Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Well, I just happened to read in someone's blog stating that the English version for Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires is being postponed... It should have been January 25th, 2015 but now it becomes February 24th! O.O And I just checked my pre-order with Amazon, and yes, it's true; now it says the game will be available on February 24th! NOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo....!! T_T *cries a river*

And I thought it would be soon that I could have it in my paws and play it... Well, of course international shipping will take approximately a month - given if everything goes well, no delay or any problem in transit, that is - well, I thought I could play the game some time in February... Now, I have to wait until March, or even April, just to play...! *wondering if I'll still be alive by then to play it* 

*sniffling* Oh well, Xun Yu, I guess I'll see you in March or April, then... If I'm still alive... 

And just when I was thinking that I've finally found a possible - if not sensible - yaoi pair for Guo Jia...! Yeah, why not pair him with Xun Yu? They both belong to Wei, both strategist, and actually, historically speaking, it's Xun Yu who recruited Guo Jia. And it seems that there are others who also think that these two will make a good pair, because I saw some fan arts of them. xp Here's the example...

Mmm... <333 *nods, nods in approval*

*sighs* x_xm