Saturday, January 31, 2015

How Low Can You Go?

When I opened the sliding door just now, a small lizard fell on my hand... Yeah, EEK! ^^; And I suddenly remembered one of the superstitions that my deceased mother used to believe; GETTING A LIZARD FELL ON YOU MEANS BAD LUCK!

I can't help snorting at the thought... Because as I am now - and as I've always been - how far worse things can be for me? The shitty ass customs steal my DW8 Empires game? Go right ahead - see if I give a damn! Death? That'd be a blessing, not bad luck! *snorts*

Friday, January 30, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Musou of Failures

Another fucked-up day, another lame video with garbage quality once being uploaded to YouTube... Seriously, what kind of quality is that if not GARBAGE?! Hmph, wonder why I even bother... :@/

Actually, I DO know why I  bother making and uploading videos that nobody's going to see, except me myself... It's because an existence full with success is such a boring ordinary one, while existence with nothing but failures... Now that's a TALENT! - if not a gift. *snickers*

Unlike the song lyrics, this video features many mistakes and weaknesses... Got kicked by Diaochan - so uncool x_x; Got called foul beast by Zhenji (I don't want to consort with you either, Zhenji - not even if you're the last woman on earth... I may be a ladies man, but I have standard, ne... I don't go after other man's wife, dead or alive...! And to be honest, you're more annoying than pretty or sexy in my eyes... In fact, you somehow reminds me of Zhang He... Even if I'm desperate or swing that way, I don't want him as my partner - with that kind of look and voice...Ugh! *cringes*) 

And you won't be able to see it in the video because of the GARBAGE QUALITY courtesy of YouTube, but I also by accident knocked my own wolf with my Dizzy Musou while he was ripping Xiahou Dun's face... Poor wolfie... Oh well, he's fine, I guess since he's an ally - even if getting somewhat knocked away, he won't take damage from it. Instead, I should say poor Xiahou Dun... I hope his face is alright... After all, we both actually belong to Wei...

However, like I've mentioned last night, I lost Cao Pi (and Zhenji) and Xiahou Dun despite successfully defeated them, because of the stupid current allies limit... and the game stupidly released them instead of the useless generics. 

But then again, I also did very poorly when fighting against Cao Pi and Xiahou Dun... See the troop stats... All red instead of blue... All my allies, except my bodyguards and my wolf, fled! x_x That's because I was running out of time so didn't bother to fight enemy officers - generics or not - and instead, immediately fought the boss...(Well, for battle with Cao Pi, I wasn't quite running out of time, actually... And I did fight a generic officer or two, but somehow in the end it's still all red...) But I think no matter whether you lose all your troops or not, if in the end you can defeat the enemy boss, you still win, because that's the condition for victory; defeating the enemy boss, not make sure your allies survive. So, the fact that I lost Cao Pi and Xiahou Dun is really strictly because of the stupid allies limit - and the game doesn't ask me which ones I want to keep and which ones I want to release, and not because of my poor performance... Yep, I believe so. ^^;

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blast From Past: Dynasty Warriors 7 Guo Jia Video

My old Guo Jia video... Made using screenshots from his last event (movie)... The background story is everyone in Wei Kingdom were having a celebratory banquet after a battle - I don't really remember what battle exactly in the game... Sorry, my memory gets worse as I become older. ^^; But if according to history, Guo Jia passed away - in quite young age; 30 something - due to illness during the battle between Wei and Yuan Shao's sons. That's why in Dynasty Warriors game, Guo Jia character is made to have a weak constitution... Well, in other words; he has whatever terminal illness/condition and he's dying... So, in Dynasty Warriors 7 Xtreme Legends this Guo Jia's last movie is about how during the feast, he suddenly had a pang of pain in his chest and he mumbled to himself that his time is near, ah... ^^; However, in Dynasty Warriors 8, there's hypothetical stage where Guo Jia lives on to even participate in Chibi (Battle of Red Cliff).

Anyway, back to my video... I used Jay Chou's song entitled Fireworks Cool Down Easily (or as the official MV calls it Fade Away). And at the ending of the video, you can hear Guo Jia's voice - Japanese voice... Though the quality is a bit poor because I recorded it from the game using... I think my old digital camera... ^^; His words that I included in this video are actually his reply to an officer - I forget who that was - who stated that for him, Guo Jia, being such a brilliant strategist, everything  in his life must be easy and always go the way he wants/plans... 


Still not getting my DW8 Empires game, I decided to ask Der Kaiser to see my fortune... 

Der Kaiser: *mumbling at the crystal ball* "Pippi's fortune... Pippi's fortune..."

Pippichan: *staring at Der Kaiser anxiously* "So, how is it?"
Der Kaiser: "Hmm..." *nodding* "I see that you have good fortune..."

Pippichan: "Really!?" *eyes lit up* "Does that mean that I'll get my DW8 Empires game tomorrow?!"
Der Kaiser: "You shall receive it... soon..."

Yeah, right! So much for being told that I have good fortune! *scoffs* I can't even get my DW8 Empires game on time! And now the castle is also on fire! x_x

Everything sucks! Sucks....! Sucks... I say! :@(

No need to put out the fire lah... Just let us burn in it and be done already! The end of all miseries - so long cruel shitty place!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Ambition Mode Battle

... Or I can just call this video as Dizzy Musou, because I do feel dizzy watching Guo Jia doing his Rage Musou... ^^; And doggone-it, I still can't manage to achieve Sparking!!! yet - only Rampage! :@/ Oh well, unlike in SW4, doing Rage Musou in DW8 is not that easy... Must press and then hold down R3 button while releasing musou and slashing and maneuvering at the same time... It's too much for my clumsy paws to handle... x_x; It seems that achieving Sparking!!! while doing Rage Musou is a bit easier to do on PS Vita than on PS4... for me, at least...

For this video, I played with Normal difficulty... The enemy officers' life gauge is very long; yes, they refuse to die quickly nor easily but at least in Normal difficulty they're slow in launching their attack/musou attack so I have enough time to get away before getting hit... The soldiers are also not as violent in Normal difficulty, though if they manage to slash you, the damage caused to your life gauge is a bit more significant than in Easy difficulty. However, since one of my equipped weapons can heal me, I don't need to worry about seeing the other side... xp I'm  glad that I've got this weapon - so handy because looking for life is very hard when you need it the most. 

And of course there's still no new update on my Japanese version of DW8 Empires game...! It's still being held by the shitty ass customs, I bet! x_x When will I receive it, then? In 2 weeks time? A month? Together with the English version in March/April?!! :@/ So much for paying more and for the so-called expedited shipping; in the end it's still not express at all, thanks to those customs assholes! 

*sighs* Oh fine! If it's not meant to be then it's not. If I see the other side first before meeting Xun Yu, then it's fate; sorry, kid, not in this fucked-up lifetime! :@/ At least I've captured Lu Xun again last night - he can't resist my Dizzy Musou. xp Let's have a lot of fun with him... Shall we, Guo Jia? *winking and smiling pervertedly at Guo Jia who nods in agreement* Yeah, hehehe...! xp

(But I want my Xun Yu too! T_T)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hello Kitty Mitsunari

Yep, Hello Kitty Mitsunari... Quite cute, if you ask me. xp

Of course there are also Hello Kitty version for other Samurai Warriors 4 characters, Hello Kitty Takakage is pretty cute as well. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4 Battle of Sekigahara with Hard Difficulty

Ugh, I hate playing with Hard difficulty... My paws are not that fast and sophisticated enough to do so... x_x; 

Seriously, playing with Hard difficulty and above is really drive me insane! (Here's the evidence; making me do the insane musou ^^;) Every slash is very painful; even a poke from foot soldiers reduces my life gauge quite a lot and in Hard and above difficulty, they always want to poke me together with enemy officers who gang up on me and refuse to die quickly!

And hearing Yoshitsugu saying "I think I can see the other side" repeatedly doesn't help either... Yeah, he's always in the brink of death almost all the time because his level is still not as high as Mitsunari's yet. ^^; I didn't include all the fighting scenes because if I had done it, it would have been a very long video and very big size as well, even though it's not HD. I don't have time to upload big-sized videos. However, you can still see me getting beaten and dying at the end of this video... If I wasn't quick enough to switch to Mitsunari from the dying Yoshitsugu, I would have been defeated when I was so close to victory... Luckily I managed to switch in time and finished off Takatora and the battle was won! xp

I don't think I'd ever want to try Nightmare difficulty... It'd definitely give me nightmare for real... x_x

Friday, January 23, 2015

Bear Song

The last time you heard Shirokuma singing, he was terribly out of tune... ^^; After some practice, now let's hear him again...

Hmm... I was thinking maybe getting Elgato or something like that to record PS4 game better... and with audio too! However, I checked at Amazon and woah, it's quite expensive, ne! o.O Elgato Game Capture HD60 is $160... With handling and shipping fee, I think it will be almost $200 or more... Don't have money...! x_x; Well, actually it's not that I don't have money to burn... It's more appropriate to say that I can't afford it for this month and next month... Because if I buy it now or next month, it'll certainly go over my credit card limit. Perhaps, in the future... Maybe... But then again, I also feel kind of stupid for even thinking of buying such device... I mean, why bother? It's not like people are dying to see my videos... :@/ So, might as well just continue with recording muted video(s) using PS4 share feature. 

I guess, when it comes to capturing video, Sims game is really very convenient - if not the best so far... If you want to record video with voice just set it so in the setting; if you don't, then also just set it so in the setting... No audio being muted intentionally due to copyright crap... And YouTube doesn't turn it into garbage quality video either...

Bears Cupcakes

Minty Mocha cupcakes - with fresh cooling mint creme from the Arctic... YUM! (^(OO)^)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Update on My Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires...

So, I guess I'm not that patient anymore... I decided to just grab the Japanese version of the game from Amazon Japan... I should receive it some time in February, if things with the international shipping goes well... Of course I still don't cancel my pre-order for the English version, because I really don't know whether the Japanese version can be played on my PS4 machine or not... Plus, playing Empires with all the Kanji, ah... *remembers the time when playing SW3 Empires Japanese version* Ugh... God help me... ^^;

Oh well, guess I'm that desperate... x_x; I even want to take risk with the seller whose ranking is only 91% positive... And pay more for the game as well... *shakes head* Anyway, since it's done, it's done; no, I'm not cancelling my order. If there's regret later, well, that's for later... x_x

*preparing boxes of tissue for possible future weeping*

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Well, I just happened to read in someone's blog stating that the English version for Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires is being postponed... It should have been January 25th, 2015 but now it becomes February 24th! O.O And I just checked my pre-order with Amazon, and yes, it's true; now it says the game will be available on February 24th! NOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo....!! T_T *cries a river*

And I thought it would be soon that I could have it in my paws and play it... Well, of course international shipping will take approximately a month - given if everything goes well, no delay or any problem in transit, that is - well, I thought I could play the game some time in February... Now, I have to wait until March, or even April, just to play...! *wondering if I'll still be alive by then to play it* 

*sniffling* Oh well, Xun Yu, I guess I'll see you in March or April, then... If I'm still alive... 

And just when I was thinking that I've finally found a possible - if not sensible - yaoi pair for Guo Jia...! Yeah, why not pair him with Xun Yu? They both belong to Wei, both strategist, and actually, historically speaking, it's Xun Yu who recruited Guo Jia. And it seems that there are others who also think that these two will make a good pair, because I saw some fan arts of them. xp Here's the example...

Mmm... <333 *nods, nods in approval*

*sighs* x_xm

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Guo Jia

Since I'm still in the mood, here's another lame video with garbage quality once being uploaded on YouTube... Starring Guo Jia from Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition.

Playing on PS4, I need to start all over again, so my Guo Jia is still not very high level yet... His weapon is still the standard; the weakest one too... ^^; And as you can see in the video, I gave him the Qiao sisters as his bodyguards; since he's such a ladies man... xp I bet he feels in seventh heaven! xp

And I don't know why, but the Dynasty Warriors video is darker than Samurai Warriors 4 videos... The quality is different too - SW4 is better. I have to make this video into HD first so that I can enjoy it well on my laptop, while for SW4 videos, I don't have to make them into HD - already they're good and clear quality non HD (though once uploaded on YouTube they all become POOR QUALITY!) However, what I uploaded to YouTube this time isn't the HD version, because I don't want to waste my time waiting for the slow upload and in the end the result is the same garbage quality regardless of HD quality or not. And besides, it's not like anybody will bother to see the video, anyway. 

(If you stare close enough to your monitor, perhaps you can somewhat see Guo Jia's face... ^^;)

Oh, OK, let me put up some decent still pictures of Guo Jia... Because he's my forever favorite character of Dynasty Warriors; just like Mitsunari my forever favorite character of Samurai Warriors. xp And yesh, just like with Mitsunari when he made debut in Samurai Warriors 2, it's also love at first sight when Guo Jia made his debut in DW7 Xtreme Legend. xp

And below is the screenshot from my video; the HD version one... See how the color is darker, compared to Samurai Warriors 4 pictures and videos. I didn't change any setting on my PS4 or anything.

Well, I guess maybe DW8 image and video quality is a bit less than SW4... (Or perhaps it's just my copy) I hope DW8 Empires will have quality as good as SW4... 

Anyway, the BGM of the video is Kua Shi Dai - The Era by Jay Chou. I know I've ever used this song for my old video of Cao Pi x Guo Jia (yeah, there was time when I paired them both, but didn't work ^^;)... I'm lazy to look for another song, so I use it again... Besides, I think the song is pretty suitable for the video. 

And speaking of Jay Chou... He finally gets married, ah... Well, good for him, I guess. xp I don't even know who the heck his bride is... Seems to be half Chinese and half English...? I never follow celebrity gossip. I'm only interested in his songs; don't care about his love life. xp

Monday, January 19, 2015

Pippi in Action 2

Yesh, since I can't include myself in the Sengoku Musou anime, I shall assist Mitsunari-sama kicking Tokugawa's ass in SW4 Free Mode and Chronicle Mode. v(^___^)v

Anyway, Pippi has new top and she now wears Mitsunari's crest - you can see it printed on her sleeve. xp

Oh well, I guess nobody wants to see my lame alter-ego in my lame video with garbage quality courtesy of YouTube. Fine, doesn't matter, I shall enjoy the video myself; at least I have the better and clearer quality of it in my laptop. Yep, my own pleasure and satisfaction - that's the most important thing that I should care about!

*goes back to my date with Mitsunari-sama*

Sunday, January 18, 2015

How I Messed Up And No Yaoi For Mitsunari...

So, I tried to see if I can make an officer in Samurai Warriors 4 that somewhat looks like Sasuke from Brave10 anime... And the result is... *laughing myself hard* ... really so horrible...! (>.<)

*laughing at the mismatch hair and eyebrow colors* Now, this time it's not quite 100% my colorblindness' fault... It's my LED screen that somehow gives misleading sharper/darker color than the actual one... I could swear his hair and eyebrows colors are pretty much matching while being displayed on my LED screen... But in screenshot, it looks like that...! ^^; *shakes head* All the colors I chose are displayed very differently on LED screen and in this screenshot; not just the hair and eyebrows colors, but also the eye color, lips color.... I think I need to somehow setup the LED color setting... 

Anyway, this... horrible-looking Sasuke-wannabe is not nice lah... I shall delete him... But before that I wanted to see if there's a chance for yaoi in SW4 events in Chronicle Mode... Since I've got quite yuri (girl x girl) - ish events with Oichi and Noh, I thought it's possible for something yaoi-ish as well... However...

Pippichan: "... AAAWW, Mitsunari-sama! You only want to hug me, ah...!" <333

Mitsunari: "Well, of course! Just look at him - his horrible mismatch color of hair and eyebrows! Who would want to hug him, hmph!"

OK, seriously, I guess it's no yaoi for Mitsunari, then... Well, you may interpret those sentences any way you please, but for me, they're no indication of yaoi whatsoever. ^^ However, when I tested with Takakage's event, there's no change at all; his event is the same for both male and female custom characters. Hmm...

I really need to stop laughing before I drop dead, like in Sims 4...  ^^;

*goes apologizing to Sasuke for ruining his image* 

My Favorite from Brave10

That's how Mitsunari Ishida looks like in anime Brave10. :@) Although I think I still like his Samurai Warriors version better, I must admit that he doesn't look bad at all in this anime. In fact, in Brave10, he has Midorikawa Hikaru as his seiyuu - AAHH, such sexy voice...! <333 Too bad that in Samurai Warriors series, Midorikawa Hikaru voices Akechi Mitsuhide... :@/ (Also, too bad that in Brave10, Mitsunari just shows up a bit!)

One of the Sanada 10 braves that I like the most, in this anime version, is Sasuke. <333 He's just so cute; quite shy and very good with animals (more than with people, actually ^^;) Sasuke's seiyuu is Kakihara Tetsuya who voices Akihito in Finder Series; OVA based on yaoi manga by Ayano Yamane - he moans quite nicely, I must say xp - and in Dynasty Warriors 8 he voices Zhu Ran... whom, if you yaoi-paired with Lu Xun, will become a seme, instead of an uke... Somewhat amusing, because usually Kakihara Tetsuya voices uke character in BL-Yaoi anime... And I agree that his voice suits uke role better. xp

(If I have to yaoi-pair him... With who...? Saizo? Err... I can't really imagine any naughty scene between those two... x_x;)

Here's a scene of Sasuke with his animals in hotsprings...

Another of the ten braves that I like is Rokuro; quite simply because his character design is similar with Saitou Hajime of Hakuouki... Even their personality is pretty similar... But Hajime is stronger - and cooler and sexier, in my opinion, at least... xp

Rokuro is voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi; who voices Natsume Takashi in Natsume Yuujinchou and Levi in Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan). I can imagine him yaoi with this anime version of Yukimura Sanada... Because even though his master acts and talks as if he's a womanizer, he's actually very caring and fond of Rokuro, ne... Hehehe... xp

More pictures from onsen episode:

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bears Adventures

Panda: "Roasted insects - YUM!" (>.<)

Panda: *thinking to himself* (Grizzly-san and Shirokuma-kun are such best friends; they go to the restroom together...!)

Shirokuma: "When your butt is tired of the hard picnic bench, sit on top of the cooler - guaranteed will make your butt pleasantly chilled!" d(^___-)

Bears: "Too bad we can't do anything to the squirrel..." ^^:

Until the next adventure... \(^(OO)^)/