The following pictures have Japanese text; I give the translation under each picture.
Nyanko Sensei: "I wanted a Shirokuma (= a type of kakigoori; shaved ice dessert)!"
Matoba: *annoyed*
Nyanko Sensei: "Hey, don't ignore me!"
Nyanko Sensei: "What a paradise... I've got my sake and grilled squid."
Natsume: *blushes* "Matoba-san..."
Matoba: *squeezes, squeezes*
Matoba: "N... Takashi-kun..." *kisses, kisses*
Natsume: "Ma...Matoba-san...!"
Nyanko Sensei: "Stop that! You two make my grilled squid taste bad!"
Matoba: *kisses, kisses, kisses*
Natsume: "Ah...n..."
Nyanko Sensei: *furious* "Matoba that bastard! Stupid Natsume!"
Yeahh, I made this when I was bored and feeling silly, obviously. xp I guess the poor Nyanko Sensei will always be the (grumpy) third wheel in my MatoNatsu world... ^^; Well, at least he's not being sealed by my Matoba Sim... ^^