Saturday, May 23, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Worst Couple Contest

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The actual title for this DLC stage is Best Couple Contest... But I call this video of mine Worst Couple Contest because I did it with Takatora... xp 

(Takatora: "Hmph, I couldn't agree more!"

See, he didn't even help me when I was being ganged-up, ne... I think he's angry at me because I made him whack his beloved Lady Oichi in this stage. ^^;  

Speaking about couple... I miss Xun Yu...! T_T I haven't continued my DW8 Empires game yet... Oh well, no need to rush; it's not like he's missing me too, anyway... :@/ Let me stay in Japan for a little longer and bully Takatora (again!) to my heart's content... Hehehe... xp