Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires : Final Battle and Ending

Yeahh, so, I finally did the final battle last night... It happened a bit faster than I planned - I hadn't even reached level 80 yet - because the other kingdom really pissed me off by attacking me 3 times consecutively! (>.<) Therefore, I attacked their capital in return! And I expected the same vigor and amount of 40000 something troops like when they attacked me, however, they always only had 6000-7000 troops at most when I invaded them - makes me wonder how the heck they could amass 40000 troops every time they attack me... *frowns* And so, the final battle was quite anticlimatic... Too easy...

If anyone's interested to know about the dialogues, I'll just translate them loosely... (and better not believe me 100% because I can make it up myself! ^^;)

In the cut-scene before the final battle, Empress Pippi said that we're only a step away from uniting the land... So, let's go now and kick the enemy's annoying ass out of the map for good! xp

When soldiers opening the gate doors, Empress Pippi said that somehow, it feels like a dream...

And then she said that thanks to everybody's help, she becomes the sole ruler of the whole land. From now onwards, continue to support her, ne. xp

And Xun Yu replied her that she did a wonderful job; uniting and bringing peace to the land. From our hearts, we shall continue giving our support.

I don't know why I got generics in my ending movie... Why the game didn't put some other major generals instead of those generics...?! :@( Yeah, that's the final blow that destroys my dream of having a harem kingdom... filled with gorgeous guys... x_x; Well, at least I still got Xun Yu and Lu Xun... And Guo Jia... I think he's just being forced to tag along because of his position as a great general in my kingdom... (Yeah, I know; Guo Jia as a great general! xp)

And maybe I saved wrong (or not?), but it seems that after you finish a campaign and you save your character(s), the only thing that's saved is the title they earn from the campaign... Their skill level isn't saved. So, if I begin a new campaign with Empress Pippi again, I'll have to start from level 6 again! o.O Well, I understand that if you can save the skill level as well, then the game will become boring fast... but at the same time, it makes me feel like my progress during playing my first campaign is for nothing... No trace left of it, except for the title - that I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's quite lousy ^^; 

There's also no trace for relationship either... What I like from Dynasty Warriors NEXT is, even though you've finished a conquest and your relationships (spouse and siblings) get reset, there's still evidence of it in the characters' profile. For instance, when I had Guo Jia as my spouse in Dynasty Warriors NEXT, even after I finished my campaign, I went to the gallery and viewed Guo Jia's profile, and I'd see that he has spouse status... And the status will remain there forever; until, if you delete your save or it gets destroyed somehow. In this Empires game, I don't see anything like that... Nothing in Xun Yu's profile... Or Lu Xun's... As far as I can see... 

Oh well, at least I can see many facial expressions of Xun Yu in his character profile...

... Also hear his lines for different scenes and scenarios... <333

And I've saved Xun Lin and gave her some make over... Nah, not really, I just changed her voice and outfit. I left everything else intact just like how the game generated her.


Xun Lin AFTER:

Well, maybe later I feel like changing her outfit again, or her hat or her shoes... But at the moment, I'm quite satisfied with her new appearance. :@)

And so, that's the end of my first campaign... I'm not really proud of it... I made mistakes (mostly stupid ones xp)... But then again, it's not entirely a horrible campaign... Hopefully when I do the next one, I can do it better... (or scully, even worse!? x_x;)

Oh yeah, before I forget to mention; if you notice in the video above that somehow my fan weapon looks different compared to the one in previous video... Well, it is a different fan... It's a 6 stars fan Xun Yu gave me a short while before we did the final battle. :@)