Thursday, February 26, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Raiding Oda's Castle

Mugenjou (Infinite Castle) mode has 2 stages; the Infinite Castle itself and the other is what I'd call as castle-raiding... Not quite sure what the official name for it, so I just call it that. xp Depending on which castle you raid, you can get reward of skill books (used to unlock skills and thus, unlock items that can be equipped in battle) or gold. You'll get evaluation too on how well you perform overall. So far I only managed to get B... 5 minutes time limit is too short to defeat all enemy officers, ne... Or, rather, I can't defeat them fast enough... :@/ 

No choices for difficulties in Mugenjou mode, as far as I can see... So, all is default to crazy... All enemies ganging-up on you; all slashing and poking violently... Of course in the Infinite Castle itself, the higher floor you go, the crazier things will be. In SW4-II, enemy officers don't use musou attack - unlike in DW8 Empires - but they slash/poke/kick you violently and painfully all the same. And in SW4-II, even though your level is up, your life gauge is still the same very short... So, dying all the time is really not something uncommon here. Plus, I can't see any healing item available in Mugenjou mode... Except by leveling up; then your life - and musou gauge - will be fully healed... But shortly after that you'll most likely find yourself dying again... ^^;

Still, there's an item that can help you survive a bit longer... If you're lucky enough to unlock it... This green shield item; it's called NO DAMAGE... If you can see in the video above, with its garbage quality courtesy of YouTube, when I used this green shield item, even if I got slashed and kicked around, my life gauge wasn't affected. However, since the item is still level 1, its effect only lasts for 20 seconds... After it wears off, of course if you get slashed and kicked, you will lose life again. This green shield item can be used more than once in a battle, but you gotta wait until it recharges itself before you can use it again. I think it's better than the healing dango item in SW4; that can only be used one time in a battle.

And speaking of unlocking skills and items... I dunno why but it seems I can't unlock Mitsunari's fast and plenty enough. I mean, he's the character that I've played the most so far; therefore, his level is the highest so far - 21 or 22... However, I can only manage to unlock 2 or 3 skills for him so far; so he still has no item whatsoever available to equip... On the contrary, my alter ego; Pippi, is currently the lowest level among the characters that I've played so far, but I've managed to unlock quite a lot of her skills, so she already has some items equipped on her. I think, for Sakon, he already got 2 items equipped... For Yoshitsugu, I think he hasn't got any item yet but I already unlock some of his skills... The same with Takakage too... Dunno, it seems that only Mitsunari whose skills and items are difficult to unlock...

Also, dunno why, I can't seem to get the correct color for my eyebrows in SW4-II...! x_x; The mismatch color between my eyebrows and my hair maybe not that obvious in this YouTube video, but it's very glaring in the original video file on my laptop. SW4 - and 4-II - custom character editor doesn't have many colors selection for eyebrows, unlike DW8 Empires', but at least in SW4 I could find eyebrows color that's less mismatch with my hair... No luck so far in SW4-II, though.

Pippi: "Ne, ne, Mitsunari-sama! I got B for my evaluation, ne! Not bad, right, considering my low level and lousy fighting technique... So, praise me, praise me!"

Mitsunari: "Hmph, why are you so happy getting only B! When you get A, then I'll praise you!" *pushes Pippi's face away with hand* "And your mismatch eyebrows color is scaring people!"

Pippi: T_T *pouts, rubbing her pushed-away face* "I know that B is not as good as A! But at least it's better than C! Who is it again that raided Tokugawa's castle and only got C result?"

Mitsunari: *red face* "That's because those stupid flag bearers kept on running off! I wasted so much time just to chase them around the castle!"

Sakon: *chuckles* "Tono, I guess you aren't good at playing tag."

Mitsunari: *snaps irritatedly at Sakon* "Shut up, Sakon!"

Pippi: "How about Takakage-sama?" *looks at Takakage* "What result do you think you'll get?"

Takakage: *looks up from the book he's been reading* "My skills is still pretty low too, so I probably won't get any better result than yours... Umm..." *suddenly looks troubled*

Pippi: *tilts head sideways, blinking at the troubled-looking Takakage* "Yes?"

Takakage: "... I really don't know anything about fashion or trend, but I think you look better with your old eyebrows color..."

Pippi: T_T "Please stop making fun of my eyebrows...!"

Yoshitsugu: "I still like you, even with your new eyebrows."

Pippi: *wet eyes beaming* "Yoshitsugu!" <333 "Eh, wait a minute... You didn't say that just because you want to go against the flow, right?" *looks at Yoshitsugu suspiciously*

Yoshitsugu: "Oh, so you know?"

Pippi: *falls over* x_x;