Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: A New Beginning

Yeahh... I've started a new campaign last night... Still with the same main cast; Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Lu Xun and Zhao Yun... But now plus Xun Lin and Zhu Ran... I included Zhu Ran this time because: 1) his seiyuu is the same person who voices Sasuke in Brave 10 anime, and 2) in the first campaign, I fought him quite often but never managed to capture him - not even once! ^^; 

For this second campaign, I chose to start from the north top most of the map... Not quite what you'd call as a rich region... But that'd be another challenge... Let's see whether I'd be a little bit wiser this time around... Or maybe even dumber... x_x; Well, so far I'd say I have a pretty good start... It's only my 4th year and I've already got 2 territories (in first campaign, I think it was in my 5th or 6th year that I started to expand my territory), got 2 brothers (Lu Xun and Guo Jia this time), got a handsome loving husband (yeah, of course, Xun Yu <333) and also got a son! \(^O^)/ I got married as soon as Xun Yu confessed to me this time, because like I've mentioned before, even if I waited for a decade or two, I don't think whatever title that I'd get by then would be any better than Xun Yu's. And the child won't inherit my skill level, no matter how high it is. So, just get married now lah; our child will certainly, definitely inherit his title, anyway. Plus, it will make Xun Yu always forever on S level. xp

Here's a video of me doing Siblings Oath with Guo Jia:

I must say that Guo Jia's line for Siblings Oath is better than his line for marriage... He said: "Betting my life, I'd like to make your wish(es) come true. That'd be the proof of my existence." Nicely said, Guo Jia! I expect you to perform much better this time, now that you're my brother... and you're still also my great general... ^^;

I'm still wondering whether I can get more than 2 siblings in this Empires game... I know in Dynasty Warriors NEXT, I can only have 2 siblings... If in this Empires game I can have more than 2 siblings, that'd be nice... Aside from the fact that your brothers will give you their tactics, they will also always stay on S level no matter what. I'd like to add Zhu Ran as my brothers, if I could... Because he has that violent wind tactic... And Guo Jia, besides having the grand fire attack tactic, he also has the tactic to summon wind... Just imagine, combine all of them together... xp And I think I'll just wait patiently until Xun Yu gives me the tactic to fill up the rage gauge... I know that in first campaign I can buy that tactic myself, but in this campaign, I dunno, I think it'd take some time before I can build enough numbers of academy in order to be able to buy some new various tactics. Also, being given is better than buying myself, because I don't lose gold that way xp (and it's a token of Xun Yu's love vow to me too! xp)

Anyway, for this second campaign, I changed my primary weapon to Da Qiao's heart staffs... Or whatever its official name... I call it that way because the staffs have heart shape... ^^; No particular reason why I chose her weapon... Just curious and bored with the same old fan... I think it'd be pretty fun to whack enemies with heart-shaped staffs while scattering flower petals... xp I also changed my musou attacks... For the normal land musou and rage musou, I use Lu Xun's now... For air musou, I think I use Zhu Ran's now... I'll show it how they look like once I have a battle worth recording and sharing... ^^;

Speaking about musou attacks, it seems that I was wrong about Xun Lin's... While she inherits my fan air musou, for her normal land musou, she inherits Xun Yu's actually, along with her rage musou and true musou. And while Empress Pippi as the main character started on level 6 again in this second campaign (and with commoner title, as well... You see, no matter what title your characters earn from the previous campaigns, if you use them as your main character in the next campaign, they will always start on level 6 with commoner title), Xun Lin started on level 15, same with Xun Yu; all thanks to the title that she inherits from him. However, currently Empress Pippi is already on level 20 - higher than everybody else's in her current kingdom. xp

And I wonder how our son would look like... He hasn't showed up yet... Actually, the  game gave me another daughter, but I exited without saving and reloaded the game again to see if I could get a son that way... And YES, I COULD! :@) So, reloading the game DOES give you different gender for your child... I suspect this game somehow always gives you daughter by default, so if you don't reload your game, then you'll always have only daughters... Well, if you don't mind, then it's OK... But I'd say; exploit the game - that's how we're going to get what we want! xp

So, I gave our son name Xun Yun... That's the name of one of Xun Yu's sons in history... I hope he won't look too weird... And I hope he won't be short like me... And I certainly definitely hope he won't inherit my current weapon...! It won't be cool to see him running around holding heart-shaped staffs, really... x_x;

*makes me wonder; if the generated child looks too weird, will exit and reload the game make the child look a bit better?*

Oh yeah... I see that my Samurai Warriors 4-II is now in customs... *has nothing else to say, but groaning*