Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: NOOOOooooo...!! LU XUN...!!! T_T


Dammit! I feel so very upset at the moment! It's all my fault! I couldn't save him in time... And he got slain... And he's gone for good! T_T Damn you Da Qiao! Even killing her hundred times won't make it up for the loss of Lu Xun! x_x

It's all because I was too cocky - attacking the capital of Da Qiao's kingdom right away... Damn her and her forces - they really gave a very good fight! Both sides played capturing and recapturing bases... All the grand tactics that my forces tried to do always got thwarted... My officers were struggling here and there, despite the fact that we had advantage in numbers... I was really busy whacking endless enemies while healing my officers at the same time... 

For Lu Xun, he actually stayed close to me for a while... And I kept his life gauge in check... But then I got preoccupied in taking one of enemy's bases - they really didn't make it easy for me, ne! Even the grunts refused to die quickly! So, without my knowing, Lu Xun went by himself to the enemy main camp... Of course he struggled there by himself very quickly! Once I got the notice, I discarded the not-yet-captured-base and ran toward the enemy's main base to save Lu Xun... But I was too late! Before I reached there, Lu Xun already couldn't hold off any longer... I've got his farewell lines... NOOO!!! T_T

However, that time, even hearing and reading Lu Xun's farewell words, it still hadn't really shock me that much... Because I thought once I won the battle, he'd be just alright; not really die... So, I continued the battle and won... And back at my own palace, I was too rash pressing the save button without really noticing the officers standing right in front of me - assuming that Lu Xun was still there among them... Scully! After I pressed save button and looked at the list of my officers in order to heal whoever got injured from the battle, I DIDN'T FIND LU XUN'S NAME!!! O.O At that moment, I then really really understood... that Lu Xun had died for real... That in this Empires game - if you play with setting; officers death on - and if you get notice that your officer has been slain; it really means that they die in the battle... That you wouldn't see them anymore for the rest of the campaign...!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

Now that I think about it; I should've called Lu Xun to my side right away after I got notice that he was struggling... Instead of running towards him trying to save him and was too late... Perhaps if I called him to my side instead, I could still save him...

Lu Xun... I'm so sorry...! T_T If only I wasn't such an idiot! I should've looked properly before pressing the save button...! *bangs my head on the desk* Now, there's nothing I can do to undo everything... T_T My only option is just to abandon this campaign and start a new one... Because I really don't want to continue without Lu Xun, ne... He's one of my favorite characters... How could I continue now that he's dead... And I'm the one who's responsible for it!? x_x

I really feel so awful...! T_T This is the first time when I play Empires games, that I lost an officer during battle... x_x I'll start a new campaign ASAP to make up for my stupid mistake... I swear this time, I won't let Lu Xun or anyone else dear to me die! NEVER AGAIN!