Monday, February 9, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Siblings Oath (and other ramblings)

A month or two after my marriage with Xun Yu, Lu Xun suddenly said he has something to talk about with me. I was surprised thinking that he wanted to bribe me too, like Zhong Hui and Jia Xu... I was like, 'No, Lu Xun! Not you too!' x_x; But then I saw the word brother and immediately I understood that he wanted to do the siblings oath with me. And I was surprised too that different genders now can do siblings oath in Empires... I mean, I thought all along in this game series the siblings oath is for characters with same gender, so there's only sworn brothers or sworn sisters. Also, in some DW8 Empires gameplay videos that I watched, I only saw siblings oath between 2 guys or 2 girls so far. 

And I don't know why it's Lu Xun among others who wants to do the oath... It's also quite a mystery just like why he was the first one to confess. Maybe he knows that I use his weapon, so since I didn't choose him to be my spouse, let's become brother and sister, then! xp But come to think, I rarely have to talk to Lu Xun personally in order to maintain his friendship level, ne... I just bring him to battles every time and he's always easily on S level - it's easy to please him, I guess... xp Lu Xun, you're really a good boy! <333 

Shortly after Lu Xun, it's Dian Wei who wanted to be siblings... It's quite surprising too because it's only recently Dian Wei joined my kingdom. So, now I have shota brother Lu Xun and muscle brother Dian Wei. :@)

Just like in Dynasty Warriors NEXT where your spouse and siblings will always be loyal to you no matter what, I think the same rule applies here in Empires. For months now - or should I say two years now, to be exact - I notice that Xun Yu, Lu Xun and Dian Wei are always on S level, even when we don't go to battle and I don't personally talk to them. 

Another perk of having spouse and siblings in this game series is that they'll give you gifts. Last night Lu Xun gave me one of his tactics... He is always generous. <333 I wonder if Xun Yu will give me one of his tactics... Or is it because now there's child-making feature in this game, your spouse won't give you any gift...? Because the child is the gift? ^^; Well, anyway, if Xun Yu wants to give me one of his tactics later, I hope I'll get the one that fully heals both life and musou gauges - the expensive one that costs 5 tactic points to use it. I still haven't found it in the tactic shop, ne - if it will ever show up there, that is. I've already got the one that fills up rage gauge; costs 4 tactic points to use. Xun Yu also has that tactic. Another tactic that I want is teleport - it will be very convenient during a battle whose map is troublesome; must go all the long way to face the enemies, no shortcuts whatsoever, while you're running there, your bases are falling down... x_x; I don't really care much about the great tactics like fire, flood etc, actually... I leave it to Xun Yu to do that for me; I'll just have to make sure that his great tactic gets carried out by not letting the bases essential for the tactic fall into enemy's hand and of course not letting Xun Yu the caster of the tactic defeated.

Speaking about tactic points, I really don't know where the heck to look up for it... So, I don't really know how many tactic points I have now - but I think the higher your skill level is, the more tactic points you have - and of course during battles, I don't know how many tactic points I still have left to use, if I have already used one or two tactics. Well, if you try to use a tactic and nothing happens, then you'll know for sure that you've run out of your tactic points - too bad for you. ^^; It happened to me once when my skill level was still low... I was ganged-up... and was in the need of healing badly... I tried to use the heal tactic but nothing happened... I was like, EH!!? Ran out of tactic points, ah?!! NOOOOoooo...!! T_T And at that point, I really felt I had nothing to lose; if I have to die there, then I shall die fighting! Not really sure how I managed to survive... Just desperately slashing the enemies while my red life gauge was getting redder and shorter... And then somehow a healing meat bun dropped from the sky... And I was saved... ^^; This game is really pulling my leg... 

OK, back to siblings oath thing... Actually, I'd like it better if Guo Jia who became my other brother, instead of Dian Wei... Well, maybe he will later, if Empires allows more than 2 siblings... And I know that in my current DW8 Empires posts I talk more about Xun Yu than Guo Jia, but it doesn't mean that I no longer like him. He's still my favorite in DW series - together with Xun Yu now - but the reason why I don't go to battle as him in Empires is because, well, I've played as him many times in DW7 and 8 Xtreme Legends... Though maybe I should at least play him once in Empires, to know what kind of tactics he has... Also, for whatever reason this Empires game never randomly brings me together with him; I mean, for instance, at the start of a battle, the game will randomly position me and my officers in our different bases... In 20 years of my kingdom so far, not even once this game put me in the same starting base with Guo Jia. I was placed in the same starting base with Xun Yun several times; other times, I was all by myself or with any other officers - never Guo Jia, though. And during battles, the number of times I accidentally ran into Guo Jia's base and fought alongside him is also not many. Even though I do view the officers placement before starting the battles, once I'm in the middle of fighting, I no longer remember who in which base. So, if it seems like I tend to wander into Xun Yu's base, well, that's pretty coincidental; I just follow the enemy's movement. xp 

Another thing that may affect my not-so-close-relationship with Guo Jia in this Empires game is; I notice that Guo Jia has mischief/evil smiley icon... While I think what I'm taking now is the righteous path, since I don't do bribe, not stealing from people or any other evil deeds - that's why my current smiley icon is the broad smiling one... Xun Yu and Lu Xun (and probably Dian Wei too) have the same smiling icon... So, probably that's the reason why this game maybe consider me and Guo Jia not quite compatible. ^^; Maybe if take the evil path, then he and I will become bosom buddies... Though I wonder why Guo Jia has mischief/evil smiley icon... I don't think he's an evil person - flirty and ladies man, yes,  but evil? *tilts head sideways, wondering* I don't recall anything about him in history that indicates him as evil... The ones that got called evil strategist is Chen Gong and Jia Xu, ne... I don't remember what smiley icon Cao Cao has... Should be evil too, if not then I don't know the reason why the game doesn't give him that. If you watch Three Kingdoms movie/drama, you'll see clearly that Cao Cao is not what you'd call a good person... He's ambitious and cunning. On the other hand, it's clear to me why in the game Xun Yu is being considered as righteous; it follows what the record depicts Xun Yu as (also about him being tall and handsome xp). Despite owing Xun Yu a great deal for his successes, Cao Cao abandoned him quite easily just because Xun Yu disagreed with Cao Cao's ambition to become a duke. Some suspects that Xun Yu's death not long after the conflict is because Cao Cao has something to do with it...