Saturday, February 28, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: A Bit of Ranmaru Mori

Since I had to play and finish the spider freak Hisahide Matsunaga's campaign in order to unlock Takakage's, I might as well played a bit as Ranmaru.

I really don't like Ranmaru character design in SW4 (and 4-II) somehow... In SW3, I guess I still find him... well, OK, lah... But I think he looks the best, so far, is in SW2.

Anyway, in Honnouji stage, the last battle for Hisahide's campaign (not the battle in the video above), I really learnt it the hard way that it's very, very important to pay attention to the missions' requirements... Because not paying attention not only can make you fail the mission, but also, in the Honnouji battle, such ignorance can bring you defeat, even though your characters still have plenty of life. That's what happened to me! x_x; I was like... WHAT!? How come defeated?!! I still had life, ne... Motonari as the allied commander also still had life, so why defeated!?? O.O And if you're defeated, the game won't allow you to clear the campaign, hence won't unlock the other campaigns. So, I had to re-do again, and this time I stared and read (well as far as I can in recognizing the kanji words, that is ^^;) carefully all the requirements for winning and defeat, as well as every time I got mission during the battle, I'd pause for a while to stare at the mission's requirement and made sure that I did exactly what the mission wanted me to do... And then, finally I could finish the battle - without the game suddenly declared that I was defeated again - and won. *slumps in exhaustion* x_x;

And so, finishing Hisahide's campaign unlocks Takakage's and also Takatora's campaign. I'm playing Takakage's now... Dunno if I'll be playing Takatora's... I mean, if I play him, he will eventually whack Mitsunari, right... CANNOT! x_x

Pippi: *watching Ranmaru vs Takatora fight with Yoshitsugu, while eating steamed bun* "Ne, Yoshitsugu, your old friend, Takatora, is really weird."

Yoshitsugu: "Oh? How so?" *helps himself to a steamed bun*

Pippi: "He told me that the one thing he can't stand the most in the world is steamed buns. He said that if someone throws steamed buns at his house, he'd surely die because he can't stand it."

Yoshitsugu: "Hmm... This is the first time I heard about it."

Pippi: *nodding while munching on her steamed bun* "Yeah, weird, right? Anyway, I got curious, so I bought plenty of steamed buns and went to throw them at his house."

Yoshitsugu: "Then, what happened next?"

Pippi: *snorts* "Of course he didn't die! Instead, he forced me to help him eat all the steamed buns! Hmph, I think he just wanted some free steamed buns - tricking me like that! Thanks to him, I was broke instantly and got stomachache for days!"

Yoshitsugu: "I didn't know Takatora is capable of something like that..."

Pippi: "You know, he also compares himself  to a hand towel! Saying that just like a hand towel that can be thrown away once it becomes a useless rag, he is someone who's dispensable too."

Yoshitsugu: "Well, that's just how he is. Selfless and very dedicated."

Pippi: "Hmph, more like blindly dedicated, I'd say! No wonder he can click with Tokugawa. That tanuki doesn't even blink or think twice if he has to sacrifice his men just so that he can get what he wants. I believe he thinks that it's only right and proper that his men must die for him. Only a fool who wants to follow such leader!"

Takatora: "Whom did you call 'fool'? You shouldn't talk bad about other people while eating, or you might get choked by your steamed bun."

Pippi: "Heh, I see that you've done already. Ranmaru kicked you good, right."

Takatora: "Hmph, I won't be defeated in my campaign."

Pippi: "Who wants to play your campaign! No way I will do that - you'll whack Mitsunari-sama in the end!" *sticks out tongue at Takatora*

Takatora: "Hmph, now I want to whack that annoying fox even more!"

Pippi: *throws her half-eaten steamed bun to whack Takatora's head with* 

Takatora: *catches the flying steamed bun with his hand* "What a great timing; I'm feeling hungry after all the fighting."

Pippi: *shouts at Takatora walking away with her steamed bun* "Hey! Give me back my steamed bun! You're supposed to hate steamed bun!" *huffing, glances sideways at Yoshitsugu and sees that apparently he has finished his steamed bun* "By the way, Yoshitsugu, I've been wondering about how you eat and drink... I mean, I don't think I ever see you pulling down your collar in order to eat and drink.... So, how exactly you manage to eat and drink??"

Yoshitsugu: "That's... A secret." *continues upon seeing Pippi's disappointed face* "I may tell you, if you play Takatora's campaign, though."

Pippi: "Hmph, it's OK. I don't really need to know."