Tuesday, February 3, 2015

OH! Happy Day

Because my DW8 Empires - my Xun Yu - is finally HERE in my paws! WOOHOO! \(^O^)/

Well, I know that I'm still mourning about Mitsunari for his unjust death in Sengoku Musou anime... But what to do, the game unexpectedly came today...! Forgive me, Mitsunari-sama... I AM still feeling sad about what you have to go through in the anime (also in SW4 and the upcoming SW4.2), but at the same time I'm also glad that I've finally got Xun Yu... Please forgive my unfaithfulness...! m(_ _;)m

*staring at Xun Yu staring back at me from the game cover, lets out a relieved and content sigh* :@) Now, we'll just see if the game can be played on my PS4 machine... Hopefully it can... Also, hopefully I can play well with all the kanji... ^^;