Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: My Date with Xun Yu ❤

Hehehe... Nah, seriously, it's one of the game events; the town inspection one. I believe this game randomly chooses one of your officers to accompany you in this event... I don't think I've got Xun Yu accompanying me because he's my husband, but more possibly because he's also my strategist. Anyway, whatever the real exact reason/criteria the game has, it's another pleasant surprise that this game gives me. xp There's still one more town inspection event that I haven't unlocked for whatever reason - I read that the condition to unlock it is to have plenty of gold... 99999 gold? I think the amount of my gold is already 6 digits, ne... I hope I can unlock it before I finish this campaign... And of course I hope it would be our date again... Hehehe xp

And last night Dian Wei gave me one of his tactics... And who would have guessed that it's the teleport tactic that I've always wanted! \(^O^)/

Dian Wei: "Here, little Sis. I've got something for ya."

Pippi: "OH!" *eyes lit up upon receiving the teleport tactic from Dian Wei* "TELEPORT TACTIC! Brother Dian Wei, thank you very much! You're the best brother in the world!" <333

Dian Wei: *blushes, scratching his bald head* "Well, I'm glad that ya like it..."

Pippi: "Xun Yu, Xun Yu!" *bouncing happily towards Xun Yu* "Look what Brother Dian Wei just gave me! TELEPORT TACTIC!" *showing off the teleport tactic in my hands at Xun Yu*

Xun Yu: *smiles calmly* "I'm happy to hear it. You've been wanting that tactic, have you not?"

Pippi: *nods her head hard* "With this, I shall not let Xun Yu and everybody else get hurt in battles anymore!"

HOWEVER! The reality is very far different from what I expected it to be... x_x; When Li Dian's force attacked me yet again at the place where the map is troublesome, I tried using the teleport tactic to send me to one of my bases in far far away that was under attack... But you see, this teleport tactic doesn't allow you to choose where you want to be teleported to... NO! Instead, it just teleports you to the nearest base! O.o In the end, I still had to run the long way and two of my bases still fell... I gotta say that for costing 3 tactic points, this teleport tactic is really not worth it! x_x I really can't see the use of this teleport for me, since I can't choose where I want to go... Well, maybe it's convenience if you want to escape from enemy's ganging-up... But why would I want to do that - running away from enemies?! For me, instead of wasting 3 tactic points to escape, I'd rather use the points to heal myself while kicking the enemies' ass! 

And speaking about tactics, I mentioned in yesterday's post that I don't really care much about the grand tactics... Well, yes, I don't... Because most of them aren't really effective and yet costly... Except for the fire and the violent wind. I happened to see the violent wind available at the shop last night, so I grabbed it... This tactic is very handy because once it activates, hard wind will blow enemy officers nearby you away - you literally capture them without having to fight and defeat them first... NICE! It will also reduces the enemy's force by quite a significant amount... Also knocking off enemy soldiers; making it faster to seize enemy bases. However, it doesn't last forever... I think, only 60 seconds? It'll make an even bigger damage if being combined with summon wind tactic... Unfortunately, I can't find the summon wind tactic at the shop yet... Anybody in my kingdom has it?? *looks around*

Unlike the violent wind, the fire attack will burn forever until the battle finishes. It reduces enemy's life gauge by half all across the map. This grand tactic is also not yet available at shop, but I think Guo Jia and Lu Xun have it, because I saw them using it in our recent battles. Then, I guess I'll just have to wait patiently for Lu Xun to give it to me... Hopefully he will... And hopefully I haven't finished this campaign yet... ^^; Oh yeah, the odd thing is, in one of the previous battles, I think I saw Xun Yu initiated a fire attack... But he doesn't have the tactic, ne... His grand tactics are the flood and ice/hail... I don't think it's possible, even for AI, to do the attack if they don't have the tactic...? Or is it? Or maybe I saw the notice wrong... Yeah, all the kanji, dunno lah! xp

And there are some things I want to correct about the child-making feature. First, I thought it'd take 3 years after marriage to have your child born and then another 3 years for the child to appear; all grown up. The correct thing is; the whole process of child-making takes 3 years after the marriage. So, it's correct that my child Xun Lin was born 1 year after my marriage with Xun Yu and then 2 years after she's born, she showed up; all grown up.

Second, I thought the parents' skill levels will be inherited by the child... But actually, it's only the title that will be passed down. So, it's also correct too that Xun Lin starts on level 6, because she's not meant to inherit either mine or Xun Yu's skill levels. And about the title, the game always chooses the highest/best title from the parents to be passed down to the child. So, I guess actually if I married Xun Yu as early as he confessed to me, our child would still inherit his title... Yeah, because his title is the special rare one... It could be even when I finish this campaign, whatever title I'd get as my final title would still lower compared to his. ^^; 

In Xun Lin's case, since she inherits Xun Yu's title; it means she also has Xun Yu's tactics... Very nice, but she'll need to have higher level first - level 20 maybe - before she can get decent amount of tactic points to be able to use the fully heal life and musou gauge tactic and the filling-up rage gauge tactic. I've brought her to battles twice so far and she's now on level 10. Bring her to battles 5 more times then maybe she'll reach level 20 and can make her battle debut (as in I'm playing as her ^^;). Well, actually in the last invasion battle, she did quite well, ne... Defeating an enemy officer by herself... The enemy officer was a generic, of course, but still, it's not bad... considering she's level 8 (not yet 10 when the battle was occurring) and the generic must be level 40 something or even higher... Since now we fight with enemy life gauge getting longer and longer... x_x;