Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sengoku Musou Anime: Countdown to Sekigahara Battle

Sengoku Musou anime episode 4, in which Battle of Sekigahara will unfold, is airing today in Japan... But I'll have to wait until at least tomorrow to be able to watch it on streaming site. I do hope that SW4.2, on which the anime is based, will have good ending for Mitsunari-sama... but when do my wishes ever come true? And still, even though knowing the prospect of seeing my Mitsunari has to die yet again, I certainly will not miss episode 4! I have unlimited boxes of tissues, and... *preparing my time machine so that I'm ready to time-slip anytime*

And, being kicked when I'm down is something that's so familiar and ordinary - it happens every time - and yet it still manages to administer some pain each time. Well, this much won't kill me, I guess - because if it did, I would have died long time ago (such a pity actually!). Anyway, even if I'm rejected everywhere else, I still have this blog as a place to call my own; a place to rant whenever and however I please; my junk sanctuary...