Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: A Not So Good Start... x_x

Before we talk about what this post's title says, let me post some more pictures of our children and my new look... For my new look, well, I changed the lipstick color again, because I'm quite bothered with the pretty-bold red lips... Changed it to softer orange and now I look like this:

At least it's not as pale as the soft pink lipstick that becomes white in pictures and videos... But of course I still think that I look weirder... even though I already decided to go with this new look... I was wondering if it's because of the eyebrows shape... Maybe I should change it? :@/

Oh well, I guess ugly is ugly lah... I hope you don't mind with the-uglier me, Xun Yu... ^^;

And here's some more pictures of our children...

Xun Yi after some more editing... I've made him a bit taller too... 

Xun Lin and Xun Yi

Xun Yi and Xun Yun... Can you see any resemblance for Xun Yun? Because no matter how hard and long I stare at him, I can't tell, ne... I've said it before; I really don't know whose son he is exactly... x_x;

Anyway, I tried starting a new campaign... And like I've planned; this time playing in a scenario where Xun Yu is the ruler... Well, generating map after map after map after map... And when finally I've got one where Xun Yu is a ruler, and I joined his kingdom, like I've feared; there're generics included as officers there! x_x And I can't dismiss them because I'm not the ruler... T_T So, I tried doing it this way: first, starting with me as the ruler, chose some officers that I want - no generic! and then I just reliquished the kingdom to Xun Yu, and I automatically became a free officer, and then I joined him again! xp

Of course as time goes by, there will be generic(s) getting hired after battles... It can't be helped... Since I think I don't have right to choose who gets hired or not because I'm not the ruler this time - and knowing Xun Yu is too kind, he will likely to hire everybody - but at least at the starting I don't have to see any generic around lah... Maybe if I manage to get promoted to high rank - a marshall, perhaps? - then I can dismiss someone... And I wonder if I can finish the campaign not as a ruler; only as a subordinate... Well, I guess we'll see... 

However, shortly after I joined - or should I say; rejoined - this annoying thing happened...

Guo Jia dared to say that he's leaving! (>.<)  He said life is too short to not have more fun! Tsk! I guess Xun Yu doesn't let him have banquet every night, so that's why he wanted to leave... And no matter what I did - reloading the game, talking to him etc - I couldn't make him not leaving, ne...! Damn you, Guo Jia! I really want to kick you now! Hmph, he's currently hiding somewhere - can't find him anywhere on the map - so I can't kick him... So annoying! Come out and come back here, you... you womanizer! Or I'll kick you for real! Hmph! *snout flaring, shaking my paw fists*

I wonder if anybody else will want to leave later... Tsk, so troublesome! Wonder if I should restart? But I think even if I restart and include Guo Jia again, he will likely leave again... Maybe it has something to do with him having the evil smiley icon... So, should I continue this current scenario then? Dunno, ne... :@/

And if I recall correctly, in the previous campaign where I joined Wei Kingdom for a short period of time, I think whenever there's someone who says they're leaving, Cao Cao will respond with "Hmm..." But in this campaign, with Xun Yu as the ruler, he didn't say anything when Guo Jia bid his farewell... *frowns* Oh well, stupid Guo Jia! Just wait until I find you - I'll kick you for real!

Guo Jia: "Mmm... I'm looking forward to it... <3"

GRR!!! There goes my plan for a perfect start of a (hopefully) perfect campaign...! (>.<)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Our Children and Future Plans

No, I haven't started a new campaign yet... I tinkered with Xun Yi's face some more; though no matter how I edit him, he still looks weird - if not ugly... Especially if looked from sideways... Anyway, here's a picture of our...well, not that nice-looking children... 

From left-hand side: Xun Yun, Xun Lin and Xun Yi... Ugh, can't believe that Xun Yi is even shorter than Xun Lin!? O.o *sighs* I guess I'll need to edit him again - make him a bit taller this time... And I still think that Xun Yun doesn't resemble any of us, ne... Not me or Xun Yu... At least, Xun Lin looks a bit like Xun Yu; even her behavior is like her father - she's quite an elegant lady, ne... (unlike her mother! ^^;) While Xun Yi, I think he looks a bit like me...? *blinks, blinks* Anyway, Xun Yun is the one who looks... well... pretty different... *frowns*

And I also did some changes to my own look... I think for my next campaign, I want to look like this:

The hair with cat ears is cute, ne... Though too bad there's really no pink color for it... I mean, there is pink choice but the hair doesn't look pink... if that makes sense to you... ^^; I think I should've used this when I wore the cat costume, but, oh well, I'll just use it now... Though, I'm still kind of wondering if I really want to look like that... Don't you think that it makes me look even weirder?  x_xm And I'm also wondering if I should make my lips redder like that... I mean, I actually prefer the soft pink lipstick, but like you can see in all my DW8 Empires videos and pictures; the soft pink lipstick is too soft and comes out as white in videos and pictures... 

Hmm... *staring at the current picture of my alter ego* I really look different, ne... As if it's not me... Though I only changed the hair... and hair and eyebrows color... And the lipstick color... Hmm... I think I definitely look weirder...! x_x;

So, what do you think, Xun Yu? Do you like my new look? It can give impression that you marry someone else, though not really... xp Or should I revert back to my previous look...?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: End of Campaign

Yeahh... Finally... I finished this current campaign... And nobody dies - thank goodness! ^^; However, I think the game has become even broken - now it didn't freeze during a battle; it crashed instead! x_x *sighs* And I think my PS4 also starts falling apart for real... Oh well, my body is falling apart, then why can't my gizmos fall apart too? :@/

Anyway, I actually recorded the final battle event and the ending, but I feel lazy to upload it... Well, at least there's no generic showing up in my final battle declaration event... However, for some reason, I still got 1 generic showing up in the ending... How could that even possible!? I don't even have any generic under my command! All my 14 officers are musou officers! Even weirder is; a generic actually gave me a tactic, ne! O.O Who the hell he was?! Where did he come from!? *shakes head* This game has indeed become crazy like me... 

Here's how Xun Yi looks after some make-over... 

Yeah, I changed his hair color to black... Because I think and feel that pink-colored hair looks weird for a guy... So, changed to black lah... And I don't know what hairstyle I should give him... Can't give him the same long ponytail hair like Xun Yun ne... So, for now, I settle for this hairstyle lah... Not that nice, I admit, but it can't be helped... I personally think he will look a bit better with hairstyle that similar to Zhong Hui's... But then again, if I use that hairstyle, then whose son he will be? Xun Yu's or Zhong Hui's?! ^^; 

This campaign... I don't think that it's great or anything... But at least it's not as unfortunate as the previous one where Lu Xun died... And at least in this campaign Xun Yu remembers to gift me every now and then. <333 Or maybe it's because I kept taking break from playing the game these days, and so he kept missing me... xp

Oh well, if I'm still alive and in the mood to start a new campaign (and if both the game and my PS4 don't explode yet!), I shall do the next campaign like what I've mentioned in yesterday's post... Play in a scenario where Xun Yu is the ruler. :@)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Xun Yu and Pippi Forever ❤❤❤

I've been feeling unwell these days... Actually today too - at this very moment I'm typing this, I'm still pretty much in pain... x_x What's worse is; having physical pain along with unhappy mental... I don't have anybody around me who's kind enough (let alone love me enough) to lift up my spirit, so I have to do it myself - yeah, well, I've been doing it for as long as I can remember, so nothing new. :@/

Everyday let me hear you say that you love me... That line is the reason why I chose this Cyndi Wang's song as the BGM for the video. :@) Yeah, I know that this video is just a collection of events that you've seen so many times... Therefore, no use to watch it - unless maybe if you don't have anything else better to do. For me, at least, making this video can cheer me up a bit during these painful days...

Alright, enough about me whining, let's talk about the game... Well, the latest update for my current campaign is: I've kicked all the generic rulers out of the map... And now there are only three kingdoms left; mine, Meng Huo's and Sun Ce's. I guess I'll make Sun Ce as my opponent in my final battle, since he knows how to survive all through these years... unlike Cao Cao who disappointed me in this campaign. 

And Xun Yu remembered to gift me again! <333 And because of that, I got to hear his love words again! <333 Yeah, of course he forgives me for the bribing incident... He knows that I didn't mean to take the bribe. xp If I'm still alive to finish this current campaign and to start a new one, I think I want to play in a campaign where Xun Yu is a ruler... In this DW8 Empires game, I don't like working for any warlords, not even Cao Cao - I'd rather have my own kingdom(s), but I don't mind serving Xun Yu. <333 I guess I'll have to play with custom scenario again...

*winces* Ow, ow, my back...! x_x; Too much loving with Xun Yu night after night, ah... Hehehe xp (Nah, seriously, it's because I'm getting old ^^:)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Xun Yu And Bribing

How does the righteous Xun Yu tolerate bribing? The answer is: no, he doesn't. ^^;

YouTube Link

Xun Yu: "I never thought that you'd accept the bribe..."

Pippi: "Bribe? What bribe?" *hurriedly tosses away the gold* "I'm a good girl - and a good ruler... I don't take bribe, ne!" *blinks, blinks innocently*

Yeah, well, the video is made using the event editor, not really happening in my campaign - I will never get the bribery scene in my gameplay because my kingdoms are always righteous... But still, I feel like I've let him down, ne... ^^; Xun Yu, I'm so sorry... Bad, bad hand - why did you have to take the gold!? *hitting my own right hand with my left hand*

(Yeah, I'm weird and crazy - you should have known it by now. xp)

And today is rainy... And I feel so sleepy...

Oh yeah, I actually have recruited Xun Yun... You see, he used to be a free officer wandering around in one of Yuan Shao's territories, but suddenly behind my back, he got himself hired and became one of the officers of a generic ruler whose territory was neighboring Yuan Shao's. After I wiped out Yuan Shao and took his territories, I then also invaded the nearby kingdom... And there he was; just like Xun Lin in my previous campaign, acting as the enemy reinforcement... Together with Cai Wenji even! O.O I recall that during my days as a wandering general, there was a time when I had to fight against a vagabond army and Xun Yun was involved in it too as my enemy, with Cai Wenji also! Hmm... It seems that in this campaign, Xun Yun likes to be in cahoots with Cai Wenji... Dunno why... *frowns* Well, I guess since in my game, she can't have Xun Yu, so she's after the next best thing - our son... :@/ Though, Xun Yun doesn't look anything like Xun Yu, ne... But he does inherit his father's weapon... So, it really pains me having to whack him in battle, because it somehow feels like I'm whacking Xun Yu... x_x;

Anyway, I kicked the generic ruler out of the map for good and took his territory... And Xun Yun became a free officer again, so I recruited him lah... So that he won't get entangled with Cai Wenji again in the future... I think I saw her fleeing to another generic's territory after getting a good whacking from me... Maybe later I'll face her again in battle, if she ever gets hired again by someone... But for now, I think I should go apologizing to Xun Yu for the bribe incident, otherwise Cai Wenji may steal him from me... Can't let that happen! (>.<)

"XUN YU... MY DARLING...!!" *runs to find Xun Yu*

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Even More Guo Jia x Lu Xun

Yeah, I've returned to playing Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires again, after a few days break to play Sims 4 Get To Work. Yeah, the game dared to freeze again - for the third time - in the middle of a battle, so I had to re-do the battle again... However, this thing doesn't upset me; not this time, because... Guess what! Immediately after I went back to the game, Xun Yu gave me gift... And not just once, but TWICE! <333 *pounces on my beloved Xun Yu, squeezing and kissing him all over* <333 

Hehehe... I remember when previously I took quite a long break - like 2 weeks? - to play SW4-II, as soon as I returned to continue my DW8 Empires game, Xun Yu also gave me a welcome gift right away... <333 Yeah, I know it's random, but still... So far it already happened twice, ne... So yeah, he missed me lah! xp I guess I should take a break often so that he will miss me often and thus, give me gift often while saying, in his gentle sexy voice, that I'm the only one he loves... <333

OK, nobody wants to hear about my imaginative love with Xun Yu, lah! ^^; So, back to the reason why I made this post... Well, besides continuing my campaign - I've kicked Yuan Shao out of the map for good... Expanded my kingdom to 10 territories now - I also took some time to play around a bit with event editor again... Just for fun... And then I decided to record and upload the following video of Guo Jia and Lu Xun doing the Reliable Guardian Event, because I found that Guo Jia's line here is quite interesting... Hehehe... xp

Guo Jia: "Thanks to you (my dear Lu Xun xp), I'm saved. I shall express my gratitude, tonight thoroughly..."

Hehehe... what kind of a thank-you Guo Jia will give Lu Xun at night, ah? xp A night of thorough loving? xp

(Oh well, OK, seriously, he might just mean to treat Lu Xun to a banquet... Still, let me just indulge myself in my YAOI fantasy lah...! xp)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sims 4 Photography 2 & Some Other Ramblings

Continuing about photography in Sims 4... Well, I don't really know what the factors are actually, but different Sims can really get different results when taking photos... For some Sims, regardless of their low skill in photography, somehow they can manage to take either normal or outstanding photos... While for some other Sims, with the same low photography skill, somehow they tend to take more poor-quality photos... ^^;

Poor-quality photos in Sims 4 can be either blur or gets blackish spot - like if you take picture while your hand is blocking the camera lens or something like that... Or just like in Sims 3, you can get that annoying gnome haunting your photo... 

I was thinking that I wanted to open a photo studio... So, I had my Sim Ren quit his doctor job (heh, not really, because it's a different save xp) and start shooting some pictures to sell... But I guess I'm feeling lazy at the moment, so the photo studio is still a far, far away goal... ^^; 

Besides, Ren is busy woohooing with his oyaji lover. xp

Oh yeah, I've experimented and found the easiest way to get all the Easter eggs without having to hunt for them... xp Just buy the 10 Easter eggs from debug and then put them all in your Sim's inventory, and you'll get notification that congratulates you for completing the eggs hunt and that you've been rewarded with Bun Bun The Bunny. :@) Of course like I've mentioned before, you can just use another cheat to unlock Bun Bun, but I don't know if doing it that way can guarantee that Bun Bun will stay in your saved game when April ends... 

And I actually wanted to take picture of the freezer bunny egg... But I forgot! :@/ Next time lah...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sims 4 Photography

Sims 4 Get To Work brings back photography skill... But like I've mentioned in one of my previous posts, taking a decent family photo is still not quite possible... What you can do, however, it's something like this:

You see what I meant by taking a decent family photo is still not quite possible? Because you still can't take picture of the parents together with the children at the same time. However, compared to Sims 3, photography in Sims 4 is a bit better - they've made some improvement in this matter. *nods, nods in approval* For instance, Sims 4 photography has more poses... and good thing about these poses is, unlike in Sims 3, they're not all looking silly or weird... Some poses are actually quite nice - especially those for female Sims. :@)

To be honest, I decided to finally buy Sims 4 Get To Work simply because of the photography... Well, at first I was interested in this EP because of the retail business, but then I lost a great deal of interest  because of the aliens... Was thinking; nah, no need to buy GTW lah, I don't wanna see aliens everywhere - disguised or not disguised... However, I guess in the end, it's my curiosity for the photography feature that made me relent and bought GTW. And if I'm pretty disappointed by the retail business, at least I'm quite content with the photography skill here. I'd still want to be able to take a decent family photo... And I'd also want a self-timer camera so the whole family can take picture together by themselves; no need some stranger Sim to take photo of them... But since I can only get things half-half when it comes to Sims games, I guess overall photography in Sims 4 is quite agreeable! d(^__^)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sims 4 Doctor - Part 2

Continuing about the doctor career... *winces* I could do with a doctor myself; currently having quite a serious diarrhea... x_x; 

Anyway, here's some pictures of Sims' sickness...

That teen girl with markings on her skin is actually one of the criminals I put behind bars when I was playing as detective.

And here's pictures of scanning patient's body...

I like when the scanner makes quack quack sound... Quite funny! xp

Pictures of doing X-Ray scan on patients:

I did get an alien in disguise as a patient once... The truth was revealed when X-Raying him; that he's actually an alien... When you X-Ray an alien in disguise, the X-Ray machine will constantly make error alerts... and afterwards, it gets broken. 

Pictures of doing treadmill test on patients:

If your patient falls off the treadmill like that, it means that your treadmill test fails.

Pictures of doing surgery on patient:

Mortimer kept on coming back to hospital - he's always sick everyday, that's why we decided to put him on the surgery table. And see, we managed to pull out a Llama toy from inside his body... That must be the culprit of his recurring Llama flu!

(Oh yeah, surgery in Sims 4 use a very advanced technology. It's fast and painless; anesthetic is so yesterday! Who needs it!? *snorts* Well, Mortimer seemed to disagree... xp)

And some misc pictures...

The Easter eggs... I'll need to get 2 more... But so far I keep getting the ones that I've already got over and over again... I think there's a freezer bunny egg... Wonder where to get it... Or I should say; wonder if I'll ever be lucky to get it...

The fish is called Tree fish... I caught it while fishing at the hidden lot Sylvan Glade... I think my Sim Ren is quite a lucky Sim; even though his fishing skill is still very low, he can already catch such rare fish! 

Anyway, I'm done with whatever careers from Sims 4 Get To Work... For now... Maybe I'll get back to doing them again some time later.. Maybe not... Who knows... :@/ Now I'm going to waste my time doing something else... Well, I guess at the moment I have no choice but wasting my time enjoying my diarrhea... (who knows; this time I may get lucky and can die for real!)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sims 4 Doctor

Yeah, so, I've played detective long enough that things have started to get boring, so now I want to see how the doctor career is... And this time Ren will have the honor be our good doctor.

On Ren's first day at the hospital, the first thing he found out is...

... All his co-workers there are ELDERS!!? O.O (So much for hoping for some office romance, huh... x_x;)

At last, a co-worker who's not an elder! Just bald and a glutton... ^^; 

And the patients are still the same bunch of Sims who become my shops' customers and my victims and witnesses... I even saw one of the criminals that I put behind bars become one of my patients here. o.O Well, there are some kids as additional patients... But mostly it's the same stupid faces all over again. :@/

Also, as an intern, there's nothing much Ren could do... Mostly he just had to talk and talk and talk to your elderly co-workers (yeah, there's no need to examine and cure the patients, let them be, let's just keep talking to ourselves!)... And did some minor chores...

Like made the bed...

Delivered food to patient...

Mopped puddles... (for some reasons, there are plenty of puddles in hospital all the time...)

Once Ren gets promoted to be an Orderly, he can then do some basic examination on patients... (which I find it as quite weird, if you know the definition of the word Orderly)

His first patient was Alexander... First, he took the kid's temperature...

Then checked his eyes...

... and ears...

And then took some swab sample.

Here, while waiting for test result, have some brunch... For someone who's supposed to be sick, Alexander seemed to have pretty good appetite.

Next door patient was Mortimer... Yes, father and son were sick at the same time... ^^;

Ren now can analyze the swab sample from patient... But whether he's successful or not, he still can't do anything afterwards; can't do the diagnosis himself... So, he can only transfer the case to the senior (read: elder) doctor... 

However, once the patients have been diagnosed - the heart icon above their head will turn red from blue - Ren can treat them...

Alexander got illness called Gas and Giggle... Whatever illness that is... So, Ren gave him some medication for it and the kid was cured immediately after drank the medicine.

Mortimer got Llama flu, so he needed to get a shot on the arm... (they should've made it a shot on the butt! xp) And afterwards, he also was cured right away.

Anyway, my personal opinion on the doctor career so far... Well, for me, I don't find it as interesting as when I started playing as detective... Dunno why... Maybe because of the fact that my fellow doctors are mostly elders... :@/ To be honest, I'm not really interested to continue, but I guess I'll continue playing doctor for a little more... At least until I can make diagnose myself and do a surgery...