Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sims 4 Photography

Sims 4 Get To Work brings back photography skill... But like I've mentioned in one of my previous posts, taking a decent family photo is still not quite possible... What you can do, however, it's something like this:

You see what I meant by taking a decent family photo is still not quite possible? Because you still can't take picture of the parents together with the children at the same time. However, compared to Sims 3, photography in Sims 4 is a bit better - they've made some improvement in this matter. *nods, nods in approval* For instance, Sims 4 photography has more poses... and good thing about these poses is, unlike in Sims 3, they're not all looking silly or weird... Some poses are actually quite nice - especially those for female Sims. :@)

To be honest, I decided to finally buy Sims 4 Get To Work simply because of the photography... Well, at first I was interested in this EP because of the retail business, but then I lost a great deal of interest  because of the aliens... Was thinking; nah, no need to buy GTW lah, I don't wanna see aliens everywhere - disguised or not disguised... However, I guess in the end, it's my curiosity for the photography feature that made me relent and bought GTW. And if I'm pretty disappointed by the retail business, at least I'm quite content with the photography skill here. I'd still want to be able to take a decent family photo... And I'd also want a self-timer camera so the whole family can take picture together by themselves; no need some stranger Sim to take photo of them... But since I can only get things half-half when it comes to Sims games, I guess overall photography in Sims 4 is quite agreeable! d(^__^)