Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: All About My Xun Yu ❤

Here's my exclusive video of Xun Yu; featuring his level 5 and 6 weapons, and also his air musou that I haven't tried before.

His level 6 weapon has attack power 35, so it reduces enemy's life gauge quite fast... But it looks like a demonic staff or something sinister - doesn't suit Xun Yu's image, in my opinion. ^^; And unfortunately, I can't seem to replace his tactics, so I can't equip him with fire attack and violent wind and healing tower tactics. You see in the video, the flood attack doesn't really cause much damage to enemy's life gauge... Because it's actually meant for attacking simple bases, and AI never use simple bases - they always automatically upgrade their bases. 

Xun Yu also doesn't have the tactic that can heal himself and his allies nearby. So, when the enemy used the poisonous gas - the green smoke in the video - that gradually reduces life gauge, he couldn't heal his beloved wife (=yours truly; me xp), and daughter. But it's OK, since he properly punished the officer responsible for the poisonous gas and the one who unfairly defeated me. I'm not that easy to be killed, anyway; just ate some healing meat buns at the main camp and I was all ready to go again! xp

In the battle where he used his level 6 weapons, I didn't include the fire attack cut scene in my video above, but actually during that battle my force used fire attack twice! O.O First, it was initiated by Lu Xun, and the second time it was by... yes, ME! xp Hehehe... I was quite amused when I saw that; even as an AI, Empress Pippi acts just like Empress Pippi should be... Yep, burning them once is not enough; gotta burn them twice! xp

Now I have 17 territories and 17 officers... Among them, now I've got a generic because Xun Yu hired him... The other 4 generics that he captured but didn't hire got released... Oh well, I guess he's too kind to execute anybody... Unlike me, who likes to execute everybody... ^^;

And it seems in this Empires game, despite having the child-making feature, you'll still get gifts from your spouse. Last night Xun Yu gave me early Valentine gifts. xp

Xun Yu: "The person I love is only you alone... This is the token of that vow."
(And he said it with that gentle melting sexy tone again...! U-UHH...! *melted*)
Pippi: "AAAWWWwww... Xun Yu! I love you too...!!" <333 *pounces on Xun Yu*

AHhh... Game husbands are really very nice! They say what you'd like to hear; they aren't demanding and fussy... And the most important, they don't hurt you! *nods, nods* And so far Xun Yu is the best of them all...! <333 That reminds me... in Dynasty Warriors NEXT, what line Guo Jia said when he gave me gift as spouse...? *recalling* I think he only said something like this; "Here, I've got something for you. I hope you like it." So unromantic...! And he's supposed to be a guy who knows how to treat women... :@/ Oh well, he flirts and treats everybody else well, but me, I guess... *can never forget his grim look when he spoke his spouse oath* I don't know what Guo Jia's lines would be when gifting his wife in this Empires game, but I bet he can't top Xun Yu's lines! xp

OK, back to the gifts... I've got two gifts from Xun Yu; one of his grand tactics - the ice attack - and a five stars fan weapon. :@) I'm not quite sure, but I think weapons with stars rank on them are considered special...? You can't buy them at the weapon shop... Can only obtain them from battle or from gift. So far I've ever got two of these kind of weapon from battles; a 3-starred rank fan weapon and a 4-starred rank of Xun Yu's weapon. The thing with this star-ranking weapon that somehow confuses me is; even though it's considered special, and yes, they have elements equipped, their attack power is not that great, ne... For instance, this 5 stars fan I received from Xun Yu; it has full 6 elements, including blaze, but its attack power is only 16... which I think equals to the regular level 4 fan. I wonder why with all the elements it has, its attack power doesn't increase?  Well, I guess I'll just have to use it in battle in order to find out whether I can fight well with it or not; whether all the 6 elements the fan has will somehow make up for the low attack power... After all, it's the token of Xun Yu's love oath for me, so I should use it, at least once, to see how it is... Right? xp 

Pippi: "Nee, Xun Yu, what took you so long to give me any gift? I was thinking you wouldn't give me anything at all..."

Xun Yu: "Ah, my apologies. I thought I'd give them to you when it's almost Valentine's Day."

Pippi: "Hmm..." *signals Xun Yu to bend down and then plants a kiss on his cheek* "Apology's accepted." <333

(I'll kiss him somewhere else in private... Hehehe xp)