Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: End of Campaign

Yeahh... Finally... I finished this current campaign... And nobody dies - thank goodness! ^^; However, I think the game has become even broken - now it didn't freeze during a battle; it crashed instead! x_x *sighs* And I think my PS4 also starts falling apart for real... Oh well, my body is falling apart, then why can't my gizmos fall apart too? :@/

Anyway, I actually recorded the final battle event and the ending, but I feel lazy to upload it... Well, at least there's no generic showing up in my final battle declaration event... However, for some reason, I still got 1 generic showing up in the ending... How could that even possible!? I don't even have any generic under my command! All my 14 officers are musou officers! Even weirder is; a generic actually gave me a tactic, ne! O.O Who the hell he was?! Where did he come from!? *shakes head* This game has indeed become crazy like me... 

Here's how Xun Yi looks after some make-over... 

Yeah, I changed his hair color to black... Because I think and feel that pink-colored hair looks weird for a guy... So, changed to black lah... And I don't know what hairstyle I should give him... Can't give him the same long ponytail hair like Xun Yun ne... So, for now, I settle for this hairstyle lah... Not that nice, I admit, but it can't be helped... I personally think he will look a bit better with hairstyle that similar to Zhong Hui's... But then again, if I use that hairstyle, then whose son he will be? Xun Yu's or Zhong Hui's?! ^^; 

This campaign... I don't think that it's great or anything... But at least it's not as unfortunate as the previous one where Lu Xun died... And at least in this campaign Xun Yu remembers to gift me every now and then. <333 Or maybe it's because I kept taking break from playing the game these days, and so he kept missing me... xp

Oh well, if I'm still alive and in the mood to start a new campaign (and if both the game and my PS4 don't explode yet!), I shall do the next campaign like what I've mentioned in yesterday's post... Play in a scenario where Xun Yu is the ruler. :@)