Friday, April 17, 2015

Sims 4 Detective Oinky - Part 3

So, Oinky is now an officer...

I thought I read about getting new uniform as an officer... But I think it's still the same uniform, ne... :@/

Anyway, as an officer, now Oinky can take charge of a crime case herself. So, let's head to the crime scene right away!

Hmm... It's the same shoe again! Could it be that it's the same culprit?!

At least now the culprit is smart enough to wear gloves...

It seems now the culprit is into canned soda, instead of apples...

Done taking photographs and collecting evidence, Oinky then takes the witnesses' statements.

Oinky: "Can you tell me what happened early this morning?"

Old lady: "When I went downstairs after waking up... I was so surprised to find that the big giraffe in the dining room was gone! I mean, who would want to steal it - it's too big and heavy to be carried around!"

Oinky: "Well, I'm sure it's not as big and heavy as your fridge..." *looks at the man* "So, when did you realize that the fridge and microwave have gone?"

Man: "When I wanted to grab a breakfast, of course! I'm always hungry after waking up, you know... Anyway, you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out that both the fridge and microwave have vanished! Last night when I came down for my midnight snack, they were still there. By the way, do you have any energy bar or something? I'm starving...!"

Oinky: "Sorry, sir, I don't have."

Man: "Then, you'd better find the thief quickly! Or we're all going to starve till death here!"

Back to the police station, it's time to do some cross reference in police database, analyze the evidence and make deduction from the clues collected. The suspect is an elder female, hot headed, wears short-sleeved shirt and skirt.

After arresting the correct suspect, it's time to interrogate her...

From my experience, the successful interrogation is made up by using both good cop and bad cop interactions...

First, become a good cop...

Oinky: "If you just honestly admit your crime, you'll get a light sentence... And also a tasty cake! Sounds a yummy deal, right?"

And if after some polite and kind words, the suspect still refuses to relent, it's time to become a bad cop...

Oinky: "Do you have any idea how horrible it is to live in prison?! You don't, do you!? Let me tell you, then! In prison you won't get any tasty meal - no cake, no steak; NOTHING! The so-called prison food; even a starving rat won't be willing to eat! And if you keep on being stubborn, you're going to spend a very long time in that wretched place! Do you want that, huh?! DO YOU!??"

After you successfully breaks the suspect's defense, you can get confession from them. Maybe later, if I'm not lazy, I'll record video for interrogation session. 

The next step after getting the suspect to confess their crime, is of course to lock them up. And voila, you solve the case - congratulation! :@) Of course since it's Sims game, it's so easy to solve the case - no way you'll get the wrong suspect, lah... It's not like Crimes and Punishments where you really need to think and reason very carefully in order to make the right deduction and accuse the right suspect. ^^;

Oinky: "Ne, Senpai (=senior), I just solved a case all by myself! Praise me, praise me...!"

Chief: "Poinky! If you dare to waste time flirting around here, I'll skin you alive! No office love affair is allowed as long as I'm the chief here!"

Oinky: "I won't dare, Chief. I just asked some pointers from Senpai, so that I can be a cool person like you, Chief."

Chief: "Hmm. That's good. I heard you did well in your first case as an officer. I, hereby, promoted you to become a corporal. Keep up the good work!"

Oinky: "Yes, Chief! Thank you, Chief!"

Yes, Oinky is now a corporal... Let's see if she'll get a new uniform later... In the meanwhile, upon returning home, Oinky decides to have a little celebration by making some excellent mac and cheese... She's just sitting down to eat when someone knocks on her door...

Oinky: "Eh, Senpai? Already missed me, ah? We just saw each other a few hours ago at the station... Hehehe... Come in, come in."

This fellow... I think his name is Andy... something... Barazza...? *frowns* Anyway, this fellow; does he even have a home, I wonder... Somehow I suspect that he's an NPC coming with Get To Work, ne... Or is he already always around since base game? Dunno... BTW, it's not really shown in my screenshot, but he actually has quite a sense of fashion... I mean, he wears purple shoes! xp

Oinky: "Sorry, Senpai, I only have one mac and cheese - I didn't know you'd come... Or, do you want to share with me?"

Andy: "Ah, it's OK. You just eat yourself. I'm fine."

Oinky: "OK, then." *continues eating her mac and cheese* "Ne, Senpai, do you know that it's rude to stare?"

Andy: "Oh, sorry. It's just that I like watching you eat. You have good appetite - unlike some girls that I know. And you seem so happy when you're eating."

Oinky: "Senpai, you're not flirting with me, are you? If Chief finds out, she will skin us alive!"

Andy: "No need to worry; I'm non-committal."

Oinky: "Hmm... I guess I can also become pretty non-committal myself."

Andy: "Then, no problem, right?"

Oinky: "Right."

Well, committal or non-committal, I'm not really sure that this will become a new romance for Oinky... Maybe, if I decide to follow that path... But maybe not... See how... :@)