and I'm his subordinate... And yesterday's post was ended with Guo Jia left our kingdom... Well, fortunately I didn't save until that part... Because when I turned on my PS4 again later and opened the game, somehow this time Guo Jia forgot that he wanted to leave...! ^^; So yeah, he's still with us now... I guess if you encounter unpleasant thing in this game, simply reloading is not enough anymore; gotta turn off the PS4 as well and then turn it back on and open the game again, for the unpleasant thing to never happen... *shakes head* Oh well, at least now is all good again, so I continue the campaign... It crosses my mind, actually, if this may be a bad omen; maybe later on this campaign will turn bad like the one where Lu Xun died... But, I think we'll see lah... Even if later someone dies during battle, as long as I don't save, I can undo the misfortune, right? Right... ^^;

Anyway, here's a video of our first battle against Xiao Qiao's forces...

For this battle, I was still on level 6, got no item whatsoever equipped, only had 2 tactics and used level 1 weapons. Despite the short life gauge, the enemy was quite fierce, ne... I got myself whacked from behind so many times! x_x; And some musou officers even already used their musou... Cai Wenji finally had her revenge on me, by using double musou on me... Damn her and her stupid over-sized harp! I was healing myself from her first musou and already she hit me again with the second one; though I did counter-attack her second musou with my own musou, so I managed to save a little bit of my life gauge. And Zhuge Liang tried to use violent wind on us... I needed to fail his grand tactic, or else it would be bad for us; someone might get captured, ne... And while whacking Zhuge Liang, I got whacked by the stinky Liu Shan with his stinky bench...! :@/ But like Cai Wenji's futile attempt, it's not enough to kill me, ne! xp

Speaking about revenge, I had my own revenge on Da Qiao in the last campaign - captured her and executed her - for what she did to Lu Xun in the campaign before last. In this campaign, I see that Da Qiao also becomes a ruler again and her kingdom is also next to ours... But since Xun Yu still hasn't decided to attack her yet, I can't do anything about it... I actually wondered why he decided to attack Xiao Qiao first... If it were me, I'd attack Da Qiao first - not because of revenge - but simply because in my opinion obtaining her territory, which is the northern topmost of the map, is better; at least, reducing the chance of being attacked from both sides at the same time in the future... But then again, as a brilliant strategist, I'm sure Xun Yu knows what he's doing... ^^;

Anyway, from this first battle, I captured Lu Meng, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and Cai Wenji... And like I've dreaded; Xun Yu hired them all...! x_x; I don't have problem with the first three... But why Cai Wenji also!? :@( Oh well... Look from the bright side, at least no generic got hired... Maybe she will leave on her own will later... If she chooses to stay, then she can just watch me having Xun Yu all to myself and being lovey-dovey with him! xp *evil smirk*

I guess Xun Yu knew that I was unhappy with Cai Wenji's recruitment, so he promoted me... ^^;

Well, it's not that I'm ungrateful, but actually your love confession is much better - and more effective - to make me happy, Xun Yu... Hehehe... xp

Oh yeah, speaking about generic... I was quite surprised to find that there's one generic in our kingdom, ne! I guess during the very short period before I rejoined, Xun Yu hired the generic... Xun Yu oh Xun Yu, I don't mind with you being so kind, but can you please not hire generics...? *looking at Xun Yu with puppy eyes*