Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Samurai Warriors Anime

Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors) anime started airing on January 11th, 2015 in Japan. Here's some pictures of the anime version of Mitsunari Ishida, from episode 1.

I think I'm done with pairing Mitsunari with anybody... for now at least. I shall just have him to myself! xp I don't think the pairing of Mitsunari x Takakage will work... Because I guess in the back of my mind, no matter how hard I try to ignore it, I know for sure the historical fact that it's Hideaki Kobayakawa - one of Takakage's adopted sons - who betrayed Mitsunari in the middle of Battle of Sekigahara that ensures the Western Army's defeat. However, don't get me wrong; I still like the Samurai Warriors version of Takakage Kobayakawa - he's still one of my favorite characters. <333 I just don't see how he and Mitsunari can click; the difference in historical timeline or not... Still, if I'm not mistaken, in a trailer video for Samurai Warriors 4.2 I think I saw a cut scene of Mitsunari interacting with Takakage... So, maybe their pairing will have a future possibility... or not... depends on whether their interaction(s) in the upcoming game is positive or not.

And I'm feeling sick all day long today... In fact, I almost fainted in the bathroom this afternoon... Maybe my time is near... So, if tomorrow never comes for me, at least the last post I made here is about my sexy Mitsunari-sama! <333