Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Defense... Defense... And Defense...

I'm not feeling particularly happy today, so I'm going to just make this post as short and quick as possible. Here's video of 3 defensive battles against Da Qiao's and Lu Lingqi's forces; starring me and Xun Yu.

In this third campaign, Da Qiao is the one who has quite a number of musou officers under her... But still, every time she attacks me, the officers who gang up on me are just what, 5 persons only? At most 6, maybe, but if I counted right, I think they seem to just always 5 officers. Can't be compared to Li Dian's forces that sent 9 officers to gang up on me at once, in my first campaign. Speaking of Li Dian, I don't think I saw him in my second campaign... It seems he's not around either in this third campaign... 

From these battles, I captured Cao Cao... However, I don't feel like hiring him, ne... Not this time... Actually, from first campaign where I captured and hired him, he's proven to be quite useless, ne... Plus, I somehow feel fed up towards him, so without even trying to ask if he wants to join, I straight away executed him. I hope he had managed to use all these... what, 20 + years  - or is it already 30 + years? - to get under Da Qiao's skirt, because his time is up now! 

I also captured Lian Shi from Lu Lingqi's forces... But since I don't hire female - my daughter is the only exception - I had no choice but execute her. Releasing her is not an option for me; it's either join or execute. ^^;

And Xun Yu still doesn't give me anything anymore... Not even my 6 stars weapon... But he captured Xiahou Dun and even convinced him to join! (Apparently Xiahou Dun doesn't know who executed his beloved cousin... xp) So yeah, MY HUBBY IS REALLY STILL - AND ALWAYS BE - THE BEST! <333 *pounces on Xun Yu, kissing him all over* <333

And what do you know; the kind and gentle Xun Yu actually can be quite scary too...! See in the video, how he made the enemy become purplish and twitching dying on the ground? ^^; I wonder if there's some kind of poison element in his level 5 weapon... Nah, seriously, I think it's most probably the stupid game's bug or glitch... 

Anyway, here's an update to my English version of DW8 Empires: well, I still haven't received it even though it's already April now! :@/ But it seems that my Harvest Moon Story of Seasons has shipped on time... Just that I doubt it will arrive in my paws on time... Could be it will also be lost in ocean or gets stolen by the ass custom like my English version of DW8 Empires... The same thing may apply to my Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and my Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 as well... T_T *sighs* Well, at least EA doesn't add my upsetness this time... I think I'm glad I didn't buy Sims 4 Get To Work... From what I read, someone said that the retail business is quite disappointing; customers take long time to make up their mind and buy, and ringing them up using the silly tablet also takes long time... Employees that you hire don't do anything... Makes me wonder how much profit you can actually get in one Sims day like that? Must be not much... Or probably, even, you'll earn nothing! :@/ Conclusion is; Sims 2 OFB is still superior!

I'm actually considering to just uninstall the whole Sims 4... Too much nonsense and it just uselessly takes up spaces of my C: drive...