Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: The Unfortunate Things And The Not

Yeahh, Xun Yi was reborn, because the first version of him didn't get saved - because I abandoned the last campaign halfway after losing Lu Xun. Well, the current Xun Yi... still looks horrible... x_x; Now he even wears that stupid hood again - just like our first son Xun Yun when he was generated by the game... And last time, the game gave Xun Yi silly pants with unsightly tail and nail polish... Now it gave him flower bracelet! I gotta say it again; the game indeed did it on purpose, ne! Just to spite me! x_x (Although for once, the game gave me a son right away, instead of a daughter like usual - so for this campaign, I didn't have to reload the game so many times just to get a son)

But I guess at least, this version of Xun Yi has a bit better-looking mouth, compared to his previous version... His voice is also not bad... And somehow I've got a feeling that his face might look similar to Xun Yun's... Just that his hair is pink and he's shorter... Well, we'll see what exactly he looks like after I finish this campaign... If I'll ever finish it, that is...

Since I've got all events for wandering general career unlocked, I moved on to start my own kingdom... Initially I thought I'd make Cao Cao my opponent in final battle, but damned him! He really disappointed me in this campaign; not only he can't finish off Yuan Shao, he even got the nerves to be defeated by a generic! Thus, brought the end of Wei Kingdom! *shakes head* Cao Cao, Cao Cao... I guess he'd only perform well when he's under Da Qiao's skirt... um, I mean, command... ^^;

And so, fine, I'll just take the capital from the generic's claws and claim it as my own! 

The enemy life gauge in this battle is still quite short (you can compare to the video when I started my own kingdom in previous campaign) I think it's because my level is still below 30... Or maybe because unlike in previous time, this time I only raided 1 territory, instead of 3... Yeah, after the unfortunate death of Lu Xun last time, I think I'll just go slow this time... No need to be greedy and cocky; just take one land at a time and keep my officers alive... 

However, even with short life gauge, the enemy gave a pretty good fight... We did some capturing and recapturing bases; I thwarted their grand tactics, they also thwarted some from my side - they thwarted Xun Yu's flood attack and Lu Xun's fire attack, actually. But my grand fire attack that I initiated at the beginning of the battle was a success, so it's inferno for the enemy from start until the end of battle... I'm glad I could prevent Gan Ning's arrows attack... If it was successful, it'd hurt my officers real bad - maybe even kill someone - since their life gauge is also still quite short. Xiao Qiao also tried to call reinforcement but I whacked her so her plan also failed xp Near the end of battle, Guo Jia initiated ice attack that brought hail and rain... But yeah, just like when Xun Yu initiated flood attack after fire attack, this time the fire also persisted even though it's raining... I still wonder if it could be because of the wind tower...? 

Anyway, from this battle, I actually captured Cao Cao and Jia Xu... I have no mood to hire them, but I didn't execute them either... Yeah, I released them because this campaign already has too many generics, ne, if I execute them, I'd be left with only generics and generics and generics everywhere! x_x

And for some reason, my PS4 didn't record this battle properly, ne... The beginning and ending parts of the battle are missing... *frowns* Dunno why; maybe my PS4 has started to breaking apart - just like my stupid laptop... :@/ Oh well, if it wants to break, then it breaks lah... Even if, say, I can no longer record any video anymore at all, I think it really doesn't matter... It's not like I get many views for my lousy videos, anyway! So yeah, I couldn't care less! :@/

Still, there's one thing that's not unfortunate, I guess... XUN YU FINALLY GAVE ME SOMETHING! \(^O^)/

He gave me the rage musou tactic!<333 AWWWwww...!! XUN YU!! <333 THANK YOU VERY MUCH! <333 *pounces on Xun Yu, kissing him all over* XUN YU... XUN YU...!! <333 You really have no idea how you make me so happy just by giving me that, ne! Even if you only give me something that doesn't really useful, I'll still be very much happy just the same! Or, even if you don't give me anything, as long as I can keep hearing you say that I'm the only one you love... (Too bad I can only hear those words if he gives me something... So, Xun Yu, you must remember to gift me often, ne! Or else, I'll be so very very sad and broken-hearted... T_T)

Pippi: "Xun Yu finally gave me something! Xun Yu finally gave me something!" *smiling all by herself*

Guo Jia: "Hm. Good for you. So, I take it as you're not going to marry me in the next campaign?"

Pippi: "Hmph, of course not! Why would I want to marry you!" *sticks out tongue at Guo Jia*

Guo Jia: "Well, I'll just have to wait until you get depressed again because your beloved Master Xun Yu forgets to give you anything again."

Pippi: "Hmph! Just go play with Lu Xun, lah! You two seem to have good chemistry lately - even standing side by side during the founding country event!"

Guo Jia: "Jealous?"

Pippi: "As if!"

Oh yeah, I have no idea why in the Founding Country Event, Lu Xun is the one who's in the center - under the spotlight... In the previous campaign, it was Zhao Yun... So I thought this time it'd be Zhao Yun again in that spot... But it turns out to be Lu Xun, instead... Maybe the game knows that I feel guilty towards Lu Xun, for not being able to save him in the previous battle... And I want to, sort of, make it up to him in this campaign... (Or could be that it just wants to mock me by pricking on my guilty conscience whenever it has chance to... x_x)