Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: All About Being Ganged-Up

Yep, being ganged-up by 7,8, or even 9 enemy officers at once... And all of them refuse to die easily or quickly... Good times, good times... ^^; However, playing as Xun Yu, even with his level 4 weapon, I'm still struggling whenever being ganged-up... Dunno why, maybe I need to play him more then I can fight better as him... (well, I can always change his weapon into swords then I bet I'll fare better... But don't want! I want to play him with his original weapon!) Being kicked around by Chen Gong, Cao Pi and a  generic is totally uncool - that's why I need to edit his battle video quite much. x_x Still, he somehow managed to win the battle, despite being beaten-up (so sorry, Xun Yu, I got you hurt again! T_T) And of course I made Chen Gong and Cao Pi pay for that! Especially Chen Gong; he must pay with his life - just like Dong Zhuo who smacked-down Xun Yu previously. Captured, executed, BYE BYE! xp

If I ever manage to fight a little bit better as Xun Yu, I shall make an exclusive video of him... (perhaps not in this lifetime, though x_x;)

We used level 4 weapons in the battles included in the video above. And yet, level 4 weapons seems to hurt enemy officers' life gauge just a tiny bit with every slash. Partly because their life gauge also becomes longer and longer every time... And their slashes become even more painful too! x_x Like I've mentioned before, normal musou attack has really become useless to use against these enemy officers now... Only using rage musou then you can wipe them off quite effectively and quickly... That's why it's very convenient to have the tactic to fill up the rage gauge... If you still have some tactic points left to use it, that is. 

Actually, before saving last night, we've got level 6 weapons! (Level 6?!! I thought the highest is level 5?? O.O) Let's see if level 6 weapons can kick enemies' ass a little bit better and faster... I think I'll need a healing tower if I want to play as Xun Yu... Yeah, I should equip him that tactic... Maybe also change his grand tactics - flood and ice - as well; give him the fire and violent wind. Flood can reduce enemies' life gauge, but not as much and as effective as fire... 

Speaking about the fire attack grand tactic, I already have it now, because Lu Xun gave it to me last night... He heard my wish, ne! xp Good boy, Lu Xun! *pounces on Lu Xun and squeezes, squeezes... Oh wait, we're supposed to be brother and sister... Then, it's sibling squeezes...! xp* Once I obtained the fire tactic and used it, I learnt that the best way to do defensive battles now (just a remainder; when I started playing Empires, defensive battles were relatively easier than invasion battles... However as my level increases, defensive battles somehow become more and more difficult while invasion battles become more and more easier) is to use fire attack. I've proven it twice in 2 different defensive battles and the result is very satisfying! :@) You see, after the fire attack activates, the enemy gets weaken and then you can even strike back at them - yes, no longer has to be in defensive mode until the time limit ends. Of course, you need to make sure that the fire attack can be successfully carried out... I'm thinking later I'll try combining fire attack and violent wind... Activate the fire first, because it will burn until the end of the battle, and once the fire starts, use the violent wind... Should be a very nice result! xp (BTW, in the last battle in the video, I used the violent wind tactic... Though maybe the result didn't look as cool, because it was an easy invasion battle)

Anyway, the video above can also become some sort of memorial for Li Dian's force which has been destroyed last night... Unfortunately, not by me, but by the other kingdom whose ruler is a generic... They attacked Li Dian's capital, and at the same time I attacked one of his territories next to mine... And after the battle finished, I found out that Li Dian had already been kicked out of the map! I thought he'd somehow survive... again... But I guess not this time... Li Dian's kingdom and mine really have a long history back; we fought then became allies, then fought again then allies again, then fought again then allies again... ^^; And I think the number of times he attacked me is more than everybody else's. 

And so, there are 2 kingdoms left... The kingdom ruled by generic has 9 territories and 60 officers! O.o Well, it's 56 now actually because I've disposed 4 of their officers. While my kingdom has 15 territories and only 15 officers... Ain't that great?! xp That kingdom also has 0 gold... Dunno how they manage to hire 60 officers and survive with no gold at all - the miracle of AI, I guess. ^^;

About gold... I've mentioned in yesterday's post that I've got quite plenty of gold... But I still haven't got the second town inspection event, ne! Wonder why... Is it supposed to be 999999 (6 digits) gold, instead of 99999 (5 digits)? If it is, then I'll need some more time to reach that amount; currently still 2 millions something... Or maybe I need more territory? More shops? (For some reasons, I also always lack of materials for building and everything else - there's just not enough of them! And the material requirement to build shops just continues increasing!) *sighs* Before I get that event, I don't think I want to finish this campaign yet... So, I'll try my best to stall... Which makes me wonder also if there's time limit for conquest in this game... If I just attack the enemy's capital, and successful, then all their territories automatically become mine and it means, all China becomes mine, then this campaign is over... But then again attacking the capital while they still have 56 officers? Even if it's just a game, I gotta be crazy first to do that... ^^; 

(Also, let me play house with Xun Yu a bit longer... xp)

Oh yeah, Samurai Warriors 4-2 is released today! And I've bought my copy from Amazon Japan earlier today... If things go well, maybe next week or end of this month I'll receive it... Yeah, I know, playing with all the kanji again... x_x; But then again, there's still no info whether the game will be released in English or not... So, yeah...