Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Empress Pippi

Well, I guess even in DW, my alter ego still looks as weird as ever... ^^;

And I guess outdoor palace is a bit too bright... Maybe I should change to indoor one... Or could it be that I set the brightness a bit too bright... 

Anyway, this kingdom of mine will have only gorgeous guys... Yep, my own harem! xp There, I already have Guo Jia and Xun Yu... <333 I also have Lu Xun and Zhao Yun. It's enough for the starter, I think. I chose normal difficulty and Guo Jia, Xun Yu and Zhao Yun start with level 14 and 15. Only Lu Xun who starts with level 6 like me - dunno why; I thought he'd start with higher level too.

Now, with me as the only girl around, let's see how many confession I'll get... Hehehe... *looking forward to it*