Friday, April 17, 2015

Sims 4 Detective Oinky - Part 2

Continuing on the journey of Oinky to become a top ace detective... On day 2 Oinky goes on patrol...

Her main tasks while on patrol is to chat with civilians and to issue citation to Sims who get into a fight or litter. Well, chatting up some random Sims is easy, but waiting for a fight to happen or someone to litter is actually quite difficult... Although some Sims passing by were actually in angry mood, none of them was angry enough to start a fight... 

In fact, it's Oinky herself who almost got into a fight! ^^; Well, how do you expect her to react to an insult? Of course insult back! Mock his stupid ugly outfit and call his mother a Llama! *evil laugh* Seriously, though, I wasted so much time just waiting to be able to complete the second task... I really started to think it's hopeless - impossible to accomplish... Maybe I did something wrong because nobody fought or littered... Maybe I'd need to redo the day; maybe then, I'd get lucky... 

But then, I caught Mortimer in the act of littering! Just the perfect timing because Oinky is in angry mood because of the insulting war a moment ago and she needs to vent her anger! xp

Oinky: "A-HA! I caught you now! You stuck-up rich snob! You think because you have a lot of money you own the street, huh?! Therefore you think you can just throw your filthy garbage anywhere as you please!? Well, not today, Mister! I'm going to make you pay a very expensive fine for that! HMPH!"

Mortimer: "Oh, c'mon, officer... It's just something trivial... Let's not make it as if I've done a serious crime..."

Oinky: "SHUT UP! Or I'll increase the amount of your fine!" *continues scribbling her citation and then shoves it to Mortimer's face* "That's my account number; I expect the money transfer by the end of today... Or you'll certainly hear from me again!"

Mortimer:"Eh? Your account number, officer...?"

Oinky: "YES! Do you have problem with that!?"

Mortimer: "Ugh... No..."

Having completed all the tasks for going on patrol, Oinky can return to the police station... where she then needs to issue APB for some indecent teenage behavior...

Afterwards, Oinky heads to the park in the mission to arrest the lecherous teen. But since Oinky only knows the suspect by some clues - teen, geek, wearing blouse and skirt - she needs to ask around first, in case anybody in the park sees someone fits the description...

Thanks to the help of the good citizens, Oinky manages to track down her prey!

Oinky: "A-HA! I found you! You're the lecherous teen who have been causing restless in society for having indecent dates in kids playgrounds, aren't you!?"

Teen girl: "W-What? Officer, you've got the wrong person..."

Oinky: "Hmph, no use in denying! I've caught you in the act! Isn't this bozo standing next to you is your date for today!? You're not going to do anymore public woohoo, young lady! You're coming with me to the police station!"

Teen girl: "No, no...! Honey, say something!"

Teen boy: "Um, officer..."

Oinky: *snaps at him* "I'm in a very bad mood at the moment, young man! If you dare to step in, I'll arrest you as well for obstruction of justice!"

Teen boy: "I'm sorry, babe... But I don't want to get arrested... You're on your own. Besides, you don't kiss that well, anyway. Bye."

Teen girl: "H-Honey! How could  you...?!!" *cries*

Oinky: *handcuffs the girl* "Alright! Come along!"

Back at the police station, Oinky does the booking process for the arrested teen...

... and then locks her up.

Oinky: "Go inside! You'd better repent after spending a night with those criminals!"

Because I spent too much time to complete the patrolling task, I didn't finish many tasks on this day 2... Therefore, it wasn't a fantastic job and I didn't earn much money either... Still, at the end of the day, Oinky got promoted to become an (officially) officer! :@)