Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: All About Rage

I messed up and Xun Yu got smacked-down by Dong Zhuo... (So sorry, Xun Yu! T_T) Of course I made sure Dong Zhuo pay for that! The following video is also featuring Rage Musou (It's so easy to achieve Sparking!!! in DW8 Empires, I see... ^^)

So, what happened last night is after succeeding in defending my territory yet again, I then proceeded with my plan to attack back one of Li Dian's crumbling territories near mine. It was quite an easy battle because the enemy was already weak... I did anticipate Li Dian would bring his generals from the capital with him like whenever he attacked me, but he didn't for whatever reason; I was a bit disappointed, to be honest. ^^; 

And then, while I was resting after that invasion, the damned Wei Yan took the other territory - of course it was easy for him because I had been weakening that area! (>.<) And the nerve he had; after stealing my prey, he dared to attack me! I kicked him and his filthy force (including Dong Zhuo) out and yet he was annoyingly persistent and attacked again immediately! So, I kicked him again and then I took that territory that was meant to be mine in the first place! V(^___^)V Also, I finally caught Sima Zhao when I played as Empress Pippi and I asked him to join, but doggone-it, he refused! O.o Seems he's more happy joining Wei Yan and Dong Zhou now (he used to be a part of Li Dian's force). I was hesitating whether to release him or execute him... Oh well, I already captured and executed his parents, so, OK lah, I released him... x_x But on the other hand, his older brother, Sima Shi, finally agreed to join me, and so did Liu Bei... *sighs* This current kingdom of mine is very, very far from what I visioned as my ultimate harem kingdom which is full with gorgeous guys... T_T 

Now I have 9 territories and just 9 officers... While other kingdoms just have like 2 or 3 territories but they have like 20 officers or so. Ain't I some Empress or what?! ^^; Well, I don't want to recruit generics and it seems that I'm not popular among enemies' major generals (no doubt since I always kick them good ^^;) so it's not easy for me to recruit any of them even if I capture them in battle. At this point I've decided; I'm not going to care about my lack of officers... So what if nobody wants to join me? I shall conquer China with only this small force of mine - just watch me! xp 

At least all my officers love me... ^^; Speaking of that, last night Jia Xu confessed to me and with his, my confession list is already full. Next time someone confesses, I'm not going to accept it, because if I do, Xun Yu will get kicked out of the list. Well, I can always make him confess again, of course, but nah, with this current condition of my kingdom - not as I want it to be! - I don't feel like getting any more confession; which would be Sima Shi and Liu Bei. In fact, I'm thinking of getting married soon... Well, yeah, my title is still lousy, I guess, but at least my skill level is already 40... Xun Yu's title is very nice - special, even; King's Strategist... and his current skill level is 32. Hopefully the game would be smart enough - or should I say, merciful enough - to give the best of our titles and our skill levels to our child... As for the child's appearance, I won't hope much - heaven only knows what kind of disaster the game would generate as the so-called our child... x_x;

And so, tomorrow's post may be all about marriage,,, Or maybe not... See how... Oh yeah, one amusing thing that I notice about Xun Yu; he's so well-mannered that he even says 'Please excuse me' while slashing his opponents... ^^; Now, if this game has NSFW event, I wonder if he would also say 'Please excuse me' before doing it... xp 

(Well, if you're curious, I'll tell you once we get married... Hehehe... xp)