Monday, May 4, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: End of Heartbreaking Campaign

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Above is the video of Final Battle Event and Ending of my current campaign... Yesh, if you watch the video, you can see that I've got a doppelganger in the Final Battle Event... :@/

This campaign... is really the fastest I've finished so far... Because there are so many upsetting things in this campaign... The heartbreaking thing is; I can't believe that I lost Lu Xun again for the second time! x_x But this time it's not my fault - I'm sure of it... Lu Xun didn't die in battle - I'm sure of it... He just suddenly disappeared... 

Yes, prior to his disappearance, I did a defense battle with him... And yes, he did get defeated once in the battle, but being defeated once doesn't make it possible for him to be slain yet... And I used revive tactic to bring him back to the battle and he then fought beside me - all well, safe and sound until the defense battle ended and was won. And then immediately after the defense battle, it was time to go on invasion battle - which Lu Xun didn't get to participate... Only after I returned from the invasion battle, did I notice that Lu Xun had gone! At first I thought Xun Yu traded Lu Xun for Sun Ce... Because actually at the end of the invasion battle, I wondered how come Sun Ce could get hired when our kingdom already had the maximum 60 officers... Weirder thing is Sun Ce actually stood next to me when the battle ended; which means, we actually didn't capture him, ne... So, it's weird that the game stated that we captured Sun Ce... Even weirder that he got hired when we're supposed to not be able to hire anymore... And then I found out that Lu Xun disappeared... And that's why I thought Xun Yu fired Lu Xun so that he could hire Sun Ce, instead... I was really upset with him because of that, ne... I was thinking; how could Xun Yu do something like that?! Lu Xun is my sworn brother, ne... How could he trade him for Sun Ce...!? How could Xun Yu keep breaking my heart in this campaign when I'm so loyal to him...?!! T_T

If it's not because the campaign was near to end, I'd have just discard it halfway... But since it's near ending anyway, I decided to finish it... And when I read the log of the kingdom, I then found out that Lu Xun was said to be dead...! O.O 

Died from what!!? He was fine when we finished the defense battle together, ne! Or is it that the revive tactic has some kind of side effect that will make whoever it's used on to be dead afterwards?! If so, then state it clearly in the tactic description! (>.<) But I don't think that's the case, ne... Because I also used the revive tactic on Xun Yi and he didn't die afterwards... So, how come Lu Xun died?!! x_x 

The only explanation that I can think of, then, is: THE GAME KILLED LU XUN OFF SCREEN! (>.<) For whatever reason that I can't comprehend... Except that this game is really fucked up... Or should I say that; my copy of this game is really fucked up - for some reason, it really likes to kill Lu Xun! x_x It seems that whenever I wear something that related to cats, Lu Xun dies... When I wore the cat costume, he got slain during battle... Now I wear cat ears, he also got killed unfairly off screen by the game...! I really ought not to wear anything cat-related if I want Lu Xun to stay alive... :@/

And see the game really mocks me by showing the scene of me doing sibling oath with Lu Xun as one of my memories of the campaign... Talking about rubbing salt on my open bleeding wound...! x_x

So, I guess I was wrong when I thought that Xun Yu dismissed Lu Xun behind my back... And he couldn't have anything to do with Lu Xun's death, because he was with me in the invasion battle, ne... The game must have had someone else to kill Lu Xun - one of those who stayed behind in the palace... :@/ Sorry, Xun Yu... for suspecting you... and for being unfairly angry at you... T_T But you do, still, upset me with your indifferent way of gifting throughout this campaign... :@( I hope in the next campaign, we can patch things up between us... 

Anyway, on serious note, I think the only good thing that I got from this campaign is the fact that I managed to get Xun Yu's title. That's it. Everything else about this campaign is just... upsetting! (>.<) I guess I was right when I rambled about bad omen in the beginning of this campaign... Oh well, at least it's over now... And next campaign - yes, of course there will be next campaign; no way I'll leave things not nice between me and Xun Yu like this! - I must do it well, if not better... And Xun Yu, you'd better make it up to me in the next campaign...! :@(