Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Family Musou

Since I've updated my game, I can do family musou with Xun Yu now. <333

YouTube Link

While I do agree that family musou makes the marriage feels more worthwhile - it certainly does more damage than solo musou, I must say that I've got the usual issue with combined musou... That is; it's quite tricky to aim properly in order to get the most result with combined musou... If at the ending of the video, I managed to do our combined musou somewhat properly, it's because of luck, rather than skill... ^^; 

Still, since Xun Yu's musou - both land and air - creates large shockwave, even if our combined musou isn't really aimed properly, the number of victims fall from it is still fairly decent... However, I did try doing combined musou with Guo Jia - he's already become my sworn brother again, so we can combine our musou as well, and the result was quite disappointing, ne... What; only 1 victim?! What a waste of musou! I can get better result doing solo musou on my own! x_x; Yeahh, it's because Guo Jia's land musou is not really effective, ne... That's why whenever I play as him, I always prefer doing air musou which is more effective than the land one... Unfortunately, for combined musou, it uses the characters' land musou... So, I guess if doing combined musou with Guo Jia, I'll have to aim very properly, if I want to get good result from it. (So troublesome... Just do it with Xun Yu lah! xp)

And Xun Yu now has new line for praising me during battle... Well, I guess it's not really a new line; I think it's his other praising line that I haven't heard before. ^^; Still, I think I prefer this new line of his better than his usual line... Because besides praising how impressive I fight, with his new line he also says that he feels happy from the bottom of his heart that we fight together side by side... <333 However, sometimes he does revert to saying his usual line... *frowns*

Anyway, the most obvious thing that I noticed from this latest patch - I think it's patch 1.07? - is that there's no 5 minutes time limit anymore. You automatically win the defensive battle if you reduce half of the enemy's forces (of course if you capture the enemy's main camp, you win too), but you'll get a choice whether you want to continue the battle or not. You can see it in my video above - if you decide to watch it, that is. 

And I think with the latest patch the opponents seem to be even more fierce... Well, at least that how it seems and feels to me... ^^; If you watch the video and you see that I was unscathed when being ganged-up, that's because I used healing tower... It's not because I've become super invincible or something, nor that the game has become easier... And it also happened that in this battle that I made into video, I managed to not give the enemy too many openings, so it gives impression as if it's very easy to defeat them. In some other battles, where I got slightly careless, I did get whacked around by enemy officers. x_x;

Also, with the latest patch, if you execute officers, they will now speak some dying line... Instead of just making GYAAH! or other similar noises. It reminds me of Empires game for Samurai Warriors - if you execute officers there, you'll hear them saying dying lines as well. I don't play any previous Empires game for Dynasty Warriors, so I can't say. Anyway, personally, I don't really care whether the executed officers - usually and mostly, generics - will say dying line or just make some noises... ^^;

Oh yeah, about PSN... I found out that I needed to activate my PS4 first before I could download anything - both free or purchased contents. So yeah, I activated my PS4 last night and grabbed most of the freebies offered for DW8 Empires... Including the Oda Nobunyaga costume... Hehehe, I think I'll make Nobunyaga campaign later... xp Unfortunately, for SW4-II, there's no free content... All must pay... Well, I don't mind paying... I'm very willing to pay... But the stupid PSN doesn't let me! :@/ I'd say; letting go potential income(s), nice sales management, SONY! You should learn something from the successful money-grubbing EA... They know how to accept people's credit cards properly! :@/

And, one more rant... I still haven't received any of my new games purchased from Amazon... Two of them are still being held hostage by the ass post office, for whatever reason... Heavens only know when they will be released... Probably never! Or maybe after I die...! :@/ One that's supposed to be Japan-import, and doesn't have any tracking record; I have no idea where it is at the moment... Maybe also in the same custody of the ass post office... If not being stolen by the ass customs... or lost somewhere in the sea... x_x; I do feel like complaining to Amazon... But what's the use? They can't do anything since it's already being transferred to local post office... Well, of course they can offer refund, maybe, just like when I complained about my Harvest Moon A New Beginning was 2 months late... But then when the game suddenly got delivered, I needed to contact Amazon again so that they could charge me again for the game... So troublesome! :@/ I guess, if the ass post office never wants to deliver my games this time, then just consider it as a hit and miss lah... Next time if I want to buy from Amazon US, I'll choose priority shipping... Expensive, I know, but at least I won't get the stupid unreliable i-parcel to ship my game(s) anymore! Yeah, I've ever complained about i-parcel directly to Amazon, and I read a lot of people complaining about i-parcel too, but somehow Amazon still keeps using it! Dunno why... Nice management too, Amazon! :@/