Monday, April 27, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Xun Yu and Pippi Forever ❤❤❤

I've been feeling unwell these days... Actually today too - at this very moment I'm typing this, I'm still pretty much in pain... x_x What's worse is; having physical pain along with unhappy mental... I don't have anybody around me who's kind enough (let alone love me enough) to lift up my spirit, so I have to do it myself - yeah, well, I've been doing it for as long as I can remember, so nothing new. :@/

Everyday let me hear you say that you love me... That line is the reason why I chose this Cyndi Wang's song as the BGM for the video. :@) Yeah, I know that this video is just a collection of events that you've seen so many times... Therefore, no use to watch it - unless maybe if you don't have anything else better to do. For me, at least, making this video can cheer me up a bit during these painful days...

Alright, enough about me whining, let's talk about the game... Well, the latest update for my current campaign is: I've kicked all the generic rulers out of the map... And now there are only three kingdoms left; mine, Meng Huo's and Sun Ce's. I guess I'll make Sun Ce as my opponent in my final battle, since he knows how to survive all through these years... unlike Cao Cao who disappointed me in this campaign. 

And Xun Yu remembered to gift me again! <333 And because of that, I got to hear his love words again! <333 Yeah, of course he forgives me for the bribing incident... He knows that I didn't mean to take the bribe. xp If I'm still alive to finish this current campaign and to start a new one, I think I want to play in a campaign where Xun Yu is a ruler... In this DW8 Empires game, I don't like working for any warlords, not even Cao Cao - I'd rather have my own kingdom(s), but I don't mind serving Xun Yu. <333 I guess I'll have to play with custom scenario again...

*winces* Ow, ow, my back...! x_x; Too much loving with Xun Yu night after night, ah... Hehehe xp (Nah, seriously, it's because I'm getting old ^^:)