Monday, February 2, 2015

Sekigahara Sunset

I knew this would happen, but still...

... MITSUNARI-SAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...!!! *howling with Yukimura* T_T

I RESENT THAT! x_x I DEMAND HYPOTHETICAL STAGE! x_x I don't need that kind of sad drama...! Is it because in SW2 and 3 Mitsunari already has good ending, so he's denied of it in SW4 and SW4.2?!! :@((

*sighs* I guess it's alright if I never have chance to get SW4.2, then... Besides, it's not yet known whether it'll be released in English too or not... And if not, buying the Japanese version from Amazon Japan will likely just end up like my Japanese version of DW8 Empires - the shitty ass customs steal it! x_x

Mitsunari-sama... T_T *goes weeping and mourning for 7 days and 7 nights again*

(Oh, the video is being blocked worldwide again by YouTube... :@/ Well, I still can watch it here in my blog page, hopefully you can too.)