Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Mitsunari no Jiken

Battle 4 of Risou no Shou is Assassination Attempt on Mitsunari... by Kiyomasa, Masanori and Takatora. But before we watch the battle video, here's the event where Mitsunari recruiting Sakon...

So, basically what happened is Sakon actually bid his farewell and Mitsunari tried to make Sakon stay by promising to give him stipend of 2 koku... But Sakon laughed and said that with Mitsunari's stipend, he could afford to pay 4 koku instead of 2... Upon Mitsunari fell silent, Sakon then asked seriously, why didn't Mitsunari just say that he needed his (Sakon) help... Now that Kiyomasa and Masanori had left. Then Mitsunari awkwardly asked Sakon to support him... And Sakon agreed. 

Personally I still like the SW2 version of this recruitment event better... where Mitsunari looked all cool, high and mighty,,, xp Oh well, I guess, in a way dare to show/admit own weakness(es) can be called bravery too...

And now, the battle 4 video...

I remember that in SW2 there's also this stage of assassination attempt on Mitsunari... However, if I recall correctly, it was in Yukimura's path, not Mitsunari's. 

And in this battle 4, I must admit that I failed 2 missions because I didn't pay attention to the requirements. For example when fighting Takatora, I should have defeated him as Sakon, not as Mitsunari, because the mission said so... But when I played this battle, I really didn't pay attention... At first I thought maybe there's a bug in SW4-II too, just like in SW4 that make you fail doing a mission though you successfully did it... (in SW4, the bug is in Sekigahara battle, for mission to defeat the traitor Hideaki Kobayakawa and his cronies... Even though I've kicked them all, the game somehow doesn't think that I have and after the time for the mission runs out, it will say that I fail the mission).... Only when I made this battle 4 video, that I realize that the game clearly stated that it must be Sakon who defeat Takatora... See, it's even on the video thumbnail now - taunting me and my stupidity... x_x; Well, I did notice the attack icon that's being crossed above Takatora's head, and I did wonder about it... But I guess I was too slow to think and realize my mistake... orz

I was also surprised when playing this battle 4 because... what, Tokugawa is my ally!!? O.O I don't remember for sure, but I think in SW2 version, Tokugawa didn't come helping in this assassination attempt on Mitsunari... And then now, being helped by Tokugawa... Ugh... Gives me a creep! x_x;

And so, we're now talking about the event after the battle 4... 

Basically the event is about Mitsunari thanking Tokugawa for his help in the previous battle (battle 4)... Ah, as expected of my Mitsunari-sama...! <333 Even though he doesn't like Tokugawa, but since he has been helped, he can't be ungrateful... Even if doing so (=thanking Tokugawa) means he must swallow his pride... And later, Sakon said to Mitsunari that if Mitsunari wished, he would take Tokugawa's head right there and then... But Mitsunari didn't agree; saying that the day will come when they can fight Tokugawa fair and square... 

Ahh, Mitsunari-sama... You're just too good (even if you act like a bad guy most of the time xp)... Tokugawa doesn't deserve it! Look what that tanuki will do to you in Sekigahara...! :@(

Oh, I think I need to correct my previous statement... It's actually in this battle 4 that I got kicked around (by Kiyomasa, actually) until on the verge of death... Not in Sekigahara... 

So, next is battle 5... Battle of Sekigahara... Even though I've edited it, it's still quite a long video... I've mentioned that in SW4-II Battle of Sekigahara took longer time to finish... See if I can manage to upload it to YouTube with such big size... Well, even if I can't, I'm sure nobody will miss it.

And also! I've deleted my NSFW posts... I've even removed NSFW word from my blog description... I've removed the adult content notice as well... Because there's no more NSFW in this boring blog...