Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sims 4 Doctor

Yeah, so, I've played detective long enough that things have started to get boring, so now I want to see how the doctor career is... And this time Ren will have the honor be our good doctor.

On Ren's first day at the hospital, the first thing he found out is...

... All his co-workers there are ELDERS!!? O.O (So much for hoping for some office romance, huh... x_x;)

At last, a co-worker who's not an elder! Just bald and a glutton... ^^; 

And the patients are still the same bunch of Sims who become my shops' customers and my victims and witnesses... I even saw one of the criminals that I put behind bars become one of my patients here. o.O Well, there are some kids as additional patients... But mostly it's the same stupid faces all over again. :@/

Also, as an intern, there's nothing much Ren could do... Mostly he just had to talk and talk and talk to your elderly co-workers (yeah, there's no need to examine and cure the patients, let them be, let's just keep talking to ourselves!)... And did some minor chores...

Like made the bed...

Delivered food to patient...

Mopped puddles... (for some reasons, there are plenty of puddles in hospital all the time...)

Once Ren gets promoted to be an Orderly, he can then do some basic examination on patients... (which I find it as quite weird, if you know the definition of the word Orderly)

His first patient was Alexander... First, he took the kid's temperature...

Then checked his eyes...

... and ears...

And then took some swab sample.

Here, while waiting for test result, have some brunch... For someone who's supposed to be sick, Alexander seemed to have pretty good appetite.

Next door patient was Mortimer... Yes, father and son were sick at the same time... ^^;

Ren now can analyze the swab sample from patient... But whether he's successful or not, he still can't do anything afterwards; can't do the diagnosis himself... So, he can only transfer the case to the senior (read: elder) doctor... 

However, once the patients have been diagnosed - the heart icon above their head will turn red from blue - Ren can treat them...

Alexander got illness called Gas and Giggle... Whatever illness that is... So, Ren gave him some medication for it and the kid was cured immediately after drank the medicine.

Mortimer got Llama flu, so he needed to get a shot on the arm... (they should've made it a shot on the butt! xp) And afterwards, he also was cured right away.

Anyway, my personal opinion on the doctor career so far... Well, for me, I don't find it as interesting as when I started playing as detective... Dunno why... Maybe because of the fact that my fellow doctors are mostly elders... :@/ To be honest, I'm not really interested to continue, but I guess I'll continue playing doctor for a little more... At least until I can make diagnose myself and do a surgery...