Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: FRUSTRATED! x_x

OK... Forget marriage, I'm too busy doing defensive battle after defensive battle! Good grief; what's wrong with this game... Being attacked from different sides every month...! No time to heal, no time to fulfill my half year agenda, no time to do anything else but defending! Allying with another kingdom, if they agree, but then after the alliance ends, they immediately start attacking me again! x_x Well, I did manage to do 1 invasion battle and now my kingdom has 10 territories. But I spend more of my time doing defensive battles than invasions... There should be a title for defending your territories 100 times - instead of just 5 times - I'd surely get that title easily! 

What I recall from playing Empires game for Samurai Warriors, I don't think I had ever been attacked so fiercely every month like this, ne! And you know, defensive battles recently have become quite difficult too... I suspect as my level increases, somehow the life gauge of the enemies in defensive battles also gets longer and they get harder to kill. Only using Rage Musou then I can wipe them off quickly; can't defeat them fast enough using normal attack or even normal Musou! *shakes head*

I don't know lah... If I'll ever survive like this... x_x The grim situation of having to fight all the time aside, I'm also quite worried about Liu Shan that I just hired... Even after I took him to battle, he's still on E level... I don't have time to raise his friendship level by talking to him - I'm busy fighting - so, if he's going to stay on level E, it will be just a matter of time before he rebels... Ugh, I think I should have executed him when I captured him, like I planned to do! But I ended up hiring him, instead...  AARGHH!! T_T

Maybe I should start all over again and this time use EASY difficulty! I don't even know whether there's a time limit for this campaign... It seems there's not, but can't be really sure... :@/ I don't know ne, I think I must have done something wrong, that's why I keep getting attacked... Maybe because I execute too many people... ^^; 

Or... I can just keep on playing like this... Defending, defending, defending, struggling, struggling, struggling... Maybe let's see how long I can survive like this... Talking about fighting till death, ah... x_x

Oh yeah, I'm now using Lu Xun's double swords for both my weapons, because it's already quite difficult to fight effectively using a fan... I always can fight a bit better using double swords. 

Also, Sima Shi confessed but I rejected him. And now that my confession list is already full and I already rejected someone and I haven't gotten married yet, the stupid  -and unfair! - game now keeps on introducing me to generics! x_x Like I want a generic as a spouse! I kill all generics, ne! If you give me time long enough to breathe, I'll go get married already, you stupid unfair game!