Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Restarting

Yeahh, restarting my third campaign all over again... 

Starting out as a wandering general again... But this time I don't use the usual custom scenario - I'm quite bored with the random placements of officers and how the game always prefers to include more generics than musou officers in the custom scenario... Instead, this time I try using one of the historical-based ones... Starting in year 200... Spawned in one of Wei's territories... Come to think, in year 200, historically Xun Yu should be 37 years old, ah... (That old already?!! O.o) It's 12 years before he passed away... I don't know if this historical-based scenario will have some kind of time limit or not... I guess I'll just play it in order to find out...

Anyway, I can easily recruit Lu Xun this time because he's still not one of Wu's high-ranked officers yet... I guess in year 200, historically Lu Xun should be still 17 years old - the same age as his character's age in the game. As for retrieving both Xun Yu and Guo Jia, of course I have no choice but joining Cao Cao...

Xun Yu wasn't among the 6 officers standing in front of Cao Cao... Because in this year 200 scenario, Guo Jia filled the Wei Strategist position. Yeah, well, I guess Cao Cao has always doted more on Guo Jia than Xun Yu... Most probably because the fact that despite serving Cao Cao, Xun Yu is still loyal to the Han Dynasty. However, if I choose to play year 208 scenario, Xun Yu will be the Wei Strategist because in that time line historically Guo Jia has died. I don't know if that means later on in the campaign Guo Jia will never show up as free officer that can be recruited or not - maybe next time I'll try the year 208 scenario... 

I really have no idea what will happen later in this restart campaign... Will I manage to survive it and come out victorious like in my previous two campaigns? Or will I mess up again like in the last campaign... I think the unfortunate accident with Lu Xun getting killed during battle makes me kind of traumatized... x_x; Now I get worried every time I go to the battle; worried about the safety of my officers/allies - especially Xun Yu, Guo Jia and Lu Xun... I got so worried and distracted that even generics managed to whack me good in several occasions during battles of Cao Cao's forces against Yuan Shao's forces... And it's supposed to be still quite easy - the enemy life gauge is still short - because it's still early in the campaign... *sighs* And for whatever reason, I seem to be unable to use air musou... Masaka, it's because my skill level is still low? But if I remember correctly, in previous campaigns where I started out as a ruler, I could use air musou even though my skill level was still below 10... Currently, I'm already level 10 and still can't use air musou... Wonder why... Could be because I use that arrogant Zhong Hui's air musou? If that's the case, then I wouldn't be able to use my rage musou either later; because my current rage musou also uses Zhong Hui's... :@/ Or, most probably the stupid game has bug for this very campaign - that's why I'm only allowed to use land musou... Ha-ah, talking about the usual good luck that I have... :@/

Anyway, the details about my short service under Cao Cao would have to be continued in the next post... In the mean time, I'm quite glad to say that I finally received my English version of DW8 Empires...! At last! Well, I guess I'll still play the Japanese version simply because I've unlocked quite many events here... Starting over from scratch is just too bleh... I'm also lazy to recreate my Pippi character... So, will I never play the English version? Well, I may play it... Someday... Maybe just to see if the English version really has additional features that are added using patches - that I can't get because my PS4 isn't connected to internet... And also to see the truth about the rumor that some lines in some events don't get translated...