Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sims 4 Detective Oinky - Part 4

Oinky as a corporal, still wears the same uniform... :@/

Yeah, it's the same things all over again, lah... With the same bunch of Sims playing as victims and witnesses... *sighs* That's why there's no need for many pictures...

This fellow... I think his name is Ace... something... tried to hit on Oinky... which Oinky ignored because she's busy working on her current case... However, at the mention of some fine cuisine, Oinky couldn't help but giving him some attention... ^^;

Add clues, deduce clues, arrest the suspect and solve the case! Oinky then got promoted to be a detective! :@) Hopefully then she can finally get rid of the hideous-looking uniform!

Oinky got 2 days off... And on her days off, she...

...did some household chores, like mopping the bathroom floor...

Took picture of Bun Bun The Bunny...

Painted a painting of Social Bunny (with its both eyes on!)

Went jogging in the park...

Collected frogs and (if lucky) Easter eggs...

Went fishing...

And played chess with a sore loser.

During this outing to the park (community lot), I experienced the returning of the stuck bugs - stuck skill bar over Sim's head, stuck fork on Sim's hand... I also encountered the new addition to the Sims 4's long list of issues (I believe it comes with Get To Work or its patch) that some people have been complaining about at the official forum; the frozen Sims issue. No, the game isn't frozen, because the clock still moves, the cursor still moves, you can click on everything... It's just that your Sim is frozen, hung, not responding. I notice that the stuck bug and the frozen Sims issue are only likely to happen if you interact with some random Sims... If you just go to the park and mind your own business and not bother to interact with those strangers, your Sims are likely to be just fine - not get anything stuck on them and not frozen. *sighs*

Anyway, that fellow Andy apparently missed Oinky so he came over again... This time he actually called first to ask if it's OK for him to come over.

He came with pissed-off mood and straight away went toward Bun Bun to vent. Poor Bun Bun! I was afraid that he'd punch my poor cute Bunny toy, so I ordered Oinky to calm him down.

Yeah, Sims 4 Get To Work also adds photography skill... You can take pictures of your Sims or your surrounding and then hang the photos on the wall... or sell them at your shop... And if you have quite high painting skill, you can also paint from the photo that you take... Yeah, pretty much the same with photography in Sims 3... Though Sims 4 Get To Work also has the camera with backdrop set... I haven't really tried it, but I think even though it's possible to do group photo using it, it's still impossible to do a decent family portrait... Because the options are only take group photo of adults and take group photo of children... For a decent family portrait that includes parents and children, you'll need option to take group photo of adults and children, right? So, that's why I think a decent family portrait is still not possible... Wonder why they don't just make it possible as well... They always like to do things half-assed, really... *sighs* And I don't think there's a self-timer in that camera either... So, chances are if I play a Sims family and I want to take picture of the parents using the camera with backdrop set, if children can't operate that camera, I'll need another adult Sim just to take the picture... How troublesome! :@/