Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Last Video (For Now, At Least)

Yeahh, the following will be the last fighting video I upload... For now, at least... I've uploaded quite a number of videos of my lousy fighting - they're all very boring, right? Why would anyone want to see more? I'm also quite lazy to bother to record my gameplay (fighting), edit and upload it... All takes time and effort, and to be honest, I don't feel I get much appreciation for it. Of course I myself appreciate what I've done, and yes, it's mostly for my own satisfaction, but it's really not enough as a drive to make me want to continue making such videos. Maybe after a while, I'll be in the mood to upload fighting video(s) again... But for now, I'm gonna take a break. 

Also, my PS4 has started to act wonky... As well as the game itself; it got frozen again for the second time while I was in the middle of a battle... Hence, I needed to redo the battle all over again! :@/

At least in this last video, I could show you the usage of Zhong Hui's rage musou... And in this defensive battle, Guo Jia and Lu Xun really got a good chemistry... You see, Guo Jia got defeated by a generic (Such a shame! Get your act together, Guo Jia! ^^;), and shortly after that Lu Xun also got defeated... And then later they returned to the battle together at the same time... Hmph, I bet they just wanted to be lovey dovey at main camp while I and the others were busy kicking those generics! xp *grabs Xun Yu's arm, and links our arms together* Ne, Xun Yu, next time we should be the one who let ourselves get defeated so that we can be lovey dovey at the main camp! <333

And I see that Xun Yi actually inherits Xun Yu's weapon - just like Xun Yun does... The previous version of Xun Yi didn't, ne - he inherited my weapon; which is Lu Xun's double blades... So I guess, this current version of Xun Yi is really better. :@) Speaking of Xun Yun, he's also included in this historical-based scenario... But as a free officer... I think I've seen him wandering in one of Yuan Shao's territories... Maybe I'll recruit him later... Xun Lin is also wandering somewhere... But I don't know if I'll recruit her this time... I'm still pretty annoyed with her from the previous campaign... ^^;

At the moment, how many territories I have now...? 4, I think... Been doing a lot of defensive battles than invasion... I captured Cao Cao and Jia Xu so many times... And I released them again... Let's see who else... Yu Jin, Ma Chao, Xiahou Yuan... All got released again... Because if I execute them, I'll be left with only generics as my opponent! Generics that get captured, of course, all must die! 

In one battle, it's quite amusing to see that Cao Pi defeated Cao Ren... and then got defeated by Li Dian...! xp Too bad so far I still can't see Cao Pi vs Cao Cao... Meanwhile Yuan Shao is still going strong with his 2 territories... One time, he lost a territory to a generic but managed to get it back... I think his time will be up once I decided to attack Ji Province... *evil smirk*

Oh yeah, in one of the recent defensive battles, for the first time I achieved total victory! In the sense that I managed to capture all enemy bases... It's blue in the entire map! Was quite amused when it happened... Because usually with just 5 minutes time limit, it's pretty unlikely to be able to capture all enemy bases in defensive battle. Guess that time the AI for my officers was really good, therefore we could achieve the impossible thing... xp BTW, I think I notice that the AI for this game is really quite unstable and unpredictable... if not weird... I mean, for example, in one battle, my officers can really fight well - capturing bases on their own and not get easily defeated... But then in the next battle, somehow they become really weak... Struggling so fast and get defeated very easily... And we're not talking about going to battle when still hurt/injured from the last battle... No, even with good health, there's always a chance that my officers will perform poorly in battle for whatever reason... But there's also a chance that they will fight fiercely and steal my spotlight... ^^; Oh well, I guess if my officers are always strong - or always weak - it will be very boring.

Anyway, I'm not sure about what I will do next... Slowly finish this current DW8 Empires campaign, I guess... And waiting for my new games to arrive... I'm not really excited for the Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, actually... But I'd like to get my Harvest Moon Story of Seasons and Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 ASAP... However, I guess the fastest I can get any of them will be some time next month... if I'll ever get them, that is... *cursing the slow unreliable i-parcel* :@/ Maybe if I feel like taking a gamble, I'll update the stupid Origin and Sims 4... See if it will fry my stupid laptop or not...