Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sims 4 Detective Oinky

I think I performed pretty well playing as Sherlock Holmes in Crimes and Punishments some time back. Let's see if I can solve some Sims' crime cases now... Oinky will have the honor to be the detective here - oink! :@)

Before that, though, let me show you the picture of Bun Bun The Bunny - the big stuffed bunny toy that can be unlocked by collecting Easter eggs during this month of April... or by cheating... xp

Quite cute, ne, Bun Bun... <333 I wonder if it will stay in my saved game once April ends... Because I used cheat to unlock it. ^^;

And now, let's see how the food-loving, childish and lazy Oinky on her first day at work...

Oh well, OK, she's not a detective yet... She's still a cadet... But not to worry, soon she will be the one and only top ace Detective Oinky! You'll see, oink! :@)

Even though she's a newbie and this is her first day at work, Oinky feels compelled to help the troubled people who come to the police station seeking for help...

Oinky: "Oh, so you suspect that there's someone who has been rummaging your trash can for 2 days now... I see, I see... Wonder what he's looking for... Hmm..."

Oinky: "I see... Your husband's name is Bob and he's so obsessed with pancakes, that he can't eat other food... can't think of other thing... Except pancakes... Even his last name is also Pancakes...  I feel for you, Ma'am..."

As you can see, the Sims who become the victims in this detective career, are the same bunch of Sims who become customers for my retail businesses... :@/ *shakes head*

And of course Oinky knows very well that having good relationship with veteran detectives is important if she wants to get ahead in her career... So, don't be stingy in throwing praising words - doesn't matter if they're just lies. xp

Done with her schmoozing, it's time to get to work! Oinky goes to check for available case assignment... And it seems that a crime has happened and she needs to go to the crime scene to help with collecting some evidence.

You can see that Oinky is the only one who actually does the work, ne... Everybody else are just sitting around and chatting - what a work ethic! *snorts* 

It seems that the criminal loves eating apples... And quite a careless fellow too; for he left behind his wallet, shoe and muddy footprints.

It turns out that the victim is the same guy who reported that someone has been rummaging his trash... Maybe it's the trash-rummager who also stole the fridge, stereo and guitar...  Then, the eaten apples could be from the trash - not necessarily that the criminal loves eating them... Hmm...

Done collecting evidence from the crime scene and took the witness' statement, it's time to head back to the police station and become a CSI...

I was thinking that the analyzer machine would explode together with the evidence... ^^; But nah, apparently Oinky was successful in using the machine to analyze the evidence, even though it's her first time using it. :@) 

Anyway, whatever the result of the analysis, since Oinky is still a cadet, she can't do anything more after that; except just writing a file for the evidence...

And then she can do some usual tasks for low-rank police officers... Like taking fingerprints and mugshots and searching suspects...

Oinky: "Let's see what you've got on you, besides some excessive body fats..."

Suspect: "Hmph, search all you like! You ain't gonna find nothing!"

Oinky: "... A-ha! Look what I found! A sicken-dead-looking fish! No wonder you smell so fishy!"

Suspect: "I-I have no idea how it could get into my pocket! I swear! I must be framed!"

Oinky: "Let's take your fingerprints, then... See if there's something fishy about them as well...!"

Oinky: "What's a grown man like you doing with a Llama toy!? How suspicious!"

Oinky: "Let's take your mugshot... Hmm... I see, you look a bit like a Llama, yourself..."

On her first day at work, Oinky did a fantastic job! :@) She earned 234 Simoleons and her work performance got a huge boost... Told you, it won't be long before she becomes a detective for real! :@) 

And if you're interested to follow Oinky on her journey to become a top ace crime-solving heroine, please stay tuned! :@)